Saturday, May 18, 2013

December 9, 2012
Dearest Family
    Christmas is a wonderful time of the year!   It has been fun to put up a few decorations! That helps to get me in the spirit of giving!  This year it is all about the giving of knowledge & Testimony of this great work.  Helping others feel that spirit & find them desiring more & more......
    I know we are guided & helped to find information about our ancesters & the ancesters of those we work with. One morning we spent working with a Family History consultant, helping her to prepare to teach classes on the Family Tree program.  She is very excited about the changes & teaching it!  It is great to see someone wanting to & learning so quickly.  That is so true with all aspects of the gospel!
    Thursday we were in the temple with Mary Lou Perkins.  She had started by asking us to help her with Family History, there were some family members who needed their work done. Dad & I, Joy, Darece & Allen have done those names.  Next week she is going with her Grandson, home from college, & daughter-in-law to be sealed to her parents & to do the sealings for the names we did. This same grandson is getting married in the temple in several weeks & he was encouraging her to prepare & come to the temple when he gets married.   She just needed encouragement & direction, to visit with her bishop & prepare.   We feel so blessed that we could be there to encourage & support.  It was wonderful to be in the temple with her. She is so excited & will be so blessed by her decision.
    Another day we went to the home of a non-member, who had expressed an interest last fall.  I ran into her at a garage sale. We only had an hour to work, but immediately found her parents on a census.  She was just amazed & excited. Her question,   "Can you help me again?"    Of course we can,  an then.  "Can we do it tomorrow?" And we did for two hours.   We will probably be working with her for a while.  She feels the spirit and enjoys that feeling!
    Today, like every Sunday was just perfect! A Ward council Mtg, they are going like crazy! New consultants in that ward to train! Went Home Teaching with my Sweetheart!   Taught lessons to two different ward groups, one during SS time & one this evening. Our home teachers came, & one of them, who had not had an interest in FH felt the spirit.  I predict, we'll soon have him indexing.   He had no idea what it was, but now he does...
Here's a quolte from David A Bednar, an Apostle of the Lord, Jesus Christ!
 Your testimony of and conversion to the Savior will become deep and abiding. And I promise you will be protected against the intensifying influence of the adversary. As you participate in and love this holy work, you will be safeguarded in your youth and throughout your lives.
Love you All & CTR  Mother & Dad

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