Saturday, May 18, 2013

September 2, 2013
Dearest Family, 
Another great week, with progress being made!
Tuesday we visited the Public Library, we feel this a place to begin, doing outreach into the community! There are several FH subscription programs available there for free & also available in the Family History Center for free.  We will volunteer there on Monday afternoon 2 to 5pm to help people do Family History.  Advertising will be done thru the library & Community Rec. There is also a possibility of  having community FH classes this winter!
We helped the FT Missionaries continue to learn FH, plus a new one just arrived in the Mission field!   Also helped a sister set up the indexing program along with giving training   While helping her, in conversation with Help lines in SLC we learned a new way to retrieve lost user names & passwords without an email address.  Some how we missed recording a step or two, or something??????  We have been in several conversations with Support & still haven't figured it out.   Sometimes it works & sometimes it doesn't  -- We are still waiting for the inspiration on that one - it will come  -- sometimes it just takes a while to hear the answer!
Our nights in the Center were productive with several people there.   One sisters commented" I just like to come here & work because I feel the Spirit"
Wednesday was our day in the FH Center with Sister NeVille. What a blessing to have a very busy day, helping brothers & sisters in the gospel.  We are still struggling with the password thing, but were able to help a couple with info they wanted to find. It was a harvest of new info and they were so excited, and feel more comfortable now working at home.  They will be back! WE so enjoy working in the center as well.
We were so blessed today to make arrangements to help one of the Priest Quorums who desire to learn, act & share their experience in FH (both family search and indexing on smart phones, ipads etc)!  The priests will come learn then bring the teachers and deacons back in 2 weeks to teach them.  Then they will all work on getting names for a youth temple trip. The priests will also later have a date night at the FHC, get some names for baptisms then take their dates to the Temple to do baptisms. The evening will conclude with dinner together before returning to Cowley. We are learning the youth in the LWS are truly being showered with the Spirit of Elijah and loving it!!!!
We will be helping another ward YW group have a FH evening or two prior to finding names for the temple. They will also learn how to index. These are just two examples of what’s happening here!!!!
One evening we set up the Rain Gutter Regatta for the Cub Scouts. that was a change of pace. Every time we are out we pick up more folks who want FH help. Being visible is key to getting the community into “Turning Their Hearts”!
We spent lots of times studying the past few days,  trying to figure out the password thing.  We also have been studying a few videos about transitioning from  to FS/Family Tree. As we learn & study, it is easier, with Heavenly Fathers help, we will be able to teach & inspire others so that they will learn quickly. The youth eat up this new way of doing FH searching!
We had several choice experiences while visiting with a Bishop & his wife in their home! Another Bishop caught us at an athletic event excited about having their youth experience FH’s blessing!!!.
We have also completed some more Declutter projects at the FHC,  disposing of microfish, I think that one is finished! The Center needs to be first class and up to date on it’s offerings!
We did some “Pday” on Monday and Friday. Spent 3hrs together Friday at BHLake in the boat - lots of small catfish and 2 big carp were fun to catch! Plus got of chores inside and out done.
We hope the internet links we send out are being used! FH and indexing will bless all our lives!
Our love & remember to always CTR, 
   Have a great week!  
  Mom & Dad

Gdpa Bob landing a nice fish in Horseshoe Bend

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