Saturday, May 18, 2013

October 8, 2012
Dearest Family!
You are all wonderful, you know it, don't you?  We love each one of you!
Our Monday with Judy was great! I helped her transfer data from letters to family group sheets.  Dad felt so guided by the spirit as he looked for her grandmother, whose maiden name was Johnson.  There are lots of those & several stood out!  We also helped a sister in her home to learn the new program & get started again! She's doing great, has called several times with little questions!
We had two sisters from a RS Presidency come to the library Tues Evening, the president really feels that FH can help the sisters in her ward!  She is so excited about it & is getting involved herself & so is her counselor.  Tonight, Sunday, she came to the library to review indexing.  She has challenged her sisters(biological) & her mother to get involved, undecided about how many they will do by the end of the year!
Dad was in Billings Wednesday for Lake mtgs, & I was in the FHC, worked with two different ward consultants, helping them with Family Tree!  We also covered the FHC in the evening!
It was so wonderful to see Ryan on Wednesday, thanks Ryan for coming to the FHC to see us! We feel so blessed to have grandsons serving missions!  We put him to work on Thursday, sharing his testimony with the full time Elders about how he used FH in his proselyting in Chili.  He also did some role playing with them to help them learn how to do it & catch the vision.
We again spent a lot of time learning and preparing to help others. We must continually review and catch up on the new program additions. The Lord is accelerating the process making it easier to find our ancestors!!!
General Conference was insightful the last two days, of course our ears & spirits were listening for references to FH & there were several!  We are excited to study the talks more! It's hard to pick a favorite because every one contained inspiring things! Enjoyed having Rob & Michelle visit on Sat afternoon  & Dinner at the Grants tonight!
Our love to all,  and CTR    Mother & Dad     

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