Saturday, May 18, 2013

November 18, 2012
Dearest family   
Monday, it was a national holiday!   Public Library is closed. . . so we opened the Family History Center & helped our patron there!  We continue to find records for her. She enjoyed the pictures of tombstones from
Family Home Evening was the greatest!  We were in the home of a family, children 4 to 18, teaching indexing. All enjoyed it!   The oldest son arrived late, due to Basketball practice. He was looking at his Mothers computer screen, "What do you do?   Just fill in the blanks....." The first one he did was a typed record - quite simple.  The next one was cusive hand writing & very faded & light....We talked about contrast & brightness setting, negative images & about inspiration, guidance from the Holy Ghost, also using the *  & ? to replace 2 or more letters or a single letter.   As he looked at the monitor of the lap top, I tipped  & shifted it.  All of a sudden he blurted out "It's Arnold - I see Arnold"  He knew where the thought came from. . ."That's cool" he said.  I said, "more fun than basketball. . ." & he answered. "yes,  way more fun than basketball"   How great it is when the spirit prompts us!  He will!   We just need to be worthy & to listen & obey!
Our visits in homes were wonderful, it was so special to see an elderlly sister do an indexing batch & submit it all in just a little more than an hour!   Her goal this winter is to do one a day! She wants to be doing something worth while!   Another couple missed our Sunday Family Tree Quick Start Class, called & asked what they could do to catch up on what they had missed?  Just how many people do that?   We had a great time in their home!
This was the week for Stake Family History Consultant training in the FHC.  Dad & I gave the lesson, felt like it went well. There was tech support, checking on problems with computers, Study time, preparing for a Ward Council Mtg this A.M., a Perm & a hair cut,  Dad went fishing while I did that!  Helped a sister tye a denim quilt, one evening.  Dad & I went deer hunting on Snells two evenings, the second one, he was successful, filling his first license! 
Another busy Sunday, checking out some computer internet issues that seem to happen each Sunday, a Ward Council Mtg, a SS family History lesson, the Fike girls primary program in Powell, we loved it! Then back home for lunch, a short break, phone calls to check on Dad, supper then to the FHC for another Byron ward council training meeting and workshop. Ready for bed at 9:30pm.
We are taking the FT missionaries out to Bighorn Canyon tomorrow morning to see this awesome area!
And many prayers for Grandpa Croft.  It is a time of "sweet sorrow". We know there will be happy reunions soon! We are all excited for he and Mom to be reunited!!!! We have a lot of the two funeral services planned out already.
We love you all & pray for you all daily!   CTR
Mother & Dad

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