Saturday, May 18, 2013

September 16, 2012
Dear Family,
    Times flys when you are having fun!   We celebrated  our "1 Month" Anniversary as missionaries by teaching at a meeting of all the Family History Consultant in the Stake on Wednesday.
    It was nice to work at the Community Blood Draw for the Health Fair doing data entry, service is always great! Mon & Tues from 6:30 to 10:00 a.m. I enjoyed it!
    We also went to the public library from 2:00-5:00 p.m. We are excited to have this opportunity. A lady come into pick up books for her husband, & expressed an interest to get her FH organized & brought up to date with the living people.
    Attended a funeral for Carol Banks, what a sweet spirit, she was quite a lady, mother, & great example to all of us!
    Greg Martin came in the the FHC on Tues Evening! We have been trying to get  together with him for some time & were finally successful. He is a convert who Dak introduced to the gospel & now lives in Lovell in Rob's ward.  On his father's side, he & Bob went back 4 generations.  He was so excited!!!! & the same will probably happen on his mothers side!  What a wonderful spirit was there! He is excited about doing temple work!
    Wednesday was an especially busy day, helping in the center 10:00 to 3:00 with a little rest, then back to the meeting at 6:00-7:00. After the meeting, we helped consultants sign into Family Tree until 9:00 p.m. Wo-o-o-o , this is exhausting work!!! but we love it.
    We love the temple also, & were able to go on Friday, sure was a nice day, but extra cold in the temple, even for me!
    And now it is already Sunday evening, we visited 2 ward councils today, went to sacrament meeting in one.  Each ward is different, but they are all excited about using family history in so many ways to "turn the hearts" Our FHC time this evening was productive also. We are blessed that there is always some one to help & serve!
Our Love & remember to always CTR
Have a great week!
Mom & Dad / GRena & GBob

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