Saturday, May 18, 2013

December 30, 2012
Dearest Family!

    What an amazing week!  We are all so very blessed!  Most of all to have such a wonderful family! We had a special Christmas Eve with Rob, Michelle, Ryan & Krysta.  Thanks for sharing the evening with us.
    Thanks so much for the amazing gifts we received form each of you! Dad has been  putting in  study time on the Kindle Fire HD!    He has taught me some things about it, & now I need to spend time working on it!   The camera will come next!   We so enjoyed seeing each family here in the BH basin. We love being in your special homes!  We enjoyed talking to the Allens &  Allen's family. Allen & Amber came to visit on Friday & Saturday, that was great also!   The boys & I even did some craft projects.  The weather has not cooperated, it has been too cold for outside activities, sledding & fishing, some are going to try it again tomorrow.
    Attended the funeral of a dear friend, Carrol Allred, she is the one who had Mayes Fabric.  What an example of love she was to all of us, & she had a great influence in the community!
    We are still resolving Internet issues in our Stake since the use will go up 3 to 4 times on Jan 1 with the new youth curriculum. We are over loaded now! We are looking to increasing the band width up to 25 megs from the present 10 megs. More Wifi antennas are also being installed this week, in the dead areas of all the buildings.
    Today was a great climax for the week!   I got up to find an email from a lost cousin's daughter on Mother's side of the family, Mother had a brother Haskin who had just one son, Bob, & we had lost contact with them. I now have phone numbers & Bob called me, but I haven't had time to return calls, just barely to briefly answer an email!
     We started out Sunday helping with open library in our ward, then went to Cowley 2, where we are working with two new consultants & the High Priest Group leader.   We will start teaching a class there in two weeks & are getting them trained to help, then begin teaching it! The spirit surely does help us all learn quickly & I know it is a great help to the teachers also!   I feel it every day!
    We so enjoyed attending all our meetings in the Lov 5th ward, Rob & Michelle's ward.  Sacrament Mtg. on the Savior was wonderful,  We helped with open library there & helped a young couple, she was so excited to look at records from Italy, which had been digitized, rather than needing to order films of the records.   We then taught the Fifth Sunday Lesson on Family History! It is such a blessing to feel the spirit there, teaching.......
    Then helped a consultant from Lov 1 ward, we will teach the first sessions of classes in that ward, then they will go from there & continue to teach them!   Home for 45 minutes to eat, the back to open the center at 6P.M.  So great to have 5 patrons, a lady,  a Father,  his son & wife, & an Exchange student from Italy visiting here. What an amazing evening, they were all finding things with the help of the Holy Ghost!   And before we knew it,  we looked up to find it was after nine, & time to come home.
    What would it have been like if every day was like today! !!!

We love you all !
CTR   Mother & Dad!

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