Saturday, May 18, 2013

February 10, 2013
Dearest Family!
    Happy Birthday Kenya & Daeja!!!!   Hope your day was a great one!  We love you so very much!   Congratulations Tchae on your call to the Mexico , Mexico City East Mission!
    Our week was a busy one! Several house call appointments every day! A blessing this week was to work with 3 different people, each several times during the week. Giant strides are made when we can do this. We really saw a difference by doing this!  The spirit is there more often & they learn & accomplish so very much!  It was great & amazing & wonderful, etc!
    As we were about in different wards today, we also saw miracles in action! Several Bishops, FH Consultants,& a High Priest Group leader commented in ways which witnessed of their growing testimonies of this great work!  Dad was prompted to leave the FH center and stand in the foyer of the east chapel. While there a young man and his family came over to talk about indexing in their home. We had called their home to make an appointment, left a message but had not received a reply. They have no computer at home so they want to come to the FHC to do it. He and 2 of his teenage daughters had not been to church for a long time. A simple invite helped them feel the Spirit and come to church.
    The Elders stopped by the FHC tonight to set up a time for us to help a sister they are teaching & reactivating.  They have already helped her set up her Family Search Account. She is very interested in doing FH.  We hope to meet with her next Saturday. Our elders and sisters are the first ones who have had training in using FH for missionary work. We have been looking at some of their infield FH training videos with them. These videos are awesome on how to use FH in proselyting.
    As we taught three Sun School FH lessons today, we saw bros & sisters feeding the spirit, not wanting the class to end & excited to come back next week!   FH really does "Turn the Hearts"
    Dad & I were also able to attend the Temple this week! Dad was real sick the night before we went but was determined to go so the man he was wanting to take could get his work done. He still didn’t feel good in the morning but we went anyway. We did two family names, again it was wonderful. Hope all of you have a wonderful week!  Thanks so very much for your examples & your prayers. We feel it daily in our lives.  Have a Happy Valentines Day & CTR!
    Love Mother & Dad!

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