Friday, May 31, 2013

Gdma Rena, Tchae and Gdpa Bob
May 31, 2013

Mom and I  make quilts for our Seniors each year and we have four this year! Three have already graduated which are shown here, Linz from Bingham High School, Utah. Krysta and Nate from Lovell High School in Lovell, Wy and Tchae from Powell High School in Powell, WY. 




May 31, 2013
A wonderful time together at the Billings Montana Temple with Tchae! Tchae entered the MTC in Provo on May 29.

Mic Fike, Rob Croft, Bob Croft, Rena Croft
Becky Fike, Joy Fike, Dak Fike, Tchae Fike, Darece Grant

Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 30, 2013

We wanted to share the YouTube link to Dad's video we did for the funeral last November.

Enjoy!  Mom and Dad

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 26, 2013

Dearest Family
We have been so blessed to be with family this week!  It was wonderful to travel to the temple with Rob & Darece.  Visiting time was great!  And time in the temple with Tchae was priceless!  We are so blessed to have this time with family! Then to have the blessing of hearing Tchae speak today in Powell was wonderful! Tchae, the spirit you shared with us today was so very special! These two days definitely were the high points!
Amber was over on Monday with the girls & Ira. Ira & Grandpa had a little fishing time. I think Ira came close to setting a new pond record!  fishing was great!  Amber & I made bread & we all enjoyed lunch together!  My Public library time was nice with JQ.  Dad also had several people there to work with. One was preparing several names for the temple & preparing to visit family.  Wanted to know what do I ask, do etc to gather info from people. 
It was deep cleaning at the church, so it was closed on Tuesday evening.  We were able to help several with indexing, & we do some every day!  Whether it is 5 minutes or 30, it just adds so much of the spirit to our lives & anyone elses also!
Sure enjoyed LHS graduation for Krysta & Nathan ......Now it is on to bigger & better things in life!
We planted a few flowers and our garden in the enclosure consisting of 8 tomato and 8 pepper plants. Dad also sprayed the weeds around the driveway that seem to be doing extra good with all the little rains. We need to get the sheep here to handle the weeds in the  other areas.
Attended a funeral for Ron Lindsay & were able to visit with his daughter,Tonya, one of Vicki's friends from High School. Also did some lawn mowing in between things.
Dad is busy putting final touches on the plans for the Croft Reunion in mid June. Uncle Howards family will be in town next weekend for the burial of Velma and Susan plus the baptism of a great grand daughter. We don’t know who all will be coming.
We enjoyed a beautiful morning at the Lake - calm, peaceful........what a place!  Dad had me practice driving using the new motor and controls. We checked out the fuel usage and boat speed vs the tachometer readings in order to know fuel and time for future boating trips. We hope to go up the canyon on Monday if the weather holds?
We love you all, & CTR                Mom & Dad

Thursday, May 23, 2013

 Kaitlyn and Gdpa Bob went fishing at Croft Pond in hopes of breaking the catch and size record. She caught 36 fish with 5 being the BIG ones in an hour. The old record was held for 6yrs by the young man next door. You can see by the photos the size range she caught! The previous record holder happens to be in her school class too. We had an awesome time!!! I was the guide for this adventure! That's what I like to do best with my grandchildren... watch them do the catchin! ! !

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

We spend our Monday afternoon each week helping people who walk in for Family History Help! It's a special experience each week to provide this serve to our community folks!

Sister Croft helping a wonderful lady search out and record the names and stories of her family! They have a great 3 hours together quite often! We use the library computers. patron computers plus take our two laptops, and our Kindle Fire HD for patrons to use too! The library computer center is real busy each week with all ages of folks.

Monday, May 20, 2013

May 19, 2013

Dearest Family,
Happy Birthday, Rob!  Happy Birthday Symphony, tomorrow!  We love both of you!
May - the busiest month of the year!   and we don't even have children in school!!! We so enjoyed going to graduation open houses for Nathan & Krysta on Monday & on Friday, Tchae!   Wish we could be with you, Lindsay also! We have noticed things are a little quieter in the FHC right now.  Wednesday was our day to work there, we also meet with the NeVille's that day. The week has been cooler and wet. Not a lot of rain just 0.4 inches over the 4 days. Most of the mtn snow has melted out already.
As I think about this week, it has been a little bit of everything! We have helped two elderly sisters index, started a young, HP group leader & his wife to do indexing, helped a sister who is learning to arbitrate ( part of indexing) & also in some indexing phone support. Our home visits for FH were great - Dad worked with one brother, while I helped his mother with indexing!  He is so excited about the stories & pictures that can be added to the tree now!  It is so special to see pictures of your family on the tree!  Today in class, a brother was excited to find several stories about a common ancester he has with LTom Perry! There was also a link to a video L Tom Perry had done about this ancester.
Dad has been spending lots of time this week learning about blogs, we are being taught that it is a great way to preserve our stories, journals, etc.& also share them with those we desire to!  Stories, that was the big push of the Roots Tech Conference in March! They are equally as important as the other parts of FH.
Our day at the public library - a lady came in to see if it was the day of that "ancestry c- she wasn't sure quite what to ask about!  We had so much fun helping her. She had an amazing family tree which she had set up on an Excel spread sheet! To me it was, well all I can say is amazing, & a little confusing. She knew it forwards & backwards.  The FH programs we use were a little confusing to her.  It is just what we each get  used to!  She'll be back on Monday!  We love to see people so caught up in what they feel as they do any aspect of this great work. The "spirit of Elijah" is so very real!
More, more, more, new inspiring new things are showing up on!  Keeps us jumping every day to find & share them with all!
Family History is for Everyone  - a lot of stuff on the site for leaders, families and youth.........enjoy........................ great FHE items!
As I walked this a.m., I came across this scripture in a Conference talk:
   "Speak the thoughts that I shall put into your heart.........For it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say."  D&C100:5-6   How very true, in every aspect of our lives, whether in our homes, the work place, at school, in our church.  Each day that happens in our lives!   I know it does in mine!!!!
Our love to all of you, & CTR,     Mom & Dad

Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 12, 2013
Dearest Family,
Thanks so very much for all you sweet gifts & Birthday-Mother's Day calls!  Love you all so very much,  You are such great examples to us!
    Lots of great work sessions with people, some indexing, some FH!  One sister found the marriage of some ancesters in in Ireland!   Was wonderful,  she just did a search by their names & there it was!  Indexing sure does make all this so very much easier!!!!!!  More miracles happen!
    We never cease to be amazed!  We have several new sisters, over 80, who we are helping. They each are mastering the computer & loving to do the work, they enjoy it so very much! They feel they have something to do which is important & they are very right, they so enjoy feeling the spirit!
    Wednesday night was so great!   One ward has about 20 youth, we divided them in half & used the FHC & the public library!  They wanted to find names for the temple & we did.  We pray they will continue to work on it, there are so many youth activities going on the next month & their Temple excursion is the middle of June!  Their goal is to be totally self sufficient!  One young man was trying very hard to find names doing a lot of searching and looking and after pages of results found a name while lead to him adding 3 generations to his tree, over 20 names total.  I think they will accomplish it.  That would be 5-10 names each. How wonderful!
    Several mornings or afternoons were study days, it seems there is alway plenty of that.   One morning  we prepared  an outline for indexing, just a short quicky, to answer basic questions.  We are also preparing for a Family History consultant mtg in 10 days. 
    Dad & I had a pleasant morning at Horse Shoe Bend this week doing a service project.  Many screws had fallen out of the dock,  so we replaced 100 of them.  Put the boat in, & worked from it!  Also took a short ride, it was a beautiful morning! 

In the afternoon be made two house calls. Mom got a new Bosch bread mixer for her Bday and Mothers Day so we made bread and rolls – works awesome. She and Kaitlyn used it a day later to make a large batch of cookies.

    We just got some things from Wendy Croft’s friend about her life and passing a few months ago. We are just starting to look at it and will share the info later.
    We love you all, & pray that each of  you "Mothers" had a wonderful day!   CTR & thanks for your prayers! 
    Mom & Dad

May 5, 2013
Dearest Family,
Last Monday, a.m. in the grocery store I saw Heather, a young mother,  4 children 11 months to 8 yr, We had taught her to index a month ago & she is just loving it! She sayes it just makes every day great & works perfect for her.  She finds it so rewarding! JQ & I worked in the FHC today, the public library was closed.  We feel like we have finally entered all the info she has on the descendents of her grandparents!  It will be fun to get back to doing some research!  Our FHE was great also,  A High Priest Group Leader & his wife.  He testified that he feels that it is his time to do this work, he's a convert, so it is exciting for them to work together on this!  In two weeks they will be starting classes in that ward with members of the bishopric & their wives. This ward will really go!!!!!!
We have had several appts almost every day this week, indexing & Family history to help with, then there is also phone help!  It was nice to help teach at a FH consultant mtg also this week - there is always something new to learn. We even got some more yard work completed between our appts.
This week has also been a service week in ways besides FH!   Baked several batches of bread, there were 3-4 people, to share it with!  Dad had a family whom he home teaches, the father had been in the hospital! Also did Chicken & Noodles for a sister I visit who had just returned home from hospital after surgery.  It was also our turn to clean in the church!  Service is just the greatest! We were able to watch the LHS Prom grand march at the Hyart and see many of the youth we work with plus Krista and Nate!  And thanks to Ryan,  he showed up on Saturday at precisely the right time to help Dad do the hard work of replacing the thermo couple in the hot water heater! Sure a lot easier for a young guy to crawl on the floor to change it out. Plus he learned how to do something that happens around the house quite often and to do it yourself saves an expensive service call. That was a blessing!
We were able to attend two Eagle Court of Honors,  Kirby, Dad's Home Teaching partner & Nathan's   Congrats to both of them!
We so appreciate your love & prayers,  All of you are great examples of service, isn't that what missionary work is all about!
We love you all, & CTR
                 Mother & Dad

April 28, 2013

Dearest Family,
Gee whiz----this week is a blur--was a busy one!  We have been helping several people do fan charts!  Our FHE this week was with a family, they have two sons, 8 & 10,  both thought indexing was great!  They will keep their parents working on it!
Tuesday was our marathon day!   Four appointments plus the FHC in the evening from 6-9 P.M.  It was rewarding to help someone learn to arbitrate in indexing. Dad was helping a YM's President learn more about ways he could get the YM  involved. We have decided that that was too much for one day! It is still so geat to help people feel the spirit when doing this great work! We wouldn't trade it for anything!
Wednesday was just as great, three people learning more about using FS, finding names for the temple & correcting their trees!  It was a privelege to meet with a High Priest Group Leader,  giving him more ideas on ways he can reach out & involve his Ward members. 
Thursday, I had a wonderful day in Billings with Darece & Joy, our monthly trip to the temple! Dad was able to fish a little (caught a ling), study, yard work etc Then there are also phone help which we do some of almost every day!
Gdma Rena hauling in a big Catfish at Crooked Creek bay of  Bighorn Lake.

A nice 5lb catfish, partner!!! 

Friday, another fishing trip for us!  We did catch two very nice catfish in Crooked Creek!  And Saturday, we spent with Amber & the family, Allen is gone on a work trip for two weeks!It was great! Dad took the boys fishing While Amber & I sewed some blinds for their bedroom.   We enjoyed the day so very much.  Then home to prepare for Sunday.

Melvin and Ira both had some good catching at Airport Pond!

