Monday, December 28, 2015

Lots of different activities!

Dearest Family,
    Happy 1st Anniversay to Lindsay & Connor!   next Sunday January 3!   Have a great day!
    It has been an interesting & fun week!   Lots of different activities!   On Monday, we were able to take Elders Hatch & Hunter, out to Big Horn National Recreation Area.  It was a little cold & windy, but there wasn’t a lot of time to hike anyway!   We were able to see wild horses & deer. 10 or so in one group.  Grandpa also called them back when they started leaving.   We looked & looked for sheep but were unable to find any – that was disappointing! We also enjoyed going to a musical play at the High School which Mila was in!  

    Tuesday Darece & I went to Billings – it was her day to work in the laundry at the Temple – so I helped her there. They had had a very busy day on Saturday with many young people there & also 4 families being sealed together for eternity.   They had had 12 children total being sealed to their parents.  It is something which most of us don’t think about, but when the Temple is busy, there is more beautiful white clothing to fold!  We folded & folded, for 2 hours!  No matter what one is doing in the Temple, it is special. We also  finished up some Christmas shopping! It was great to be together & visit!   While I was gone, Dad did Skype Training with a High Councilman in the Gillette Stake.  He said he also had lots of phone calls about FH related questions! He did some Christmas shopping too.  That evening we were in the Family History Center for our weekly FS app class!  A sister from Greybull FHC came up for that.

    ug-g-g-   Think I am getting a head cold!    This is not the time for one of these – or is it.   We do not have lots of planned training sessions coming up!    So on Wednesday we spent the day at home.   I quilted, baked bread and enjoyed a nice day! Rob stopped by in the evening & we enjoyed visiting with him, Michelle, we missed you!  They went on a trip for the holidays since all their family were other places!  Thursday was another at home day!  We spent Christmas Eve with the Grants!  Enjoyed a wonderful dinner, family home evening & Christmas carols!  Did any of you notice the beautiful full moon on Christmas Eve?  It only happens once every so years, next one happens in 2034 & the last one was in 1977.   Just a little trivia!

    Christmas Day was special also!  I actually slept in, we opened our gifts, then went to the Grants for a while, then home for the afternoon! Thanks to all of you for your thoughtful gifts!  We also enjoyed visiting with many of you!  On Saturday, we went to Worland and had a wonderful day with Allen, Amber & their family! It was great!  Then today was quiet also, Dad went to meetings – I didn’t want to pollute everyone so I stayed home. At 4:30 pm we did a FH training over Skype to a HCman and his family in Billings Stake. He has 7 children 11 yrs to 6 mo who were present. We shared all the new ways for families to do FH and they loved it. The 2 older boys and parents then practiced the FS hints/Descendancy process under our tutoring. The 1 1/2 hr session went by fast and they want to do more another time. It’s so important that leaders do this work first and have their hearts turned! !  Then they can teach others with testimony and words. This young HC man oversees 15 units and their HP Grp leaders. Today we added up how many wards and branches we can help in the seven stakes and it is 80, WOW.  We are so excited to see the Fike’s! They arrived this evening & will be here for several days!  We love it! 
    So love and appreciate all you good works and kind ways!  Our Love to all & CTR    Mother & Dad

