Saturday, May 18, 2013

February 3, 2013
Dearest Family!
    Each week is great - With many of the same activities!  We saw Brothers & Sisters excited about programs of the church.  We had come across a webinar which talked about Accessing Family Search on Mac's   Had to see if it really worked, visited a Brother one afternoon who only uses Mac.   Had a great time with him & Yes, it did work!  We found lots of info about one of his families!  He was excited & so were we!!!  The church is doing great things to give everyone an opportunity to have access to the tools to do this great work & receive the blessings promised!
    Happy Birthday, Nathan, Whitney & Bryan!   Hope your days were wonderful!  Enjoyed cake & ice cream at the Grants!  
    Enjoyed our day in the Public Library! I always have one lady to work with. Lately we have been entering her data in Ancestral Quest & printing Family Group Sheets.   She had quite a bit of info when we started last August & we have added more to it!  It is nice to get printed copies for her.  Dad usually has several stop by who asked questions, etc. We also see the Elders & Sisters there, it's P day for them & they are there writing letters!
    Tuesday was a productive day, helping a sister do indexing.  It is so rewarding for her, something worthwhile for her, even tho sometimes the computer is frustrating!  She is getting there & accomplishing more on her own each week! Bro & Sister Shane Roberts came into the library Tues evening to learn!  We had a great time with them! It is so exciting to see others excited & amazed at what is available to help them. There are so many original records such as birth, death, censuses which can be viewed on the computer!   It is also amazing to them the ability we have to prepare the names for temple ordinances & when we complete the ordinances, see them recorded on the computer within hours!
    We have had several people this week excited about learning the programs in their own homes, on their own computers & having what they need to work with right there.  We feel blessed that we can help this way!
We have also spent time this week preparing for a Combined Priesthood-RS 1st Sunday lesson in the Lovell 3rd Ward today!   We are grateful for the inspiration to do, & felt that it went well. Also had 3 family history classes, during SS time, one in Cowley & 2 in Lovell. We spend hours each week keeping up with new videos, program updates and new data in the Family History process!!!!
    Dad took the Fike boys to Deaver Res on Friday evening to try for walleye. A very nice time even a few walleyes. The fog came in and covered the lake it was like being above the clouds in a plane! They fished for 45 minutes from sunset to 6:15pm. We watched part of several sports events on local TV plus kept up with wrestling by texting. We worked together to run the snow blower to clear the 5” of wet snow we got on Wednesday.
    Thanks to Rob, Vicki, Darece, Joy & Allen!!!! The calendar looks great! You all did wonderful job!  We do regret not being able to sent it out to everyone!
        We Love you All,   & CTR
   Mother & Dad

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