Saturday, May 18, 2013

November 11, 2012
Dearest Family!
Every week is new & exciting!  This was different!
Public library, had an indexer come in who just had several questions. It is always fun to help someone who has worked on it for a while, there is always more we can learn!
Tuesday, Election Day!!! I worked at the polls, it was quite a day to say the least, very, very busy!!!   We literally had to just take time to eat & take little breaks,  doubling up on our jobs, while one person was away.   Very seldom did we not have someone to help, over 1200 people voted in the Lovell Precinct, which is a lot!  6:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.
Dad was busy also, but not in the same way!   Went fishing to Crooked Creek, it was a beautiful day, Prep time in the afternoon, & opened the FHC in the evening.  A Relief Society group came in so it was a good evening. They also had several sisters work on Thursday morning!
Wednesday, seems this week was studying new things online, updates because of the rollout of Family Tree, & just becoming more familiar with it. Each person we help has different questions. We also do indexing every day, it is such a special service which helps all who are searching for their ancesters! Tonight a MiaMaid group came to the Public Library, church was being cleaned!  We so appreciate Libraians opening the library for us!
Dad even went to Billings & back with Keith Grant Thursday evening for Big Horn Lake Meeting, Bureau of Reclamation.  It was my time to work on my own FH in the new program.
Friday, wonderful day with the Fikes!  We put a quilt on the frames, one that the girls had pieced this summer, & tied over half of it!   Got adjusted, had lunch together & shared FH info with Dak, enjoyed helping him! Dad and the boys did some odd jobs around the house too.
Saturday, baked bread & made pizza for lunch, watched the snow fall (5” of it), it was beautiful!  We enjoyed the Lovell / Lyman high school football championship game from U of Wyo stadium on TV, it is a super bunch of boys!  It was a hard fought game and we lost in the last few seconds by 2 pts. Studied for Sunday ward council mtg with one of the wards & prepared for Sunday evening Family Tree Quick Start Class with members of the Byron Ward council.   Did phone help, fun & rewarding!
Sunday, It all came together in the Ward Council, in the FamilyTree Quick Start Class & with other patrons to help!  Wow a cold day too –5 this morning and only teens for the high even with the sun out.....
Each week, we find, if we do our part preparing, studying, progressing & learning, our Heavenly Father blesses us so that we may recall that which we need to know & teach at that time!  We are grateful for His help, guidance & inspiration! As we ponder on how to help a ward on some concern the Lord intercedes and sends someone from that ward who wants help which removes the concern.
Love you all & CTR
Mother & Dad

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