Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 5, 2013
Dearest Family,
Last Monday, a.m. in the grocery store I saw Heather, a young mother,  4 children 11 months to 8 yr, We had taught her to index a month ago & she is just loving it! She sayes it just makes every day great & works perfect for her.  She finds it so rewarding! JQ & I worked in the FHC today, the public library was closed.  We feel like we have finally entered all the info she has on the descendents of her grandparents!  It will be fun to get back to doing some research!  Our FHE was great also,  A High Priest Group Leader & his wife.  He testified that he feels that it is his time to do this work, he's a convert, so it is exciting for them to work together on this!  In two weeks they will be starting classes in that ward with members of the bishopric & their wives. This ward will really go!!!!!!
We have had several appts almost every day this week, indexing & Family history to help with, then there is also phone help!  It was nice to help teach at a FH consultant mtg also this week - there is always something new to learn. We even got some more yard work completed between our appts.
This week has also been a service week in ways besides FH!   Baked several batches of bread, there were 3-4 people, to share it with!  Dad had a family whom he home teaches, the father had been in the hospital! Also did Chicken & Noodles for a sister I visit who had just returned home from hospital after surgery.  It was also our turn to clean in the church!  Service is just the greatest! We were able to watch the LHS Prom grand march at the Hyart and see many of the youth we work with plus Krista and Nate!  And thanks to Ryan,  he showed up on Saturday at precisely the right time to help Dad do the hard work of replacing the thermo couple in the hot water heater! Sure a lot easier for a young guy to crawl on the floor to change it out. Plus he learned how to do something that happens around the house quite often and to do it yourself saves an expensive service call. That was a blessing!
We were able to attend two Eagle Court of Honors,  Kirby, Dad's Home Teaching partner & Nathan's   Congrats to both of them!
We so appreciate your love & prayers,  All of you are great examples of service, isn't that what missionary work is all about!
We love you all, & CTR
                 Mother & Dad

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