Saturday, May 18, 2013

December 16, 2012
Dearest Family,
    Thank you for the part you played in making this a wonderful day!   We so enjoyed the family choir which appeared in the Family Search Center tonight while we were there.  You were all wonderful.  For all of you not in Lovell, tonight the Fikes, Crofts, & Grants  plus a couple of significant others (as Krysta put it) appeared in the Center, during a class we were teaching & serenaded us with a Happy Anniversary song & Christmas carols.  We also received a hug from each one!  and gave one back!  We love each other & are so thankful for each wonderful day we have together!  Each year gets better!
    This week has been slower, but then we are so happy people are busy helping, serving & preparing for Christmas. Dad & I visited Esme Aubrey this week, she is a FS consultant here, & from England.  She helped us review some original documents on the Croft name, now we know where to go to look at  more & find more wonderful people who need temple ordinances.  Several of our appointments were canceled due to illness or other activites. We can always stay busy, preparing lesson outlines, today we checked out internet service in one of the bldgs in the stake, so that in the future they can have FS classes there. We were also able to work with a couple who have been called to be consultants & get them started on their way.  WE also talked to FS support several times to try to find answers for problems that we can not find answers to.
    Again we love you all, keep up the great work you are each doing! We pray for you each day, & feel the power of your prayers also.

 Our love, Mother & Dad   & CTR

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