Saturday, May 18, 2013

April 14, 2013
Dearest Family,
Happy Birthday to Ira & Kirena!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our friend Sister Janet Nazer helped me out on Monday in the Public Library.  She is a great companion whenever I need one. How blessed we are, by Tuesday Evening Dad was ready to be out & about!  He was feeling much better! It was a great evening in the Family History Center. We are so grateful for Priesthood blessings. He still will have a coughing fit occasionally.
Two cub scout leaders, and 7 -  9 year old boys  came into the Family History Center to find an ancestor. They came prepared with filled out 4 generation Pedigree Charts, every one of them.  We had seven helpers, including their two leaders there to help one on one. They each looked up one of their great grandfathers on the 1940 US Census.  We had a story like form which they filled in with the info they learned from the Census! They then shared this info with their peers.  It is so very special to see how excited they got! The spirit of this work is amazing!
In the process of training each Scout Leader, they got excited to work on their own. One had just been to the funeral of her husband's biological father, who he had had very little contact with.  They wanted to pursue this line & learn about it.  The Holy Ghost, the spirit of Elijah, just works in a miraculous way!
Thursday Dad had a Bighorn River Long Terms Issues Group  Meeting followed by the FOBHL meeting in Lovell, this is part of the community service we give as full time missionaries. I spent the day with Peggy Brimhall!   Was so pleasant & relaxing, just to visit.
Today in one of the wards we visit, it was announced that for their next Youth Excursion, they want to be totally self sufficient, meaning: They will bring All family names for the baptisms with them to the temple!  This fast and testimony Sabbath day was filled with sweet spiritual experiences! Dad and I bore testimony in the First ward today too!
CTR & we love you all!   Have a great week & remember D & C 130: 20-21

Love Mother & Dad

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