Saturday, May 18, 2013

January 13, 2013
Dearest Family!
    Wow!   We have enjoyed this week so very much!  There has been phone support with people, setting up of appointments & a few canceled appts!  A Snowy & cold day kept us inside with time to do Prep! There is lots of flu around & we are trying to stay clear of it!  We have been so blessed so far this winter, no illness!     
    Our Public library day was great with a patron for each of us to work with! We enjoy that so much! Another Sister helped me cover the FHC on Tuesday evening while Dad went to his monthly Friends of Big Horn Lake Meeting.
    Wednesday was one of the highlights of the week!   We went to the temple, I was planning to do a family name which I had just printed the request for.  As things happened, that was not possible & the thought came, "There must be someone else who needs their work done today"    I proceeded to get a name,  Mrs Chu Lee from Korea, born in 1370, (that's correct, it isn't a typo, 1370).  She surely had been waiting a long-g-g-g time! I did have a sweet, special feeling during the session, knowing she was happy!  We arrived home & finished prep for the 6:00 P.M. Monthly Family History Consultants Training Meeting. Tonight we gave the lesson on "Preparing Names for the Temple"  We had a good gooup there & felt like they learned something.   At 7:00 P.M., a ward YM's group of 10, came in to find names to take to the temple. They have so much excitement, are so enthusiatic, & love the work.   They were becoming familiar with the program & loved finding original records about their ancestors.   They are bringing the YW of that ward in next week to help them!  What fun   & the blessing are great for them when they do this work!
    We are always reviewing. Last night, when we were doing our final prep for today, we discovered all the help  material had been reorganized!   Keeps us on our toes, but everything was there for the lessons we were giving today. We gave lessons in 3 wards today. Our lesson in Cowley was done on laptops, a first. usually we are in the FHCenter. Internet connections have been fairly decent. We set up appointments also to help several, who want some help on their own computer at home.We did go the Sacrament Mtg in one ward, & I went to RS in another ward while Dad went Home Teaching!
    Have a great week, & CTR!!!!       We love you all!  Mother & Dad

Gdpa Bob using the snow blower on the deep snow.

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