Gdma Rena with Leanne and Camille
 And it was perfect!  The highlight was a youth class, 7 young people, the class presidents, plus an extra or two!  They are excited!!!!!   One young lady from the class came into the FHC tonight, all evening, & found several names to take to the temple!  She is so excited & wants to help a friend, too.  They are both going to a basketball camp this summer & the temple is top priority also.  They plan to do baptisms then! I'm sure she will have quite few by then! In another class we taught today, Internet had been upgraded in the building so we could move to a much better location with more room, that means more students,  with consultants helping so very much!  It is great to see them catching the spirit & becoming more familiar with the program!
We love you all,   CTR   Love Mom & Dad!

April 21, 2013

Dearest Family!
What a blizzard it was coming home tonight!  The best one this winter - lots of wet snow falling & the wind is blowing! It will be interesting what tomorrow brings. This time of year it is over quickly!  p.s. ended at 10:30 p.m.
Each Sabbath day is wonderful! We had one lesson & two workshops in three different wards. It was fun to introduce the new look of FS. Most accept the changes & some are a little slower, but is exciting! Our time tonight in the FHC was productive, helping a sister learn to arbitrate, in addition to indexing. Another sister came in to learn more about FS.
Last Wednesday when we went into it had all changed!  There is a new look - with a few changes. A fan chart in addition to a pedigree chart on the Family Tree page.  Both work the same. We can each add photos & stories about our ancesters. These are still in the developmental stages, but working quite well.
This was our Wednesday to work in the FHE during the day. We feel so blessed that there are people interested & coming into the center.  We also have a sister who comes in the third week of the month, both Tues Eve & Wed Aft  for a "hand held device class" She helps people learn how to use their  devices for the church applications.
When Sister G A came in this week, she showed us a letter written by a sister who lived in Lovell from 1920-1973. Quite a stalwart lady, convert to the church from England. She had one daughter. The paper, 8 1/2 by probably 44 inches, written on both sides, was her testimony & conversion to the church. It was amazing!  Several of us worked together & by the end of the week we had located her Grandson, retired, living in Wyoming! The daughter only had two sons. Sis G A sent this to him for the family to have. What a warm & wonderful feeling. What an amazing treasure for this family to have.
Today Sister KG told of finding someone working on the same line as she is in FT, & also her email address. She contacted her, asking if they might share information, & immediately received pages of information from her. The ancester helped teach the Gospel to Brigham Young & baptised him.  Sister KG had no knowedge of this.
The week was a wonderful one!  We also were blessed to introduce 3 people to indexing & help others in their homes & on the phone with FH, take the boat out to Horseshoe Bend for an hr to ck out the new motor, worship in the BM Temple and be proxy for more of our family members, a track meet in Lovell on Saturday to watch Whitney, Nathan & Chalin, & have lunch with the Fikes!
Thanks to the Grants who did some yard work on Friday for us.
We love you all, & so appreciate your prayers & support in all we do!
CTR & Love,   Mom & Dad

Ready to give it the trial run at Horseshoe Bend!

April 14, 2013
Dearest Family,
Happy Birthday to Ira & Kirena!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our friend Sister Janet Nazer helped me out on Monday in the Public Library.  She is a great companion whenever I need one. How blessed we are, by Tuesday Evening Dad was ready to be out & about!  He was feeling much better! It was a great evening in the Family History Center. We are so grateful for Priesthood blessings. He still will have a coughing fit occasionally.
Two cub scout leaders, and 7 -  9 year old boys  came into the Family History Center to find an ancestor. They came prepared with filled out 4 generation Pedigree Charts, every one of them.  We had seven helpers, including their two leaders there to help one on one. They each looked up one of their great grandfathers on the 1940 US Census.  We had a story like form which they filled in with the info they learned from the Census! They then shared this info with their peers.  It is so very special to see how excited they got! The spirit of this work is amazing!
In the process of training each Scout Leader, they got excited to work on their own. One had just been to the funeral of her husband's biological father, who he had had very little contact with.  They wanted to pursue this line & learn about it.  The Holy Ghost, the spirit of Elijah, just works in a miraculous way!
Thursday Dad had a Bighorn River Long Terms Issues Group  Meeting followed by the FOBHL meeting in Lovell, this is part of the community service we give as full time missionaries. I spent the day with Peggy Brimhall!   Was so pleasant & relaxing, just to visit.
Today in one of the wards we visit, it was announced that for their next Youth Excursion, they want to be totally self sufficient, meaning: They will bring All family names for the baptisms with them to the temple!  This fast and testimony Sabbath day was filled with sweet spiritual experiences! Dad and I bore testimony in the First ward today too!
CTR & we love you all!   Have a great week & remember D & C 130: 20-21

Love Mother & Dad

April 7, 2013
Dearest Family,
Well, another week has passed, so quickly!  Congrats to Nathan on his mission call to the Tongon Mission, speaking the Tongon language. He leaves July 31. Lindsay, hope the healing of that foot progresses faster this week!  Not fun!
It has been a good week!  We taught a FH lesson to the Consultants this week.  That went well.  We always wish for more of them to be there. Did have a great time helping one after the lesson & she learned all about merging duplicates.
We had several other appts this week!  It is always great to really study a document, such as a census & see how much info is really there.  This one was really hard to read.  Just tilting the laptop computer various directions helps to read it better.  I also am always amazed at the many things we can learn doing Google searches.  Need to learn abt some German names, just googles it & found a list of given names, just what I needed. Our motto:  When prompted - DO IT!
Met with a High Priest Group Leader & the YM & YW's presidents of his ward.  That was exciting & I think we will get some great things going there.  We are beginning with a FH class during SS time  for the Youth Presidents of their classes. The YW Pres bore her testimony about how doing indexing every morning has changed her life. We had testified to her and the her ward YW recently about how indexing impacts  our lives each day.
Had some cancelations this week so were able to do some home things,  tied three quilts, & Dad put the new motor on the boat!  Had a two good Samaritan's who helped us so very much with that project!
Dad finally caught a head cold late Friday and has been feeling miserable, likely several more days until he gets on top of it. The cough is the worst part!
General Conference was great!   Enjoyed having Allen, Amber & family here this A.M. & a Family Dinner today at the Grants!  We love you all!
Thanks so much for your love & prayers each day!

