Saturday, May 18, 2013

September 9, 2012
Dear Family,
This has been an unusual week, prior to our mission, Allen & I had scheduled an elk hunt in Jackson, with my brother, Charlie. Sunday after church, Allen & I left for Jackson, arriving about 7:30 P.M.  Allen stayed at Charlie's & I stayed at Lori's.  Each morning we went out at 6:00 a.m. until abt 8:30 a.m.  then again in the evening abt the same time. Our licenses were  an area located on Private property.   Monday, when we arrived, we stopped, opened the windows a little & quickly heard an elk bugle!  Charlie looked over the edge of the bench, & there was a bull!  Our licenses were Cow-calf, but where there is a bull, there may be cows this time of year!  He quickly got us situated, looked again, & there were 4 cows & calves right close!  Allen had to move quickly, & I just wasn't prepared to get a shot off!  My best shots happen when I lay on the ground, & prop the gun up or have a fence post to prop the gun on!   Neither was possible at the moment, so I didn't get a shot off!  Opportunity missed! We went around the hill, where Charlie thought they would come,   &  they didn't!  Monday Evening & Tuesday a.m. & p.m.  saw nothing but a couple of bulls, way off in the distance! 
Tues a.m. we decided to go to Jackson Lake, fishing!   Had a wonderful time, caught some fish, enough for a fish fry!  It was a beautiful day on the lake!  Just great to be with family! On the way home, we met Mike Peterson, Debbie's husband, who was working on a different private ranch & they were being overrun with elk, had had them in the fields that a.m. & were willing to let us hunt there.   It was a much more difficult place to hunt, with more houses all around. Went there Wednesday a.m. & evening. Allen went with Dale on 4 wheelers way up on a ridge, he said the view was wonderful & it was great! Charlie & I were on a dike by the GrosVentre River,  Still nothing!   Thursday a.m. went again to the same area, & to our surprise, we saw abt 300 elk, abt a quarter mile away!   It was wonderful to watch them, hear them bugle, some grazing, ann amazing site!   Just not where we could shot or get to them from any direction!  Not a mission experience, but a wonderful time with family! Sure appreciate Allen taking off & going with me!
Arrived home Thursday Evening & now we are busy with Family History Activities!  It is great! Saturday we were out & about visiting several families in our ward who had lost their mother. Happened to pass a garage sale,  you know how many of those I go to, practically none, & said to Dad, "We need to stop there on our way home"  Visited with a non-member, who wants help doing Family History!  Yes, we are directed to the places where we need to be, when we need to be there!
Today was a great day!   Visited the Cowley 2nd ward counsel mtg, went to Priesthood mtg with the Priests, a first for me, then they came into the FHC tonight register, look for ancesters, & get the file to print a fan chart!   special day!!!!!  Dad's turn to share his week, sure missed him while I was gone!
Well this week was much different for me alone as a FH missionary. For our Sunday evening FHC assignment I ask two brethern to come help me, Bros Mike Fink and Tom Whicker. We had a wonderful evening helping folks do FH! I spent most of Monday doing PDay items at home and getting our weekly drinking water supply at Grants. Mom and I talked a couple times each day about our adventures! I did a lot of study and prep on Tuesday then was at the FHC that evening. Bo and Bro Whicker were my missionary comps for the evening. Again we got a lot done in those 3 hours. On Wed I did more study in the morning. I went to the FHC in the afternoon to help Bro Davis C2 YM Pres get up to speed for our work with his YM in the coming weeks. Our ward picnic was tonight but after going there for a few minutes the forest fire smoke came in and I went back home for cleaner air. I always enjoy these event with our ward family too.....Darece cooked my 2 dozen ears of corn for the evening so the allergens from the corn didn’t get to me – I appreciated her help! Thur morning I did more FH study and prep. I met with the FT Missionaries for an hour and half to help them learn Family Search-Tree better. Rena got home that evening YES! ! ! ! ! I’m grateful she could go but sure missed her! ! !
Friday morning we went fishing at BH Lake and caught several fish mostly big ones, 7 lb catfish and some 5lb plus carp that are fun to land. More fish for our fish fry soon. No little cats this time. It was an awesome morning together! We attended the LHS football game too. Nate took the opening kickoff all the way for the first TD! It was a fun game to watch. We were thinking today a lot about the Allen’s in SLC with the reception and temple wedding for Kirena and Micah! Another blessing for our family this year!!
This work is so rewarding to feel the happiness in peoples lives in finding and learning about their ancestors!! To have our hearts turned makes such a difference in our lives...every day! !
We love you all, CTR forever
Gdma and Gdpa Croft 

Mt Moran on the shore of Jackson Lake

Charlie setting up the trolling rig for Lake Trout in Jackson Lake

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