Saturday, May 18, 2013

March 31, 2013

Dearest Family,
Spring is definately here!  Our crocuses are blooming! They are so beautiful here by house. Since we came home at 3:45 we have been watching a Sharpshined Hawk sitting in the tree right here by the kitchen table. Usually he is up higher in the trees watching the feeders here by the window. No little birds on the feeder while he is here! It has been a beautiful week, & we have had cancelizations, so have used the time to do yard work. Have burned all the ditches & around the pond. Was great to have so many calm days!
We were able to attend Marie Grants funeral on Monday,  She was a grand lady!
We have been helping a brother in Cowley, he & his married daughter did a great deal of research on & now want to submit it for temple ordinances.  We were blessed to find the answers, so they could download it from there  & now get it ready to submit!  Have also helped several others in Cowley with indexing. Had a fun afternoon with a young mother, showing her around the program, so she can get started.
Thurs was spent with Daeja at Grandparents Day in Powell, thanks Daeja for the wonderful day! We have been reviewing a lot of info from the Roots Tech conference. We are preparing for the Stake FH consultant Training Mtg this week.  There is so much, sometimes we are feel as if our brains are boggled!
Dad had fun on Friday with Ken & his 11 year old Scouts. They spent 2 hours looking at plants & animals, or signs of them. Some of the highlights were dead quail (uck), owl castings, different kinds of trees, raccoon skulls, chewing juniper berries, animal tracks and bird nests. It was a fun time for me!! My male quail are killing each other which isn’t supposed to happen if no females are there. I have one pair and a single male now. 
This Easter Sunday has been wonderful, with the normal SS family History classes.  Closed the FHC for Easter & had a dinner with Rob, Michelle & family!  Thanks for the special evening.
We love you all & CTR     Love Mom & Dad
Sorry I am late, internet down this A.M.

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