Saturday, May 18, 2013

February 17 & 24, 2013

Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday, Ken!  Well, it happened for the first time! These last two weeks were busy ones, & last Sunday night  I was unable to write! Our week beginning the 11th was a wonderful one. It was the usual schedule, Public Library, Dad had several new people who stopped & visit whith him.  He is excited to have them come again, which they all plan to do.   I worked with a member & my special non-member.  We are just plugging away at getting all her family entered into Ancestral Quest, then we will go back to doing more research.
      Dad also had FOBL mtg on Tuesday night. I still covered the FHC with other help. On Wednesday night, he also had a NWCC scholarship meeting in Powell.  I had a nice evening visiting with Aunt Gaye & Uncle Frank! We also helped McKenzie Jameson learn abt indexing, she was excited & did so good!
    Was great to have a Family Dinner on Sunday the 17th.  We enjoyed having everyone together.  After coming home from the FHC, I enjoyed visiting with Amber until.?-! time. I think that is a great reason for not writing. Was great to have them spend the night! Several families did not have school on the 18th, Presidents Day.  & spent time with us on Monday.  Dad, Al and boys went to Deaver Res to ice fish only a few bites but a good time to be out together!  Joy & family also came down to visit!  The Public Lib. was closed since it was a holiday!   Sure enjoyed having them. We enjoyed Uno & Flinch
    Monday afternoon we taught the Activity Day Girls, 10-11 yr old, about Family History.  They each set up their own LDS Acct!  They are so very sharp & learn it so very fast!  They let the spirit help & it is wonderful!   In the evening, we did a FHE for a young family, oldest child  age 7.  We shared all the ways that we have learned each others names, the standup people, the magnets for the frig, & "Don't Eat Pete" Their cousins all live far away!  Also did an 1 1/2 hr of phone research with a Sister!   We had been having a hard time getting together so this worked. This happens quit often , huh, Tchae!  and worked quite well!
    Tuesday was the Girls Temple Day!   We each decided to invite a friend, was fun, but we like our "Just us girls time" also.
    We've had so very many great times in homes the last few weeks.   Indexing brings the spirit as does looking for, & doing temple work for our family!  We were helping a Sister who had used a pay site, Did not know about the church's site, She & Dad  did a search for her father who was a member of the church, & had served a mission in 1938.  Up popped Brazil Immigration Records! On the way to his field of labor he & 10 other missionaries stopped in Rio de Jan....just briefly, & this form was filled out, INCLUDING A PICTURE OF HIM! It was amazing! She knew the story about it, but to see the card---- that was wonderful!
    We were able to attend the Stars of Tomorrow show in Powell on Fri evening, a lot of awesome young talent! Sister Delsa Rounds (101yrs) funeral was on Sat morning too. We all remember this special lady in our ward! Ambers Gdpa Jay McNiven died mid wk too at 93 yrs we will go to his funeral on Monday.
    Oh, by the way, we also had a "Dog" experience!   Guess it's not only elders who have those!
Congrats!   to Nathan, State 2A 160 lb champion Wrestler!   &   to Symphony, a Stars of Tomorrow winner!
Our Love & CTR     Grandpa & Grandma

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