Saturday, May 18, 2013

October 21, 2012
Dearest Family
    Each week is wonderful! We love the work! We love the variety! We love the spirit!
    It's back to the public library each Monday & we continue to have positive experiences there. Just had one sister this week! I worked with her while Dad prepared for a talk he is to give at Stake Priesthood leadership Meeting on October 20, 2012.  She has called to get some obituaries from several newspapers, we are in hopes of finding something out about several great uncles who lived in Canada! We are having a hard time confirming the names of her great grandparents, but it will come!
    Thanks, Ken & Darece for the great family home evening with your family!  We registered & connected the trees for all the family members, watched a video about how doing FH can help give each of us a spiritual life, & introduced them to indexing!   We hope & pray they enjoyed the evening as much as we did.
    Our afternoon mtg to teach indexing to the inactive sister was canceled, but we are scheduled again for Tues of this week.
    Enjoyed our day  in the center on Wednesday, had people in to help & it was productive. In the evening, a group of 4 Beehives were in to learn about indexing. They all did great! (of course) & are excited to stay involved with it!
    It is always special to go to the homes of members, were busy with that Thursday a.m. & Friday aft. Also helped  or took a class Thursday Evening in the FHC,   LDS Uses of handheld mobile devices. There was a nice group for that.
    We shore fished at HSBend for 3hrs, an awesome morning. We caught a small ling and had 2 other hits. The lake is coming up still! We do our own indexing each day to give us that extra spiritual boast for the day!!!!
    Saturday a.m. Dad & I attended the Dedication & opening of the Two Eagles Interpretive Trail in Big Horn Canyon which weaves thru lots of teepee rings (a winter village for the Crow Tribe years ago).  The lake & pipe ceremony given by Burton Pretty On Top, a Member of the Crow tribe was amazing!  Strengthened our testimonies of the B of M.  Then it was home to prepare & attend Stake Priesthood Mtg/Stake conference.
    We enjoyed the Satelite broadcast today, especially Elder Nelson. It was broadcast to 58 stakes in Montana, Wyoming & Colorado! Thanks, Ryan, Rhonda, Michelle, & Rob for the wonderful evening in the Family History Center! It was so special to help you!
Mom and Dad

Rena landing a nice Catfish at Horseshoe Bend Fishing Dock

The Two Eagles Native American interpretive Trail dedication near Layout Creek in Bighorn Canyon.
Supt Jerry Case NPS and Burton Pretty On Top of the Crow Nation cutting the ribbon

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