Saturday, May 18, 2013

September 23, 2012
It's been a great day & a great week!
Monday AM is a planning time, after a busy Sunday with new appointments & activities for the coming week. It seems there are also things which we have had questions about so study time also! We always enjoy our Monday in the Lovell Public Library! It is a great way to start the week!  Worked with two people this week! One we will see again next week!  The other, Bro Whaley, we helped there & also went to his home, to get some things set up on his computer.  He also comes to the FHC often to work! Also had questions from another person. FH Evening was reviewing videos & trying to figure out why my computer wasn't doing what I thought it should, still scratching my head, but think that tonight when I was talking to SLC Support, I may have found the answer!   I hope, will try something else tomorrow to see if it works.
Tues we helped Bro Whaley at home, & spent time with Pat & Sylvia Crosby. They go to the MTC next week then onto Texas. They feel like they know what's available, now & could help someone! Spent some time in the FHC this afternoon, Bob worked on several computers, trying to discover why they were so slow!  I checked out printed material there to see what things we have that are available only in our center!   Our evening was spent with 3 more Priests from Cowley, their leader & a member of the bishopric. We love the youth, their excitement is contagious!  (these two leaders are really excited also)
Wednesday, a hair cut, our day in the FHC, 10-1:30, a trip to Powell to get adjusted,  Visiting Teaching appointments,
Thursday,  conversations with people we have helped, Bro Fowler, the High Councilor we work with, Studying, etc. Dad got the house furnace going for the winter too.
Friday,   I think it was our p-day, fishing at the lake in the morning, laundry, football game with Nathan & Talon, (There is peewee football with full gear in the local communities now so the young kids run plays during the halftime)
Saturday, Went to Powell, helped Joy's girls with the last quilt, saw Ky's middle school football game. Went to the cemetery, Darla Murray (92) had passed away, this is Keith Murray's Mother.  We were able to visit with all of the family, some of you remember Valerie & Tiffanie Murray, their daughters!
Then Sunday!   It was so nice to visit folks as they arrived then attend sacrament meeting in  Cowley 1st Ward & Lovell 1st Ward!  In both places, we were able to make contacts for activities for this week.  Several were answers to our prayers, to help this great work forward! Our evening in the Center was productive tonight also!  I had talked to a sister in Cowley today about a correction which she wanted to make in Family Search, & she came in to do that!  Peggy Brimhall has been called to work as a volunteer in the FHC, so she is learning. Dad helped her!  Several others came in to work on their own!
And in the mix with all of this,  I think this morning, I found a Will which adds & confirms another generation & family on one of Dad’s lines!!!!!!  Hurray!!!!
We love the work!  We love all of you!   This work is awesome!  
CTR            Mother & Dad!

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