  CTR      Mom & Dad

Mounting our new 50 Hp Mercury outboard on our boat!


March 31, 2013

Dearest Family,
Spring is definately here!  Our crocuses are blooming! They are so beautiful here by house. Since we came home at 3:45 we have been watching a Sharpshined Hawk sitting in the tree right here by the kitchen table. Usually he is up higher in the trees watching the feeders here by the window. No little birds on the feeder while he is here! It has been a beautiful week, & we have had cancelizations, so have used the time to do yard work. Have burned all the ditches & around the pond. Was great to have so many calm days!
We were able to attend Marie Grants funeral on Monday,  She was a grand lady!
We have been helping a brother in Cowley, he & his married daughter did a great deal of research on & now want to submit it for temple ordinances.  We were blessed to find the answers, so they could download it from there  & now get it ready to submit!  Have also helped several others in Cowley with indexing. Had a fun afternoon with a young mother, showing her around the program, so she can get started.
Thurs was spent with Daeja at Grandparents Day in Powell, thanks Daeja for the wonderful day! We have been reviewing a lot of info from the Roots Tech conference. We are preparing for the Stake FH consultant Training Mtg this week.  There is so much, sometimes we are feel as if our brains are boggled!
Dad had fun on Friday with Ken & his 11 year old Scouts. They spent 2 hours looking at plants & animals, or signs of them. Some of the highlights were dead quail (uck), owl castings, different kinds of trees, raccoon skulls, chewing juniper berries, animal tracks and bird nests. It was a fun time for me!! My male quail are killing each other which isn’t supposed to happen if no females are there. I have one pair and a single male now. 
This Easter Sunday has been wonderful, with the normal SS family History classes.  Closed the FHC for Easter & had a dinner with Rob, Michelle & family!  Thanks for the special evening.
We love you all & CTR     Love Mom & Dad
Sorry I am late, internet down this A.M.

March 24, 2013

Dearest Family,
Happy 3rd Birthday, Leanne!
This week's FHE was with 3 single sisters, 55 to 70 age bracket, did it in the Public library, since one works there & we wanted computers for each & internet connection. They were each able to connect their trees, & one learned abt indexing.  She works nights at the Living Center & sometimes there is  time to fill with something like that. The other two were interested in fan charts. It seems that the company doing the charts is not getting their info from the program, "Family Tree" but still accessing the older one! Disappointing, we pray it will be corrected soon!
This was our week to cover in the FHC, Dad worked with an older brother!  He is amazing, so much desire & finds  names to take to the temple! It helps us realize that there is always something we can do & accomplish!  I worked on the decluttering project, mostly throwing away collections of CD's which are online now.  A Young Mens group was in again to find names to take to the temple, one found 5 & 2 others found 1-2 each. What a special temple day that will be for them!
We had a Girls Day at the Temple, Joy, Darece & I!  Messy roads for part of the trip, then cleared up! Our session was wonderful, then while enjoying the Celestial Room, Mary Lou, ( the sister we went to the temple with in December) came in!  She was there with her grandson & his wife, & had just been sealed to her parents! How special!  It was wonderful to know that she has been able to do this great work & sure makes one feel complete!   I was so happy for her!
Dad spent his day at home, the RootsTech conference was going on & he was able to see it on the internet.  This is a three day conference in SLC, 6000 attending, with all kinds of computer apps connected with FH.  It seems this year, a great deal was aimed at the "Story" aspect of FH!  They used a quote from Joseph Fielding Smith about how important it is to get to know our ancesters, how we love them more by doing this. We were also able to listen to it on Friday & Saturday!   There were some very amazing things to learn about.
Saturday afternoon talks were about "To Turn the Hearts" & the great success that is happening in places where it is being used as directed. The brethern are very concerned that most of the church are ignoring the To Turn The Hearts plan. Elder Koelliker of the 70 gave the priesthood leaders training. Spoke of both halves of the blessing we all need to be receiving, do FH and then take the names to the Temple. The new training videos are from the Rio Rancho Stake in Albuquerque, New Mexico with folks Rob’s family knew. They stressed that the leaders must be trained first and have their hearts turned if they are going to help those they serve! Each ward needs at least 3 consultants and part of these are to be youth. Again they told us that consultants need not be genealogists. New features for FS/FTree were presented too. Go to the home page of FS to see a video of these new features.   It is great to feel the spirit from these activities. This new web page is partly functional and will be finished soon.
We will be sharing this training with the wards in the coming weeks.
We also enjoyed a wonderful Stake conference & evening in the FHC tonight with Rob & Michelle & others!
Our Love & CTR       Mom & Dad

