Saturday, May 18, 2013

January 6, 2013
Dearest wonderful family!
    Dad went fishing at Deaver with the Fike boys, got one big crayfish was all. It was a great time together!   I visited Dak (thanks for the adjustment) & Joy, helped her tie the last of her girls quilts which they made last summer, now only the binding is left!    No public library again this week, but were able to work with the Sister Missionaries a couple of times.
    It was also great to read thoughts from Elder Russell M Nelson's talk at the MTC on Christmas.   He said for Missionaries "to make FH consultants their 'closest ally' in softening the hearts of those investigating the Church. Together they can help investigators identify an ancestor, an ideal way for to show love for those unfamililiar with the Chuch. Also is included a panel discussion of Church leaders and what happened at this Oct conference. (see attached doc) We also had a New Years Day Dinner at the Grants with Fikes & Croft's.  yummmmm. We were so happy to open the FSearch Center for several people who wanted to work on FH that day! It is a privilege to serve!
    Lots of time was spent helping set up the six new Lenova all in one 22” computers in the Family Search Center.   We have made progress, but there are still a few things to do.  We were able to take two of the older computers to Byron & get them all set up for people to use for Family History there. 
    We are beginning to get back in the routine, helping several sisters with Indexing at their home’s again.
    Today we also taught a FH Class in L1 ward, the first of four lessons.  Two other wards will be starting the same plan next week. After we do these then the ward consultants will take over & we will be there to help so there is a 1-2 consultant ratio, Helps the bros & sisters learn faster. Some of the wards are including consultants who need training in these classes, so they can help also!   We trained consultants and leaders in C2 and L4 today.  We met with several consultants to prepare for them for  their lessons next week. We were blessed to hear & share our testimonies in the Lovell 1st ward today. Our evening in the library was quieter tonight, I helped one patron, & Dad installed wireless print drivers on the new computers.  I think that was a blessing, my mind was just about exhausted!
    We were able to see Nate and others wrestle, watch some minutes of BB on TV where youth we know were involved at the high school and NWCollege level. This helps use to have thoughts to share when we see these youth “on the street”.
    We feel so blessed,   we have health, strength & energy to do this great work!  Where ever we are, the foyer, the restroom, or at a wrestling match-----someone asks us about the work & shows interest!
    CTR  we love you all so-o-o- 
Mother & Dad

Gdpa Bob, Ky, Chalin and Tchae ice fishing at Deaver Reservoir


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