Saturday, May 18, 2013

January 27, 2013

Dearest Family!   
   Monday:  National Holiday!  Prep Day, Dad went to Deaver with the Fike Boys fishing, fun morning, but only fishing, no catching! I did some phone calls & study. Afternoon: because the Public Libra   ry was closed, we went to the FHC.  The Elders, new to Lovell, & Sister Missionaries, one sister new to Lovell, all came in to do their letter writing.   We also started working with them, teaching them a little about what is available,  The Missionaries coming out now do have some training info online, & they showed that to us.  It is great they are getting this info & they can see the benefits of using it when they track & work with people.  Regular Monday aftnoon patron also whas there & were worked on her tree, I had found some new info for her so that was fun! FHE, Dad & I really enjoy the CES broadcasts & had missed the one in January, so were able to listen to Bro Uchtdorf online, great thoughts!
    Tuesday: It was Dad's turn for activities at home, study, a couple repairs, etc.  Darece, Joy & I went to Billings to the Temple.  It was a great morning, we did initiatory for family names then helped in the laundry for an hour. That was a special opportunity also.  The sister over the laundry is quite an organizer, & everything is very meticulous!  We enjoyed it!!!   Went to Walmart & Cosco & then home! Pleasant evening in FHC.
    Wednesday, We were in the FHC this AM, slower day, & Family Search was down,  did organizing etc.  home in aftnoon, then back in the evening 7-9   Worked on decluttering!
    Thursday,  Boy had it been a long time!  We needed adjusted,  thanks so much Dak, We really appreciate it!  We were able to help several people in their homes this aftnoon.  I love VT & was able to visit two sisters today!  Also some phone support!
   Friday   Attended a Funeral this AM, & was able to help a sister in her home!  She is so excited about this work & is doing great!   Has lots she wants to accomplish!
    Saturday  We are blessed in that we can attend the activities of our family,  today was Wrestling match day!  Middle School in Lovell    We were able to watch Nat's match on TV at home this aftnoon.  Saturday evening is always final Prep for Sunday, mour marathon Day!
    Sunday  It was a busy one,  7:30 am to 9:30 pm! It ended with a Single Adult group in the FHC. Everyone was able to work on something on the computer. We are so very blessed to have this opportunity!   We love the sharing, we see miracles in the lives of people each day,  We feel blessed to be tools in His Hands!
    We pray each of you will have a great week, take time to see the miracles & jot them down! 

We love you all, & CTR
Mother  & Dad

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