Monday, May 20, 2013

May 19, 2013

Dearest Family,
Happy Birthday, Rob!  Happy Birthday Symphony, tomorrow!  We love both of you!
May - the busiest month of the year!   and we don't even have children in school!!! We so enjoyed going to graduation open houses for Nathan & Krysta on Monday & on Friday, Tchae!   Wish we could be with you, Lindsay also! We have noticed things are a little quieter in the FHC right now.  Wednesday was our day to work there, we also meet with the NeVille's that day. The week has been cooler and wet. Not a lot of rain just 0.4 inches over the 4 days. Most of the mtn snow has melted out already.
As I think about this week, it has been a little bit of everything! We have helped two elderly sisters index, started a young, HP group leader & his wife to do indexing, helped a sister who is learning to arbitrate ( part of indexing) & also in some indexing phone support. Our home visits for FH were great - Dad worked with one brother, while I helped his mother with indexing!  He is so excited about the stories & pictures that can be added to the tree now!  It is so special to see pictures of your family on the tree!  Today in class, a brother was excited to find several stories about a common ancester he has with LTom Perry! There was also a link to a video L Tom Perry had done about this ancester.
Dad has been spending lots of time this week learning about blogs, we are being taught that it is a great way to preserve our stories, journals, etc.& also share them with those we desire to!  Stories, that was the big push of the Roots Tech Conference in March! They are equally as important as the other parts of FH.
Our day at the public library - a lady came in to see if it was the day of that "ancestry c- she wasn't sure quite what to ask about!  We had so much fun helping her. She had an amazing family tree which she had set up on an Excel spread sheet! To me it was, well all I can say is amazing, & a little confusing. She knew it forwards & backwards.  The FH programs we use were a little confusing to her.  It is just what we each get  used to!  She'll be back on Monday!  We love to see people so caught up in what they feel as they do any aspect of this great work. The "spirit of Elijah" is so very real!
More, more, more, new inspiring new things are showing up on!  Keeps us jumping every day to find & share them with all!
Family History is for Everyone  - a lot of stuff on the site for leaders, families and youth.........enjoy........................ great FHE items!
As I walked this a.m., I came across this scripture in a Conference talk:
   "Speak the thoughts that I shall put into your heart.........For it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say."  D&C100:5-6   How very true, in every aspect of our lives, whether in our homes, the work place, at school, in our church.  Each day that happens in our lives!   I know it does in mine!!!!
Our love to all of you, & CTR,     Mom & Dad

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