Saturday, May 18, 2013

December 23, 2012
Dearest Family,
    Another great week!   Monday evening was a special time in a Member's home.  They had friends traveling thru on their way to Arzonia for the winter, who are interested in Family History. We each worked with one of them & had great experiences.  Her grandparents came to Canada from Hungary-Austria so our most successful search was a Google search!  The Holy Ghost works there, too. Dad taught him many skills & the location of Family Search Centers in Sun City, Arizona. He has used PAF to enter all his info in the computer, & now knows a little about Family Search.  He is comfortable about going to the church facilities, so I'm positive he will do great!
    We so enjoyed an afternoon in Powell with the Fikes! Finished tying another of their quilts, did a little shopping, & attended the Fike girls Christmas program! Sure enjoyed it!  Also visited with a college friend, whom we did not know had lived in Greybull for the last 20 years. Our paths have crossed in many ways, unbeknown to us!  The sad part, we don't think she is active in the church.
    The FSCenter received 6 new computers today!  How fun it was to get them set up,   Just like Christmas morning! We also enjoyed helping several patrons!
    We were blessed to work with one of our indexing sisters again.  She has been busy with family since Thanksgiving so is getting started again.  All of us with older minds need to do it every few days or it becomes more difficult, but with the Lord's help, it does come back!  Also had some miracles happen trying to get better internet service in the various buildings of the stake.  I think it is called Trouble Shooting!   The best thing, progress was made & the problem was solved quickly. Technicians were in the right places at the right time.
    Congradulations Melvin!   You are the newest member of the church in our family!   What a wonderful day it was!
    And to day was such a special Sabbath day! We were able to attend sacrament mtg in our own ward, the spirit was thick.   We also taught several classes & have the FS Center open tonight,  We are anticipating hearing a beautiful Stake Choir concert!
 Merry Christmas
We Love you all!
CTR Gdma & Gdpa
Our Christmas tree this years non-allergenic!!!!

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