Saturday, May 18, 2013

October 14, 2012
Dearest Family
Well, our Monday in the FHC (instead of the Public Lib) worked out Great!
Only one problem, out nonmember lady, waited outside the wrong door for 20 minutes!   We felt so bad!  She was a good sport about it  & finally found us!  Dad spent time with her.
I worked with our other Sister, she has decided to prepare to go to the temple, & is shoting for December.  She has a grandson being married then, & she is super excited.   We talked together alot about the temple, I am so grateful for guidance & inspiration to know the way to encourage & support her.  She has already talked to her Bishop, & was in Sacrament mtg yesterday.  She has already prepared names for the temple, & we are doing that for her.   Nathan & Whitney did some baptisms for her on Saturday.
Tuesday a Lovell 4th ward had a RS Activity in the FHC.  Sister Robyn Savage taught the sisters, abt 15. about all the LDS apps for the computer.
Plus we had other patrons there also, one looking for biological parents, one just working, another trying to solve problems in their temple files. It was a busy, & productive evening.
Once a  month we teach a lesson to the Family History consultants, today was filled with prep for that, making copies, getting equipment set up, some practicing, & the lesson & hands on training in the evening. We felt it was productive, never as many as we would like there, but have delivered handouts to them. Sunday evening Dad spent reviewing info with Bro Hendershot who was unable to come. Another commented that he appreciated the hands on, it really helped.
Our day in the temple was wonderful, but we were surprised  when it was 32 degrees, windy & humid.  Lovell was beautiful that day! Ryan came out, he has decided he wants to learn to drive a stick shift, so he & Grandpa went driving!  Watched some of the VP debate, also try to do some indexing every day
We were in Cowley several times this week, one day, we stopped by to see a sister, I had bought a serger from her, & she had found some attachments for it.  While there, I talked to her about indexing & we are going back this week to help her.
It was wonderful to have Allen & Amber & family here Saturday afternoon & night, loved doing thing with the kids, & getting to know precious Camille. We were at several wards & gained various contacts for the coming weeks! The greatest thing was being with Rob & Michelle & Ryan!  We were blessed to be there to hear him report about his mission! Great Spirit!
and to enjoy everyone at Their home before we went to the FHC!
Love you all so much & CTR
 Mom & Dad

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