Friday, May 17, 2013

August 23, 2012

Watching these videos will let all of you know what we are doing. Every area of focus is covered here. We also work in the Family History library several days each week. We will do community outreach to teach families or classes in FH and indexing at local public library, etc. The new website is also up for the Lovell Wyo Family History Center. We will be meeting with 3 wards this Sunday to get things started for them then a continual follow up to train and encourage as they work with families in their wards. Our main contacts in the ward will be Bishop, HP Grp lder and the FH Consultants. We don’t have a specific “P”day but can take time as available for those things. We do a lot of scripture, FH and indexing studying each day. We need to know all the program better than anyone in the stake to advise others. The FH program is changing so often its intense to stay current on it alone.... We are to be visible to the community as a resource to help anyone without proselyting them. If they ask we can answer their questions or send the FT Missionaries if they desire. We can go with the FTM or ward missionaries when families have FH needs then get the ward consultants involved.
We will send all of you a lot of emails with FH – indexing info attached for you to use with your own families and friends.
Love Mom and Dad

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