Saturday, May 18, 2013

November 25, 2012

Dearest Family
Fun P-day!   We do a little here & there, depending on what is going on!  This week we had invited the Full Time Elders to go to Big Horn canyon with us.  We drove to Berry's Landing, then thought we would stop & see the sites on the way back!  There, right beside the road were the Mountain sheep & boy what a group, an assortment of all sizes & shapes.   All of us enjoyed seeing them!  What amazing animals!!!! We travel back, seeing just one wild horse, by the natural trail, the new one which describes & shows lots of teepee rings.   We also stopped at Devils Canyon overlook!   Like everyone else, the Elders were amazed at the canyon, & like all the rest of the guys who stand by that fence - they could not throw a rock far enough to get it in the water!
Public library was great as usual!  Our evening was quiet as was the rest of the week for missionary work!  We were able to cut up our deer one day, also prepared turkey stuffing on morning for our thanksgiving dinner.  Thanks so much, Ken & Darece for inviting us to your Dinner!  We enjoyed it so very much.  Thursday evening Allen, Amber, Melvin, Ira, Leanne & Camille came to visit!  We so enjoyed having them here!  It was great to love on all of them,  little Camille had wonderful smiles for all of us. 
It was also great to go to two wedding receptions, Emily Warnock & her new husband, & Patrick Smith & his new wife.  
We'll call the rest of the week a week of preparing - Grandpa worked on details, wrote a life history of Grandpa, prepared a video of pictures & each day we prayed that he could return to his Heavenly Father! 
We feel blessed he didn't have to suffer long, on November 22, 2012 he returned to be with Grandma Croft.  A service will be held in Mt View on Monday & in Powell on Wednesday.
Today was our get back to Missionary Work day.   We started out by going to a Ward council mtg 8:30 a.m.,    9:20 - 10:00 taught a FH class,   12:40- 1:20 taught a Gospel Doctrine class about FH,  3:00 p.m. attended the Lov 1st Ward Sacrament Mtg,   We were able to hear Ryan speak again,   so nice.
Then back to the church at 5:30 to prepare for our evening in the FHC & another FH class.   Was all great!   Also had other patrons in!   Sweet Blessings!!!
We love you all & CTR
Mother & Dad

Bighorn Sheep near Barry's Landing in Bighorn Canyon.
The elders stood within 20 yds of this herd for photos

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