March 10, 2013
Dearest Family!
    My oh my---just where do I start!  Congrats Whitney, on your dance accomplishments! We did a FHE again this week - a family of 4 boys, 7 - 16.  It was great & all enjoyed it.  I saw 'Mom' today & she said all had done some this week,  especially the two youngest! They want to do it every day. They love it!  I'm sure they have the most time to work on it because their brothers are in HS & involved in sports!
    Blair Bryan, you all remember her husband Buck who drove the school bus.  She came to the Public Library on Monday, she used to do a lot, but hadn't for abt the last five years or so - since all the computerized programs.  We worked again Wednesday & Saturday.  She is well on her way, taking names of her ancesters out of a book from  Aruga, ANT, Netherlands. Over the past few years, since he passed away, she has served a mission, worked in the temple & thinks it is time to get back to FH.
    We have really been on the go, seven different appointments in homes & each one was special in some way.  There were special things which happened, comments like:  "It's been a year, another one, 5 years since my husband passed",  hard days but they wanted to work on their FH & indexing!  - "Every time you come, I learn so much!" -  A husband said, "Thanks so much for helping my wife get going again on FH" "It's been so long,  I enjoy how I feel when we do this!"
    Wednesday evening was our Consultant Training Meeting. We tryed something different, left it up to the Consultants to ask us questions. We had made a list of the most common problems we deal with as Consultants, so could prompt them with ideas if needed.  They brought up several & so did we, had a very good discussion!
    Then at 7:00 a great group of YM came in to find names to take to the temple. We'll have them in again in two weeks to finish up.  The internet service was awful, so it really tested us, but finally were were able to work for a little while, prayers are answered.
    Our ward had a youth excursion, Kaitlyn & Nathan did some of our family names. Saturday, Allen & Amber went to the temple & did the initiatory for the same names!
The snow got quite deep this year since we had 3 months of below 32' so no melting!
    Today Dad has been monitering internet coming into the building, & also how the computers are working. We pray that this will be the week when we can finally figure out the problem.
    A last experience - Tues evening a couple came in, converts. She wanted to check on a grand father & his brother.  She knew that at least one had been in the Civil War.  We went to Fold3, a site that has lots of military records.  We found both Edward, her Gfather & brother Aquilla!   But Aguilla became ill & died while serving at age 24. We followed his pay stubs, his passing,& a list of his  very few belongings which were delivered to his brother, Edward. By this time to spirit was there & we were both in tears of compassion & love.  Then she said,  "now we know who is in a family picture we have of two Civil War Soldiers!" The picture is a treasure that the family has passed down, even tho they didn't know who it was.
    We love you all so very much,  Thanks so very much for your love & prayers & CTR

Mom & Dad,

March 3, 2013
Dearest Family,
May I start by sharing an experience of someone else,   She said that that morning before coming to work in the FHC, she had prayed for a miracle that day!   Mid morning, a sister came to the center who had not been to our center before & had not worked in the computerized data bases. That day she found an ancester she had been seeking for forty years! Miracles do happen every day!
    FHE 's are one of our favorite activities, this Monday was again a great one, a family of teenage daughters, Mom, Dad, & the girls loved it. They are all preped to help when their YW's group comes in next week!  This week we also had a Ward YM's group (10) come in.  As they plan the activity, they are just sure that it will be really boring! They get there, they catch the spirit, & they love it.   Several of the older boys in this group completed batches of 30 names.  That's 30 people who are out there in an index, waiting for some one to find them! 
    The newest thing in FamilyTree is beta testing of an app which adds pictures to the site!  They have extended invitations to all FH Consultants to help with the testing.  Dad has started uploading photos of our ancestors Go in & have a look! This past week we have watched several webinars about the process.  Yes, we are learning a lot. We feel that added help from our Heavenly Father as we study & do.  We so appreciate the promptings of the Holy Ghost as we help others do this great work.
    A new ipad app was released this week too, called “Turn Hearts” from the Apple store. It has all the info, video ,etc for the “To Turn The Hearts “ program the brethern want the church to be doing. We hope it will be available on the other mobile platforms soon. The Lord is really wanting this program to get going across the world!
    We came home this afternoon to find water dripping from the ceiling lite above the island in our kitchen. After putting some buckets under the drips Dad got on the roof to see what was happening. He found 7/8 of the roof was all melted off but around a roof vent was an ice and pine needle dike keeping the water backed up behind it, causing water to over flow the shallow flashing of the vent into the attic. He was able to clear away the ice and let the water escape down the roof. Less than a pint of water had came thru the ceiling it appeared. We will keep the lite off so things can dry out good. We were blessed to come home when we did. The 50’ temps made for a lot of water running from the roof today.
Answers come when we need them & at other times we are prompted as to where to find the answers!  This applies to all of us!
We love you all, & CTR,   & Let the spirit help you! 
Love Mom & Dad

February 17 & 24, 2013

Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday, Ken!  Well, it happened for the first time! These last two weeks were busy ones, & last Sunday night  I was unable to write! Our week beginning the 11th was a wonderful one. It was the usual schedule, Public Library, Dad had several new people who stopped & visit whith him.  He is excited to have them come again, which they all plan to do.   I worked with a member & my special non-member.  We are just plugging away at getting all her family entered into Ancestral Quest, then we will go back to doing more research.
      Dad also had FOBL mtg on Tuesday night. I still covered the FHC with other help. On Wednesday night, he also had a NWCC scholarship meeting in Powell.  I had a nice evening visiting with Aunt Gaye & Uncle Frank! We also helped McKenzie Jameson learn abt indexing, she was excited & did so good!
    Was great to have a Family Dinner on Sunday the 17th.  We enjoyed having everyone together.  After coming home from the FHC, I enjoyed visiting with Amber until.?-! time. I think that is a great reason for not writing. Was great to have them spend the night! Several families did not have school on the 18th, Presidents Day.  & spent time with us on Monday.  Dad, Al and boys went to Deaver Res to ice fish only a few bites but a good time to be out together!  Joy & family also came down to visit!  The Public Lib. was closed since it was a holiday!   Sure enjoyed having them. We enjoyed Uno & Flinch
    Monday afternoon we taught the Activity Day Girls, 10-11 yr old, about Family History.  They each set up their own LDS Acct!  They are so very sharp & learn it so very fast!  They let the spirit help & it is wonderful!   In the evening, we did a FHE for a young family, oldest child  age 7.  We shared all the ways that we have learned each others names, the standup people, the magnets for the frig, & "Don't Eat Pete" Their cousins all live far away!  Also did an 1 1/2 hr of phone research with a Sister!   We had been having a hard time getting together so this worked. This happens quit often , huh, Tchae!  and worked quite well!
    Tuesday was the Girls Temple Day!   We each decided to invite a friend, was fun, but we like our "Just us girls time" also.
    We've had so very many great times in homes the last few weeks.   Indexing brings the spirit as does looking for, & doing temple work for our family!  We were helping a Sister who had used a pay site, Did not know about the church's site, She & Dad  did a search for her father who was a member of the church, & had served a mission in 1938.  Up popped Brazil Immigration Records! On the way to his field of labor he & 10 other missionaries stopped in Rio de Jan....just briefly, & this form was filled out, INCLUDING A PICTURE OF HIM! It was amazing! She knew the story about it, but to see the card---- that was wonderful!
    We were able to attend the Stars of Tomorrow show in Powell on Fri evening, a lot of awesome young talent! Sister Delsa Rounds (101yrs) funeral was on Sat morning too. We all remember this special lady in our ward! Ambers Gdpa Jay McNiven died mid wk too at 93 yrs we will go to his funeral on Monday.
    Oh, by the way, we also had a "Dog" experience!   Guess it's not only elders who have those!
Congrats!   to Nathan, State 2A 160 lb champion Wrestler!   &   to Symphony, a Stars of Tomorrow winner!
Our Love & CTR     Grandpa & Grandma

