Friday, May 17, 2013

August 26, 2012

My how times flies! It has been another great week!   
I guess you might say Monday was a preparation day!   We do study every day as we work on our own FH & study so that we can help others. Tuesday was a service day for me, to work as an election judge in this great country we live in is a privilege!  Bob was busy at home. He set up the new lap top computer which we just got.  We plan to take it  when we have mtgs & want to show various videos.
Wednesday: had a meeting with the Stake Director oover Indexing an those who serve with him.  We also helped set up indexing on the Caldwells computer.   Mother & daughter are excited about indexing!   I spent the afternoon in the FHC, helping out there. 
Dad & I  still have HomeTeaching & visiting Teaching assignments.  He completed his last week & I was able tofinish up mine this week.
We spent time also in the FHC working on a declutter project.  The first phase is to get rid of the outdated microfish.  All have to be cut up  before they can be discarded.  We are making progress,  but today discovered a dozen more notebooks with pages which we hadn't realized were there.
Friday was our temple day!  What a blessing that is!   And Saturday Allen, Melvin, & Ira came up from Worland & Dad went out to the lake with them.   Amber, we missed you & the girls.  Had a nice lunch before they left for home!
Today was our first experience visiting in the ward councils of three different wards.   How great that was!  We are beginning to share the "To Turn the Hearts" program with them. It was also our 2nd week to open up the FHC in the evening.   How great to have two people there working!
We feel very blessed & are so grateful to serve.    Our trial,   the smoke that has found its way into our valley,  it sure is an irritant!!!
Our love & CTR,     Mom & Dad

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