Saturday, May 18, 2013

Some of you may be wondering why the post dates don't match the actual post..... In our full time Family History Missionary calling we learned in the March 2013 Roots-Tech Conference about using blogs to do family history; for your own research, personal journals, family stories, scrapbooks, and keeping your family connected. So we decided we must learn the process in order to Learn, Act, Share ourselves!!! Thus our posts will be delayed until we get to the present.........

About using photos.....most of the photos will be of family, public service and our P Day activities since we feel using photos of the people we work with everyday is not proper. You note in our posts we use few names in order to protect others right of privacy. We share their excitement and our feelings in a general way on purpose. One can still feel the Spirit of the work as you read the posts without knowing "Who".

Croft Family Reunion at Big Sky, MT Aug 2012

Allen, Melvin and Ira with Gdpa Bob fishing at Horseshoe Bend in Allen's Boat

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