February 10, 2013
Dearest Family!
    Happy Birthday Kenya & Daeja!!!!   Hope your day was a great one!  We love you so very much!   Congratulations Tchae on your call to the Mexico , Mexico City East Mission!
    Our week was a busy one! Several house call appointments every day! A blessing this week was to work with 3 different people, each several times during the week. Giant strides are made when we can do this. We really saw a difference by doing this!  The spirit is there more often & they learn & accomplish so very much!  It was great & amazing & wonderful, etc!
    As we were about in different wards today, we also saw miracles in action! Several Bishops, FH Consultants,& a High Priest Group leader commented in ways which witnessed of their growing testimonies of this great work!  Dad was prompted to leave the FH center and stand in the foyer of the east chapel. While there a young man and his family came over to talk about indexing in their home. We had called their home to make an appointment, left a message but had not received a reply. They have no computer at home so they want to come to the FHC to do it. He and 2 of his teenage daughters had not been to church for a long time. A simple invite helped them feel the Spirit and come to church.
    The Elders stopped by the FHC tonight to set up a time for us to help a sister they are teaching & reactivating.  They have already helped her set up her Family Search Account. She is very interested in doing FH.  We hope to meet with her next Saturday. Our elders and sisters are the first ones who have had training in using FH for missionary work. We have been looking at some of their infield FH training videos with them. These videos are awesome on how to use FH in proselyting.
    As we taught three Sun School FH lessons today, we saw bros & sisters feeding the spirit, not wanting the class to end & excited to come back next week!   FH really does "Turn the Hearts"
    Dad & I were also able to attend the Temple this week! Dad was real sick the night before we went but was determined to go so the man he was wanting to take could get his work done. He still didn’t feel good in the morning but we went anyway. We did two family names, again it was wonderful. Hope all of you have a wonderful week!  Thanks so very much for your examples & your prayers. We feel it daily in our lives.  Have a Happy Valentines Day & CTR!
    Love Mother & Dad!

February 3, 2013
Dearest Family!
    Each week is great - With many of the same activities!  We saw Brothers & Sisters excited about programs of the church.  We had come across a webinar which talked about Accessing Family Search on Mac's   Had to see if it really worked, visited a Brother one afternoon who only uses Mac.   Had a great time with him & Yes, it did work!  We found lots of info about one of his families!  He was excited & so were we!!!  The church is doing great things to give everyone an opportunity to have access to the tools to do this great work & receive the blessings promised!
    Happy Birthday, Nathan, Whitney & Bryan!   Hope your days were wonderful!  Enjoyed cake & ice cream at the Grants!  
    Enjoyed our day in the Public Library! I always have one lady to work with. Lately we have been entering her data in Ancestral Quest & printing Family Group Sheets.   She had quite a bit of info when we started last August & we have added more to it!  It is nice to get printed copies for her.  Dad usually has several stop by who asked questions, etc. We also see the Elders & Sisters there, it's P day for them & they are there writing letters!
    Tuesday was a productive day, helping a sister do indexing.  It is so rewarding for her, something worthwhile for her, even tho sometimes the computer is frustrating!  She is getting there & accomplishing more on her own each week! Bro & Sister Shane Roberts came into the library Tues evening to learn!  We had a great time with them! It is so exciting to see others excited & amazed at what is available to help them. There are so many original records such as birth, death, censuses which can be viewed on the computer!   It is also amazing to them the ability we have to prepare the names for temple ordinances & when we complete the ordinances, see them recorded on the computer within hours!
    We have had several people this week excited about learning the programs in their own homes, on their own computers & having what they need to work with right there.  We feel blessed that we can help this way!
We have also spent time this week preparing for a Combined Priesthood-RS 1st Sunday lesson in the Lovell 3rd Ward today!   We are grateful for the inspiration to do, & felt that it went well. Also had 3 family history classes, during SS time, one in Cowley & 2 in Lovell. We spend hours each week keeping up with new videos, program updates and new data in the Family History process!!!!
    Dad took the Fike boys to Deaver Res on Friday evening to try for walleye. A very nice time even a few walleyes. The fog came in and covered the lake it was like being above the clouds in a plane! They fished for 45 minutes from sunset to 6:15pm. We watched part of several sports events on local TV plus kept up with wrestling by texting. We worked together to run the snow blower to clear the 5” of wet snow we got on Wednesday.
    Thanks to Rob, Vicki, Darece, Joy & Allen!!!! The calendar looks great! You all did wonderful job!  We do regret not being able to sent it out to everyone!
        We Love you All,   & CTR
   Mother & Dad

