Saturday, May 18, 2013

March 3, 2013
Dearest Family,
May I start by sharing an experience of someone else,   She said that that morning before coming to work in the FHC, she had prayed for a miracle that day!   Mid morning, a sister came to the center who had not been to our center before & had not worked in the computerized data bases. That day she found an ancester she had been seeking for forty years! Miracles do happen every day!
    FHE 's are one of our favorite activities, this Monday was again a great one, a family of teenage daughters, Mom, Dad, & the girls loved it. They are all preped to help when their YW's group comes in next week!  This week we also had a Ward YM's group (10) come in.  As they plan the activity, they are just sure that it will be really boring! They get there, they catch the spirit, & they love it.   Several of the older boys in this group completed batches of 30 names.  That's 30 people who are out there in an index, waiting for some one to find them! 
    The newest thing in FamilyTree is beta testing of an app which adds pictures to the site!  They have extended invitations to all FH Consultants to help with the testing.  Dad has started uploading photos of our ancestors Go in & have a look! This past week we have watched several webinars about the process.  Yes, we are learning a lot. We feel that added help from our Heavenly Father as we study & do.  We so appreciate the promptings of the Holy Ghost as we help others do this great work.
    A new ipad app was released this week too, called “Turn Hearts” from the Apple store. It has all the info, video ,etc for the “To Turn The Hearts “ program the brethern want the church to be doing. We hope it will be available on the other mobile platforms soon. The Lord is really wanting this program to get going across the world!
    We came home this afternoon to find water dripping from the ceiling lite above the island in our kitchen. After putting some buckets under the drips Dad got on the roof to see what was happening. He found 7/8 of the roof was all melted off but around a roof vent was an ice and pine needle dike keeping the water backed up behind it, causing water to over flow the shallow flashing of the vent into the attic. He was able to clear away the ice and let the water escape down the roof. Less than a pint of water had came thru the ceiling it appeared. We will keep the lite off so things can dry out good. We were blessed to come home when we did. The 50’ temps made for a lot of water running from the roof today.
Answers come when we need them & at other times we are prompted as to where to find the answers!  This applies to all of us!
We love you all, & CTR,   & Let the spirit help you! 
Love Mom & Dad

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