Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 12, 2013
Dearest Family,
Thanks so very much for all you sweet gifts & Birthday-Mother's Day calls!  Love you all so very much,  You are such great examples to us!
    Lots of great work sessions with people, some indexing, some FH!  One sister found the marriage of some ancesters in in Ireland!   Was wonderful,  she just did a search by their names & there it was!  Indexing sure does make all this so very much easier!!!!!!  More miracles happen!
    We never cease to be amazed!  We have several new sisters, over 80, who we are helping. They each are mastering the computer & loving to do the work, they enjoy it so very much! They feel they have something to do which is important & they are very right, they so enjoy feeling the spirit!
    Wednesday night was so great!   One ward has about 20 youth, we divided them in half & used the FHC & the public library!  They wanted to find names for the temple & we did.  We pray they will continue to work on it, there are so many youth activities going on the next month & their Temple excursion is the middle of June!  Their goal is to be totally self sufficient!  One young man was trying very hard to find names doing a lot of searching and looking and after pages of results found a name while lead to him adding 3 generations to his tree, over 20 names total.  I think they will accomplish it.  That would be 5-10 names each. How wonderful!
    Several mornings or afternoons were study days, it seems there is alway plenty of that.   One morning  we prepared  an outline for indexing, just a short quicky, to answer basic questions.  We are also preparing for a Family History consultant mtg in 10 days. 
    Dad & I had a pleasant morning at Horse Shoe Bend this week doing a service project.  Many screws had fallen out of the dock,  so we replaced 100 of them.  Put the boat in, & worked from it!  Also took a short ride, it was a beautiful morning! 

In the afternoon be made two house calls. Mom got a new Bosch bread mixer for her Bday and Mothers Day so we made bread and rolls – works awesome. She and Kaitlyn used it a day later to make a large batch of cookies.

    We just got some things from Wendy Croft’s friend about her life and passing a few months ago. We are just starting to look at it and will share the info later.
    We love you all, & pray that each of  you "Mothers" had a wonderful day!   CTR & thanks for your prayers! 
    Mom & Dad

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