January 27, 2013

Dearest Family!   
   Monday:  National Holiday!  Prep Day, Dad went to Deaver with the Fike Boys fishing, fun morning, but only fishing, no catching! I did some phone calls & study. Afternoon: because the Public Libra   ry was closed, we went to the FHC.  The Elders, new to Lovell, & Sister Missionaries, one sister new to Lovell, all came in to do their letter writing.   We also started working with them, teaching them a little about what is available,  The Missionaries coming out now do have some training info online, & they showed that to us.  It is great they are getting this info & they can see the benefits of using it when they track & work with people.  Regular Monday aftnoon patron also whas there & were worked on her tree, I had found some new info for her so that was fun! FHE, Dad & I really enjoy the CES broadcasts & had missed the one in January, so were able to listen to Bro Uchtdorf online, great thoughts!
    Tuesday: It was Dad's turn for activities at home, study, a couple repairs, etc.  Darece, Joy & I went to Billings to the Temple.  It was a great morning, we did initiatory for family names then helped in the laundry for an hour. That was a special opportunity also.  The sister over the laundry is quite an organizer, & everything is very meticulous!  We enjoyed it!!!   Went to Walmart & Cosco & then home! Pleasant evening in FHC.
    Wednesday, We were in the FHC this AM, slower day, & Family Search was down,  did organizing etc.  home in aftnoon, then back in the evening 7-9   Worked on decluttering!
    Thursday,  Boy had it been a long time!  We needed adjusted,  thanks so much Dak, We really appreciate it!  We were able to help several people in their homes this aftnoon.  I love VT & was able to visit two sisters today!  Also some phone support!
   Friday   Attended a Funeral this AM, & was able to help a sister in her home!  She is so excited about this work & is doing great!   Has lots she wants to accomplish!
    Saturday  We are blessed in that we can attend the activities of our family,  today was Wrestling match day!  Middle School in Lovell    We were able to watch Nat's match on TV at home this aftnoon.  Saturday evening is always final Prep for Sunday, mour marathon Day!
    Sunday  It was a busy one,  7:30 am to 9:30 pm! It ended with a Single Adult group in the FHC. Everyone was able to work on something on the computer. We are so very blessed to have this opportunity!   We love the sharing, we see miracles in the lives of people each day,  We feel blessed to be tools in His Hands!
    We pray each of you will have a great week, take time to see the miracles & jot them down! 

We love you all, & CTR
Mother  & Dad

January 20, 2013
Our Dear Family!
    Each  week goes by so very quickly! Each one the same but different! Monday morning prep & visiting at the Grants, quiet day at the Public Library!  It was great to help Peggy & Harlow Brimhall. Dad helped Harlow install some things on their computers & Peggy & I worked on indexing, & various questions, problems etc. We have worked with several Ward Consultants this week, preparing to give lessons in their wards. It was also good to continue the declutter project in the FHC. This week ended with just 4-5 questions unanswered, always things to study to help people.
    Wednesday was one of the eventful ones, especially in the evening!   A ward brought in 20 youth & we maxed out the whole system.   They were so patience with the whole thing & after prayer, we did get back online!   Miracles do happen! Not only were we able to help them, but they helped us.  We were able to have Stake leaders on hand, in the building, over the Computer tech end of things. They were then able to call SLC & get problems solved.
    We enjoyed having Amber, Leanne & Camille here for a few while their van was repaired!  Friday & Saturday were slow because of cancelations, but we were busy keeping up to date & I was able to work on several sewing projects which was enjoyable!
    The Sabbath Day is always a high light of the week,  The spirit was special in a ward council mtg where we talked  about the plan. We then attended Sacrament meeting in that ward. We were able to teach two SS classes, we enjoy seeing people learn & want to do more! Doing an open library time, several members came in for help.  Our Sunday evening was successful also with patrons who were finding family. Several today, made break throughs in their research We also had several people talk to us about friends who were interested in doing Family History!
    Our Heavenly Father loves us.  He loves this work & the Holy Ghost guides & helps those who desire to do this great work! It has been a wonderful day!!!

    Our love to each of you & CTR     Mother & Dad

January 13, 2013
Dearest Family!
    Wow!   We have enjoyed this week so very much!  There has been phone support with people, setting up of appointments & a few canceled appts!  A Snowy & cold day kept us inside with time to do Prep! There is lots of flu around & we are trying to stay clear of it!  We have been so blessed so far this winter, no illness!     
    Our Public library day was great with a patron for each of us to work with! We enjoy that so much! Another Sister helped me cover the FHC on Tuesday evening while Dad went to his monthly Friends of Big Horn Lake Meeting.
    Wednesday was one of the highlights of the week!   We went to the temple, I was planning to do a family name which I had just printed the request for.  As things happened, that was not possible & the thought came, "There must be someone else who needs their work done today"    I proceeded to get a name,  Mrs Chu Lee from Korea, born in 1370, (that's correct, it isn't a typo, 1370).  She surely had been waiting a long-g-g-g time! I did have a sweet, special feeling during the session, knowing she was happy!  We arrived home & finished prep for the 6:00 P.M. Monthly Family History Consultants Training Meeting. Tonight we gave the lesson on "Preparing Names for the Temple"  We had a good gooup there & felt like they learned something.   At 7:00 P.M., a ward YM's group of 10, came in to find names to take to the temple. They have so much excitement, are so enthusiatic, & love the work.   They were becoming familiar with the program & loved finding original records about their ancestors.   They are bringing the YW of that ward in next week to help them!  What fun   & the blessing are great for them when they do this work!
    We are always reviewing. Last night, when we were doing our final prep for today, we discovered all the help  material had been reorganized!   Keeps us on our toes, but everything was there for the lessons we were giving today. We gave lessons in 3 wards today. Our lesson in Cowley was done on laptops, a first. usually we are in the FHCenter. Internet connections have been fairly decent. We set up appointments also to help several, who want some help on their own computer at home.We did go the Sacrament Mtg in one ward, & I went to RS in another ward while Dad went Home Teaching!
    Have a great week, & CTR!!!!       We love you all!  Mother & Dad

Gdpa Bob using the snow blower on the deep snow.

