Saturday, May 18, 2013

April 28, 2013

Dearest Family,
Gee whiz----this week is a blur--was a busy one!  We have been helping several people do fan charts!  Our FHE this week was with a family, they have two sons, 8 & 10,  both thought indexing was great!  They will keep their parents working on it!
Tuesday was our marathon day!   Four appointments plus the FHC in the evening from 6-9 P.M.  It was rewarding to help someone learn to arbitrate in indexing. Dad was helping a YM's President learn more about ways he could get the YM  involved. We have decided that that was too much for one day! It is still so geat to help people feel the spirit when doing this great work! We wouldn't trade it for anything!
Wednesday was just as great, three people learning more about using FS, finding names for the temple & correcting their trees!  It was a privelege to meet with a High Priest Group Leader,  giving him more ideas on ways he can reach out & involve his Ward members. 
Thursday, I had a wonderful day in Billings with Darece & Joy, our monthly trip to the temple! Dad was able to fish a little (caught a ling), study, yard work etc Then there are also phone help which we do some of almost every day!
Gdma Rena hauling in a big Catfish at Crooked Creek bay of  Bighorn Lake.

A nice 5lb catfish, partner!!! 

Friday, another fishing trip for us!  We did catch two very nice catfish in Crooked Creek!  And Saturday, we spent with Amber & the family, Allen is gone on a work trip for two weeks!It was great! Dad took the boys fishing While Amber & I sewed some blinds for their bedroom.   We enjoyed the day so very much.  Then home to prepare for Sunday.

Melvin and Ira both had some good catching at Airport Pond!

Gdma Rena with Leanne and Camille
 And it was perfect!  The highlight was a youth class, 7 young people, the class presidents, plus an extra or two!  They are excited!!!!!   One young lady from the class came into the FHC tonight, all evening, & found several names to take to the temple!  She is so excited & wants to help a friend, too.  They are both going to a basketball camp this summer & the temple is top priority also.  They plan to do baptisms then! I'm sure she will have quite few by then! In another class we taught today, Internet had been upgraded in the building so we could move to a much better location with more room, that means more students,  with consultants helping so very much!  It is great to see them catching the spirit & becoming more familiar with the program!
We love you all,   CTR   Love Mom & Dad!

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