Saturday, May 18, 2013

November 4, 2012
Dearest Family  
        What an eventful week!!!   It was a roll out week!   Rollout of Family Tree to the public!  Tue evening , while talking to FS support, I asked the missionary when it was going to happen? He said he had just got on line to work & hadn't checked his email yet, he did & it said Wed at midnight!   Sure enough, it happened then!   Our Heavenly Fathers hand is surely in this great work!   The engineers have been inspired  & guided,  with still more improvements to come!
We also awakened Fri a.m. to lots of new videos & info on the welcome screen of It was just in time for assignments we had on Sunday.   We did part of the RS lesson in our ward, then will be having 2 RS meetings this coming week for the sisters. We are grateful for his guidance also!  We feel it every day as we prepare & help our brothers & sisters!   It is great!
        We have been in five homes this week, continuing to help. Our older sister is beginning to understand the process of indexing. She does such a great job reading the handwriting & she is not afraid of the computer. She so wants to be doing something productive with her time. Her desire & drive is amazing!  We can all learn from her!
        Our evenings in the FHC have all been productive.  With patrons, including a YW's group on Halloween, didn't have as many as they wished, but the ones we did have really enjoyed it!  With any group there are always their leaders, so that is 3 to 4 more which learn about it also!  Had a Sunday evening class with the Byron Ward, teaching the Ward Council members, had six couples plus 6 consultants to help.   More people catching the vision!
        We enjoyed helping Bro Martin several times this week!   He submitted some names for the Fikes to do the baptisms for on Saturday and is preparing to go to the temple himself.
        Other activities of the week, three hours of fishing at HSBend, bread baked for New Horizons Care Center Auxilary Bake Sale, listened to Nathan's playoff football game, Congrat's on the win, it was really exciting!  Also sewed a little this week, beginning to work on my many graduation quilts
        We feel so blessed to have this opportunity from our Heavenly Father to serve & are so grateful for His guidance & direction!   We feel & appreciate your prayers in our behalf!  We are so grateful for Talon's protection on Saturday!   Here's the FHC phone number, 548-2963 & we are trying harder to keep the cell phone on!
Our Love to all of you & CTR     Mother & Dad

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