Saturday, May 18, 2013

January 20, 2013
Our Dear Family!
    Each  week goes by so very quickly! Each one the same but different! Monday morning prep & visiting at the Grants, quiet day at the Public Library!  It was great to help Peggy & Harlow Brimhall. Dad helped Harlow install some things on their computers & Peggy & I worked on indexing, & various questions, problems etc. We have worked with several Ward Consultants this week, preparing to give lessons in their wards. It was also good to continue the declutter project in the FHC. This week ended with just 4-5 questions unanswered, always things to study to help people.
    Wednesday was one of the eventful ones, especially in the evening!   A ward brought in 20 youth & we maxed out the whole system.   They were so patience with the whole thing & after prayer, we did get back online!   Miracles do happen! Not only were we able to help them, but they helped us.  We were able to have Stake leaders on hand, in the building, over the Computer tech end of things. They were then able to call SLC & get problems solved.
    We enjoyed having Amber, Leanne & Camille here for a few while their van was repaired!  Friday & Saturday were slow because of cancelations, but we were busy keeping up to date & I was able to work on several sewing projects which was enjoyable!
    The Sabbath Day is always a high light of the week,  The spirit was special in a ward council mtg where we talked  about the plan. We then attended Sacrament meeting in that ward. We were able to teach two SS classes, we enjoy seeing people learn & want to do more! Doing an open library time, several members came in for help.  Our Sunday evening was successful also with patrons who were finding family. Several today, made break throughs in their research We also had several people talk to us about friends who were interested in doing Family History!
    Our Heavenly Father loves us.  He loves this work & the Holy Ghost guides & helps those who desire to do this great work! It has been a wonderful day!!!

    Our love to each of you & CTR     Mother & Dad

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