Monday, December 21, 2015

The spirit of Elijah touches hearts –

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday Kenny & Happy 11th Birthday Melvin!   Hope you each have a very special day!
     We’ve had a wonderful week, The spirit of Elijah touches hearts – we have been blessed to witness that several times this week.  One experience shared with us by phone sums up our excitement for this work & out “Find – Take – Teach” blesses the lives of so many!
High Council man trains HP Grp Lder in Pickup Truck out on the range
Dec 2015
    In early December we trained a high councilman, 200 miles away, using Skype in 2 - 2hr sessions one week when he was off from his work in the coal mines. He was excited to learn his duties and to have help in learning Family Search so he could lead by example. We could tell he really felt the Spirit of Elijah those two days. He was able to find several new people and add them to his tree, all needing their temple ordinances done. We have had email contact with him several times since to assist him with questions and inform him of new updates to family search. Each time he has learned the new process so he is “walking the talk”. This morning by phone he shared the following experience with us. . .
(A week ago today Family Search Tree app had a major enhancement for Android mobile devices which we sent out along with screen captures to inform leaders of this new exciting update.) He received this info just before going to visit one of his HP Group leaders to do family history training. Even though he owns an Apple smart phone that has not yet been updated he knew this brother had an Android smart phone so while they were checking cows on the ranch, this HC man taught this HP Group leader how to download, use the app and its new features. This HP Group leader is from a long heritage of family being members of the Church and names have been very hard for him to find. He guided him thru the process, within 30 minutes this man had found several new names, added them to his tree (with their sources) and reserved them for temple ordinances. He plans to do these names soon in the Billings Temple. Remember this is in a pickup truck on the range checking cows by a man who didn't even know such an app was available an hour before. This HP Group leader can't wait to teach his family, his Bishop and HP brethren how to do the same!
We call this new process a family history miracle and it can work miracles for those who are taught how to use it! The new feature is called “Descendants with Tasks”. The Lord really wants His children to be able to Find an ancestor, Take that person to the temple and Teach someone else to do the same, beginning with our own family!

     For our 49th anniversary we served others and then cooked our own steak dinner that evening! It was a wonderful day and evening for us!!!  What a joyous & wonderful time of the year this is when our hearts are turned to the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ! Thursday evening we attended our ward Christmas dinner and program centered on the Savior. Being with family, holding our little granddaughters and visiting made it a nice time! It has been a wonderful day with many special things – partaking of the sacrament – the spoken word about Him & our Stake Christmas Choir Concert with beautiful music worshiping Him. We attended the Basin and Greybull wards today, seeing lots of folks we have known over the years. Sharing the new FS Tree app with many was exciting for them and us! On our way home we stopped to visit the Twins in Greybull having a nice time and eating some soup and goodies with them! They are both doing good for their age and challenges!
We have indeed feasted today!  And now the goal for me is to remember Him each day – most especially to pattern my life after His in service & love for others.
We especially like this quote from Ezra Taft Benson,
 “I know the Lord lives. I know that He loves us. I know that apart from Him no one can succeed, but as a partner with Him no one can fail. I know that God can make a lot more out of our lives than we can.    May we all have the moral courage from this moment forward to more fully strive each day to think on Christ, learn of Him, walk in His steps, and do what He would have us do.”

We love you all & have a wonderful Christmas Day!   We are looking forward to having the Fike’s arrive on Sunday Dec 27, for a few days!   
Love you  all, & CTR   Mom & Dad

Monday, December 14, 2015

Another wonderful week!

Dearest Family,   
    Happy 2nd Anniversary to Ryan & Rhonda!    And Happy Anniversary to my wonderful Sweetheart! He is the “Apple of my Eye” A very special guy whom I love more each day! Our trip has lasted 49 amazing years & we look forward to many more!
     Another wonderful week! We have had our normal activities plus others.  Tuesday was a quiet day at home, with some planning & prep time,   also study time!  Wednesday was our marathon day!   Started at 9:00 a.m. with a High priest Group leader & his wife here at our home.   We then went to Burlington, to train several ward Consultants, from there to some friends home, to help both of them.   At 6:30 p.m. one ward there had their ward Christmas Party we ate roast beef and all the goodies with them.   At 7:00 p.m. we were in the home of another High Priest Group leader & his wife!   It is so great to help & see their excitement!   It was 10:30 p.m. when we arrived home!  The work goes on & as the leaders feel the spirit of this work,  they can testify to those they serve!  It’s so important that the leaders do it first!!!

    Friday we had a wonderful day in Billings!  The temple was wonderful – we love being there!  After a quick lunch, we visited with the Family History Center Directors of the bi-stake center there, a young father of 7 children who is a High Councilor over FH in the Billings stake, the assistant mgr for the Montana FM group, sharing with her the need for good wifi as well as hardwired internet in the buildings (we taught her how to use the FS app hints process as a way for her to see why wifi is so needed) & several others!  We got home around 7 pm. Saturday was a nice day at home with laundry, bread making, some Christmas decorating, doing more outside work now the snow had melted with the 60’ temps the past two days.

