Saturday, May 18, 2013

March 24, 2013

Dearest Family,
Happy 3rd Birthday, Leanne!
This week's FHE was with 3 single sisters, 55 to 70 age bracket, did it in the Public library, since one works there & we wanted computers for each & internet connection. They were each able to connect their trees, & one learned abt indexing.  She works nights at the Living Center & sometimes there is  time to fill with something like that. The other two were interested in fan charts. It seems that the company doing the charts is not getting their info from the program, "Family Tree" but still accessing the older one! Disappointing, we pray it will be corrected soon!
This was our week to cover in the FHC, Dad worked with an older brother!  He is amazing, so much desire & finds  names to take to the temple! It helps us realize that there is always something we can do & accomplish!  I worked on the decluttering project, mostly throwing away collections of CD's which are online now.  A Young Mens group was in again to find names to take to the temple, one found 5 & 2 others found 1-2 each. What a special temple day that will be for them!
We had a Girls Day at the Temple, Joy, Darece & I!  Messy roads for part of the trip, then cleared up! Our session was wonderful, then while enjoying the Celestial Room, Mary Lou, ( the sister we went to the temple with in December) came in!  She was there with her grandson & his wife, & had just been sealed to her parents! How special!  It was wonderful to know that she has been able to do this great work & sure makes one feel complete!   I was so happy for her!
Dad spent his day at home, the RootsTech conference was going on & he was able to see it on the internet.  This is a three day conference in SLC, 6000 attending, with all kinds of computer apps connected with FH.  It seems this year, a great deal was aimed at the "Story" aspect of FH!  They used a quote from Joseph Fielding Smith about how important it is to get to know our ancesters, how we love them more by doing this. We were also able to listen to it on Friday & Saturday!   There were some very amazing things to learn about.
Saturday afternoon talks were about "To Turn the Hearts" & the great success that is happening in places where it is being used as directed. The brethern are very concerned that most of the church are ignoring the To Turn The Hearts plan. Elder Koelliker of the 70 gave the priesthood leaders training. Spoke of both halves of the blessing we all need to be receiving, do FH and then take the names to the Temple. The new training videos are from the Rio Rancho Stake in Albuquerque, New Mexico with folks Rob’s family knew. They stressed that the leaders must be trained first and have their hearts turned if they are going to help those they serve! Each ward needs at least 3 consultants and part of these are to be youth. Again they told us that consultants need not be genealogists. New features for FS/FTree were presented too. Go to the home page of FS to see a video of these new features.   It is great to feel the spirit from these activities. This new web page is partly functional and will be finished soon.
We will be sharing this training with the wards in the coming weeks.
We also enjoyed a wonderful Stake conference & evening in the FHC tonight with Rob & Michelle & others!
Our Love & CTR       Mom & Dad

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