January 6, 2013
Dearest wonderful family!
    Dad went fishing at Deaver with the Fike boys, got one big crayfish was all. It was a great time together!   I visited Dak (thanks for the adjustment) & Joy, helped her tie the last of her girls quilts which they made last summer, now only the binding is left!    No public library again this week, but were able to work with the Sister Missionaries a couple of times.
    It was also great to read thoughts from Elder Russell M Nelson's talk at the MTC on Christmas.   He said for Missionaries "to make FH consultants their 'closest ally' in softening the hearts of those investigating the Church. Together they can help investigators identify an ancestor, an ideal way for to show love for those unfamililiar with the Chuch. Also is included a panel discussion of Church leaders and what happened at this Oct conference. (see attached doc) We also had a New Years Day Dinner at the Grants with Fikes & Croft's.  yummmmm. We were so happy to open the FSearch Center for several people who wanted to work on FH that day! It is a privilege to serve!
    Lots of time was spent helping set up the six new Lenova all in one 22” computers in the Family Search Center.   We have made progress, but there are still a few things to do.  We were able to take two of the older computers to Byron & get them all set up for people to use for Family History there. 
    We are beginning to get back in the routine, helping several sisters with Indexing at their home’s again.
    Today we also taught a FH Class in L1 ward, the first of four lessons.  Two other wards will be starting the same plan next week. After we do these then the ward consultants will take over & we will be there to help so there is a 1-2 consultant ratio, Helps the bros & sisters learn faster. Some of the wards are including consultants who need training in these classes, so they can help also!   We trained consultants and leaders in C2 and L4 today.  We met with several consultants to prepare for them for  their lessons next week. We were blessed to hear & share our testimonies in the Lovell 1st ward today. Our evening in the library was quieter tonight, I helped one patron, & Dad installed wireless print drivers on the new computers.  I think that was a blessing, my mind was just about exhausted!
    We were able to see Nate and others wrestle, watch some minutes of BB on TV where youth we know were involved at the high school and NWCollege level. This helps use to have thoughts to share when we see these youth “on the street”.
    We feel so blessed,   we have health, strength & energy to do this great work!  Where ever we are, the foyer, the restroom, or at a wrestling match-----someone asks us about the work & shows interest!
    CTR  we love you all so-o-o- 
Mother & Dad

Gdpa Bob, Ky, Chalin and Tchae ice fishing at Deaver Reservoir


December 30, 2012
Dearest Family!

    What an amazing week!  We are all so very blessed!  Most of all to have such a wonderful family! We had a special Christmas Eve with Rob, Michelle, Ryan & Krysta.  Thanks for sharing the evening with us.
    Thanks so much for the amazing gifts we received form each of you! Dad has been  putting in  study time on the Kindle Fire HD!    He has taught me some things about it, & now I need to spend time working on it!   The camera will come next!   We so enjoyed seeing each family here in the BH basin. We love being in your special homes!  We enjoyed talking to the Allens &  Allen's family. Allen & Amber came to visit on Friday & Saturday, that was great also!   The boys & I even did some craft projects.  The weather has not cooperated, it has been too cold for outside activities, sledding & fishing, some are going to try it again tomorrow.
    Attended the funeral of a dear friend, Carrol Allred, she is the one who had Mayes Fabric.  What an example of love she was to all of us, & she had a great influence in the community!
    We are still resolving Internet issues in our Stake since the use will go up 3 to 4 times on Jan 1 with the new youth curriculum. We are over loaded now! We are looking to increasing the band width up to 25 megs from the present 10 megs. More Wifi antennas are also being installed this week, in the dead areas of all the buildings.
    Today was a great climax for the week!   I got up to find an email from a lost cousin's daughter on Mother's side of the family, Mother had a brother Haskin who had just one son, Bob, & we had lost contact with them. I now have phone numbers & Bob called me, but I haven't had time to return calls, just barely to briefly answer an email!
     We started out Sunday helping with open library in our ward, then went to Cowley 2, where we are working with two new consultants & the High Priest Group leader.   We will start teaching a class there in two weeks & are getting them trained to help, then begin teaching it! The spirit surely does help us all learn quickly & I know it is a great help to the teachers also!   I feel it every day!
    We so enjoyed attending all our meetings in the Lov 5th ward, Rob & Michelle's ward.  Sacrament Mtg. on the Savior was wonderful,  We helped with open library there & helped a young couple, she was so excited to look at records from Italy, which had been digitized, rather than needing to order films of the records.   We then taught the Fifth Sunday Lesson on Family History! It is such a blessing to feel the spirit there, teaching.......
    Then helped a consultant from Lov 1 ward, we will teach the first sessions of classes in that ward, then they will go from there & continue to teach them!   Home for 45 minutes to eat, the back to open the center at 6P.M.  So great to have 5 patrons, a lady,  a Father,  his son & wife, & an Exchange student from Italy visiting here. What an amazing evening, they were all finding things with the help of the Holy Ghost!   And before we knew it,  we looked up to find it was after nine, & time to come home.
    What would it have been like if every day was like today! !!!

We love you all !
CTR   Mother & Dad!