Saturday, May 18, 2013

April 7, 2013
Dearest Family,
Well, another week has passed, so quickly!  Congrats to Nathan on his mission call to the Tongon Mission, speaking the Tongon language. He leaves July 31. Lindsay, hope the healing of that foot progresses faster this week!  Not fun!
It has been a good week!  We taught a FH lesson to the Consultants this week.  That went well.  We always wish for more of them to be there. Did have a great time helping one after the lesson & she learned all about merging duplicates.
We had several other appts this week!  It is always great to really study a document, such as a census & see how much info is really there.  This one was really hard to read.  Just tilting the laptop computer various directions helps to read it better.  I also am always amazed at the many things we can learn doing Google searches.  Need to learn abt some German names, just googles it & found a list of given names, just what I needed. Our motto:  When prompted - DO IT!
Met with a High Priest Group Leader & the YM & YW's presidents of his ward.  That was exciting & I think we will get some great things going there.  We are beginning with a FH class during SS time  for the Youth Presidents of their classes. The YW Pres bore her testimony about how doing indexing every morning has changed her life. We had testified to her and the her ward YW recently about how indexing impacts  our lives each day.
Had some cancelations this week so were able to do some home things,  tied three quilts, & Dad put the new motor on the boat!  Had a two good Samaritan's who helped us so very much with that project!
Dad finally caught a head cold late Friday and has been feeling miserable, likely several more days until he gets on top of it. The cough is the worst part!
General Conference was great!   Enjoyed having Allen, Amber & family here this A.M. & a Family Dinner today at the Grants!  We love you all!
Thanks so much for your love & prayers each day!

  CTR      Mom & Dad

Mounting our new 50 Hp Mercury outboard on our boat!


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