Saturday, May 18, 2013

October 28, 2012
Dearest Family!

 Stake Conference a regional one over the TV was so inspiring and uplifting!
Well, just to summarize, this week we did 6 home visits, 1 1/2 hour to 2 hours in each home.  (Plus our FHC times on Sun, Tue, Wed evenings!) These are one of my favorite things to do!   I enjoy working one on one with people! Several were older sisters, where it takes a lot of repetition!    It is something which brings a lot of satisfaction, one is contributing to a great cause!   Both of these sisters have the time & want to feel productive. We were teaching them to index!  They can be "Saviors on Mount Zion"   by providing records so that others can find their ancestors! The spirit surely does help them!
Our Monday at the public library was productive!  I was teaching mostly about the temple! She hopes to be able to go to the temple in December. Dad was helping JQ  with research! She had received an obituary from her grandmother which listed a half brother & brother to her grandmother who were living in Canada. New information comes from lots of sources.
Another miracle happened, also.  Last week, one day when I was arbitrating, I accidently downloaded 4 batches to index, which is something I never do!    At the time, I came very close to returning them, but didn't. Fast forward to Wed. evening with the YW in the Byron ward.   I was  helping a Laurel, inactive girl who doesn't come very often.   My computer would not connect to the internet, but the thought came, I wonder if I can work off line on one of those batches!  What a blessing it was, we were able to get into them.   She was really excited about what we were doing.  I talked to her on Saturday, she had downloaded the program, & had done some more!  That accident last week, was not an accident, I was being prepared for something on Wednesday!   I am so grateful for His hand in this great work. Dad helped another group use their hand held mobile devises to do indexing.
Spent Thursday in Billings, Darece, Joy & I were able to do some family names at the temple.
Was also able to do Visiting Teaching, finally!   It was a challenge this month, don't like to wait until this late. Dad spent his day at home watching new training videos given during general conf week to the Gen Authorities. He also made more apts for us and got his quail ready for winter moving them into 2 pens with heated waterers .
Friday & Saturday we accomplished a de-clutter detail in between our regular schedule.   In Byron they have an area for FH, which was filled with old unusable, microfiche readers, microfilm readers & 2 old computers. Dad was able to contact various people & find out that they just needed to be thrown away!!! Friday was 12’F really cold so we stayed at home to watch the Lovell / Glenrock playoff football game. We won 55 to 6 I think.
As of Saturday afternoon the Byron ward project is DONE!!!!!   Now they have a place to have a class, where people can bring in laptops to work on!    Sure made us feel great to get that accomplished.
Sorry I am a little late with this, spent my evening last night visiting with Vickie, sure was nice!
Love to all of you & CTR!
Mother & Dad 

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