Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 26, 2013

Dearest Family
We have been so blessed to be with family this week!  It was wonderful to travel to the temple with Rob & Darece.  Visiting time was great!  And time in the temple with Tchae was priceless!  We are so blessed to have this time with family! Then to have the blessing of hearing Tchae speak today in Powell was wonderful! Tchae, the spirit you shared with us today was so very special! These two days definitely were the high points!
Amber was over on Monday with the girls & Ira. Ira & Grandpa had a little fishing time. I think Ira came close to setting a new pond record!  fishing was great!  Amber & I made bread & we all enjoyed lunch together!  My Public library time was nice with JQ.  Dad also had several people there to work with. One was preparing several names for the temple & preparing to visit family.  Wanted to know what do I ask, do etc to gather info from people. 
It was deep cleaning at the church, so it was closed on Tuesday evening.  We were able to help several with indexing, & we do some every day!  Whether it is 5 minutes or 30, it just adds so much of the spirit to our lives & anyone elses also!
Sure enjoyed LHS graduation for Krysta & Nathan ......Now it is on to bigger & better things in life!
We planted a few flowers and our garden in the enclosure consisting of 8 tomato and 8 pepper plants. Dad also sprayed the weeds around the driveway that seem to be doing extra good with all the little rains. We need to get the sheep here to handle the weeds in the  other areas.
Attended a funeral for Ron Lindsay & were able to visit with his daughter,Tonya, one of Vicki's friends from High School. Also did some lawn mowing in between things.
Dad is busy putting final touches on the plans for the Croft Reunion in mid June. Uncle Howards family will be in town next weekend for the burial of Velma and Susan plus the baptism of a great grand daughter. We don’t know who all will be coming.
We enjoyed a beautiful morning at the Lake - calm, peaceful........what a place!  Dad had me practice driving using the new motor and controls. We checked out the fuel usage and boat speed vs the tachometer readings in order to know fuel and time for future boating trips. We hope to go up the canyon on Monday if the weather holds?
We love you all, & CTR                Mom & Dad

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