    And Sunday was a day here in our own stake!   We visited the Lovell 5th ward today, then helped teach a YW Mia Maid group in Cowley 2nd ward & their leaders how to use the FS Tree mobile app to find temple names!  We have enjoyed an evening here at home. It was also nice to touch base with several by phone!  A new feature was added this week to the FS Tree app for finding names called “Descendants with Tasks”.  It shows hints and temple work needed in a list for the descendants of the person selected for 3 generations. It’s ready for the android now with the apple one coming soon. Another enhancement that makes the process even easier!!!
    We have had some amazing experiences this week & are so blessed for the guidance we receive!  Each day we thank the Lord for this opportunity to serve him by serving others!
     Our Love,    Mom & Dad

Monday, December 7, 2015

This morning we visited the Byron Ward!

Dearest Family,
    Well, it has been a wonderful day & week!  This morning we visited the Byron Ward!  We were also able to attend their FH class, visit with the HP group leader, & help a little in the class! Seemed a little slower this a.m. because we left home at 8:45 rather than 7 a.m. Had both lunch & supper at home today, a first for quite a while.  Even had a little rest time prior to going to the Lovell 3rd ward at 3:00 p.m.  Kenny & Rosie blessed Lucy Elisabeth today!  It was super to be there!!!!
    We left immediately after the blessing & went to Greybull to a FH Consultant meeting! The Basin & Greybull wards are just trying to get going with the new things! That was great, but with the First Presidency Broadcast tonight, we were unable to stay longer & actually help them one on one!  That will come later! We really felt that it went well.  Also had one HP group leader there & the High Councilor over FH there also (17 people total we knew several of them too)!

    In the evening we Skyped with Bryan, Vicki, Mica & Isaac!  Was super!  They are learning to find names using the new mobile app Family Search Tree doing the descendancy/hints process!  Bryan found his first name & printed it!
    This has been a great week for Skyping!    We did training four different times with 1 High councilmen in Gillette (2x). a HpGrp lder in Otto & a FH Center director and youth FH consultant daughter!  It is working great!  Technology is great!  One of Grandma Croft’s cousin’s passed away, Helen White, & we attended her viewing on Monday!   On Saturday we attended the funeral for Dean Wolvington who died of some rare disease.

    We did have Wednesday free from all appointments, several canceled, but it was a great prep day.  We were able to get in some study time & get some indexing done!  Then on Friday, the afternoon ended up free, so I invited several sisters to quilt!  It is progressing, & will be done before to long.  The unquilted part is about 2 feet wide, but the temple is always slow for me to do!  It is fun to do that part!
    Saturday, Allen, Melvin, & Kona (bird dog)came to do some pheasant hunting!  No birds, but we sure enjoyed the time we were able to spend with them!  While Dad & Allen were doing things on a tablet like FH, how to Skype and using Roku box to watch BYU TV,   Melvin & I played several games!  A great family time!

    We love you all! Love Mom and Dad

Monday, November 30, 2015

I realized that this year is quickly coming to an end!!!

Dearest Family,     Happy 16th Birthday to Isaac!
    As I typed the date tonight, I realized that this year is quickly coming to an end!!!! Each week is going by so very quickly!
    We are so grateful for family this week!  We love you all so very much & appreciate the special lives you each live!  You are ALL the greatest! We spent time at the Grants on Wednesday evening, Nathan had just arrived home!  it was wonderful to see him, and the rest of the family!      Bo, McKenzia, Athena, Kenny, Rosie, & Lucy were all there also!  So it was great to visit. 
    Weather was blustery, & storms were predicted for Thursday, so we celebrated Thanksgiving with Allen, Amber & Family on Saturday.  Darece’s family came later in the afternoon for the piƱata! It was a great day!

    We studied & prepared for a fifth Sunday lesson in Burlington 1st ward today!  We pray that we have inspired them to get involved in some of the many aspects of Family History. Went to Burlington on Friday to help the consultants in that ward & the Bishop & his wife.  They found names of family to take to the temple, that really turns hearts!  They also have a goal to teach their married family about all the parts of FH this coming year in their monthly FHE.  While in Burlington today, we also met with several HP Group Leaders to get them going in FH & help them learn how to get their wards involved! 

