Saturday, May 18, 2013

March 10, 2013
Dearest Family!
    My oh my---just where do I start!  Congrats Whitney, on your dance accomplishments! We did a FHE again this week - a family of 4 boys, 7 - 16.  It was great & all enjoyed it.  I saw 'Mom' today & she said all had done some this week,  especially the two youngest! They want to do it every day. They love it!  I'm sure they have the most time to work on it because their brothers are in HS & involved in sports!
    Blair Bryan, you all remember her husband Buck who drove the school bus.  She came to the Public Library on Monday, she used to do a lot, but hadn't for abt the last five years or so - since all the computerized programs.  We worked again Wednesday & Saturday.  She is well on her way, taking names of her ancesters out of a book from  Aruga, ANT, Netherlands. Over the past few years, since he passed away, she has served a mission, worked in the temple & thinks it is time to get back to FH.
    We have really been on the go, seven different appointments in homes & each one was special in some way.  There were special things which happened, comments like:  "It's been a year, another one, 5 years since my husband passed",  hard days but they wanted to work on their FH & indexing!  - "Every time you come, I learn so much!" -  A husband said, "Thanks so much for helping my wife get going again on FH" "It's been so long,  I enjoy how I feel when we do this!"
    Wednesday evening was our Consultant Training Meeting. We tryed something different, left it up to the Consultants to ask us questions. We had made a list of the most common problems we deal with as Consultants, so could prompt them with ideas if needed.  They brought up several & so did we, had a very good discussion!
    Then at 7:00 a great group of YM came in to find names to take to the temple. We'll have them in again in two weeks to finish up.  The internet service was awful, so it really tested us, but finally were were able to work for a little while, prayers are answered.
    Our ward had a youth excursion, Kaitlyn & Nathan did some of our family names. Saturday, Allen & Amber went to the temple & did the initiatory for the same names!
The snow got quite deep this year since we had 3 months of below 32' so no melting!
    Today Dad has been monitering internet coming into the building, & also how the computers are working. We pray that this will be the week when we can finally figure out the problem.
    A last experience - Tues evening a couple came in, converts. She wanted to check on a grand father & his brother.  She knew that at least one had been in the Civil War.  We went to Fold3, a site that has lots of military records.  We found both Edward, her Gfather & brother Aquilla!   But Aguilla became ill & died while serving at age 24. We followed his pay stubs, his passing,& a list of his  very few belongings which were delivered to his brother, Edward. By this time to spirit was there & we were both in tears of compassion & love.  Then she said,  "now we know who is in a family picture we have of two Civil War Soldiers!" The picture is a treasure that the family has passed down, even tho they didn't know who it was.
    We love you all so very much,  Thanks so very much for your love & prayers & CTR

Mom & Dad,

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