Saturday, May 18, 2013

April 21, 2013

Dearest Family!
What a blizzard it was coming home tonight!  The best one this winter - lots of wet snow falling & the wind is blowing! It will be interesting what tomorrow brings. This time of year it is over quickly!  p.s. ended at 10:30 p.m.
Each Sabbath day is wonderful! We had one lesson & two workshops in three different wards. It was fun to introduce the new look of FS. Most accept the changes & some are a little slower, but is exciting! Our time tonight in the FHC was productive, helping a sister learn to arbitrate, in addition to indexing. Another sister came in to learn more about FS.
Last Wednesday when we went into it had all changed!  There is a new look - with a few changes. A fan chart in addition to a pedigree chart on the Family Tree page.  Both work the same. We can each add photos & stories about our ancesters. These are still in the developmental stages, but working quite well.
This was our Wednesday to work in the FHE during the day. We feel so blessed that there are people interested & coming into the center.  We also have a sister who comes in the third week of the month, both Tues Eve & Wed Aft  for a "hand held device class" She helps people learn how to use their  devices for the church applications.
When Sister G A came in this week, she showed us a letter written by a sister who lived in Lovell from 1920-1973. Quite a stalwart lady, convert to the church from England. She had one daughter. The paper, 8 1/2 by probably 44 inches, written on both sides, was her testimony & conversion to the church. It was amazing!  Several of us worked together & by the end of the week we had located her Grandson, retired, living in Wyoming! The daughter only had two sons. Sis G A sent this to him for the family to have. What a warm & wonderful feeling. What an amazing treasure for this family to have.
Today Sister KG told of finding someone working on the same line as she is in FT, & also her email address. She contacted her, asking if they might share information, & immediately received pages of information from her. The ancester helped teach the Gospel to Brigham Young & baptised him.  Sister KG had no knowedge of this.
The week was a wonderful one!  We also were blessed to introduce 3 people to indexing & help others in their homes & on the phone with FH, take the boat out to Horseshoe Bend for an hr to ck out the new motor, worship in the BM Temple and be proxy for more of our family members, a track meet in Lovell on Saturday to watch Whitney, Nathan & Chalin, & have lunch with the Fikes!
Thanks to the Grants who did some yard work on Friday for us.
We love you all, & so appreciate your prayers & support in all we do!
CTR & Love,   Mom & Dad

Ready to give it the trial run at Horseshoe Bend!

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