Friday, May 17, 2013

August 12, 2012

What a wonderful day!  Today we were set apart as Family History Missionaries in the Lovell Wyoming Stake for 24 months.   We will serve under the direction of our Stake Presidency & also Denny & Linda NeVille who are the Directers of the Family History Center here. We are so excited.   We will be teaching leaders & members about a program called, "To Turn the Hearts", doing outreach into the community, & working in the Family History Center.

Our setting aparts were special, among the many blessings were that of health & strength. We were blessed that we would be able to help people find eternal happiness thru Family History, & that we would draw even closer together as a couple. Our faith was acknowledged & we were counseled to continue doing the extra.  We were told to continue doing temple work. We were also told that we had already been blessed a lot in our lives, & that the Lord recognized our service.
Our afternoon was spent studying FH info.   We also visited the MTC by viewing "An Army of Faith - Inside the MTC" a documentary by Carol Makita.
We are so very grateful for our wonderful family!   We love you all so very much & appreciate you support!    We feel honored to be among the missionaries in our family!
Our Love,     Mom & Dad

Rena and Bob

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