    We have also Skyped with a HP Group leader this week, set up several appointments to Skype leaders in Gillette and Cody stakes plus some in-home visits with others for this week!  We want to be available to some one every day if possible.

    There has been light snow several mornings this week and a couple below zero nights, yes winter is here! Our pump in the spring quite a couple days before the warranty ran out so dad called to get a replacement sent . . . the pond will be okay for a few days without fresh water.  Dad trapped over 200 minnows from Moncur pond so we have some to ice fish with over the winter.  Our greenhouse is doing good tomatoes and cucu’s going fine! When it got colder in October, we picked all the green tomatoes in the garden.  they have ripened & we are have about 10 small ones that we are just finishing.
    It has been a wonderful week & we have enjoyed it so very much!
Love, Mom & Dad

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Sunday, we attended three wards in Burlington

Dearest Family,   
    Sunday, we attended three wards in Burlington, their sacrament meetings & Sunday School!  We visited with a variety of people, HP group leaders, consultants, & bishops. They are all just wanting to do this in their wards.  They know it is the Lords work, but just don’t know what to do next.  It was so amazing – each one, independently,  wanting to get going – ready to explode with desire! They are already doing some with old computers, limited internet & not a lot of exposure to the new methods!  We were asked to do a 5th Sunday lesson, next week,  set up a training session in one ward, and a Skype appointment with a High Priest Group Leader in another ward on Tuesday!  We determined their internet was a problem for them to properly hold Family History classes. This is a re-occurring issue in all the building we visit. Correctly placed internet access is one of  the biggest challenges we have and it can easily be corrected by the local FM grp but does take some time!   
    On Tues evening, we taught an Apps Class,  Family tree hints with descendancy, finding names thru Hints, then reserving the names and printing out the FOR form to be taken to the temple.  There is so much new that we can teach about this process! Everyone is anxious to learn. we had four students which is just about right for us to help!

    Much of our time this week has been spent in preparation & study!  Technology is great, but difficult for my old brain.  It needs many repetitions! Thursday evening was spent in Cody with the Stake Presidency, the High Council, & their wives.  We exposed all of them to the new process! Several found their first ever names needing temple work and reserved them to be printed out when they get home. Most were techy, so that makes it easier.  It is just difficult for us to help on the small format of a phone!  We were blessed to arrive safely home, driving all the way in a snow storm, with 2 to 3 inches of snow on the road, the first of the season! 

    Saturday was another great activity – we were invited to the Worland Stake Conference – the Saturday Priesthood leadership training session. We taught from 3 to 5pm; the HP Group Leaders, Elders Quorum Presidents, & some members of Bishoprics, & the Stake Presidency how to organize the work in their Stake & Ward councils, etc.  We were also able to help some after with the actual doing and eat supper at the church with those who attended and their spouces!
     One of our other challenges is tradition, the seasoned genealogist, myself included.  We are working with them, helping them have faith that it can be correct when done in this way & IT IS PROVIDED FOR US THRU INSPIRATION. The proper wording for this change from Elder Allan Packer is “We must become agents of change as leaders”
    Saturday a.m. It was great to be with the sisters of our stake at Stake Womens Conference and enjoy lunch with them before we went to Worland.

Friday was also nice, 5 sisters came & we quilted on Lindsay & Connor’s Quilt!  It is about 5 feet wide now!  The Temple will be the slow part! Dad did some more outside winterizing since it was a nice day. The deer are coming to his food plot but we haven’t determined when they come in yet. I have 2 more permits too fill before Dec 1 if we can.
    We love you all, have a wonderful week & CTR
    Mother & Dad

Monday, November 9, 2015

Dearest Family,
    OOPS, I forgot to wish Quinn a Happy 1st Birthday last Tuesday!  And Happy Birthday to Lindsay this Tuesday!   Have a great day!
    WOW!!! What a week!  Where to start--- Public Library is the greatest!   Five people that we talked to – one, an older Mother of a 2 1/2 year old- Bro Croft approached – & she stated that it was not her time. After looking at books with her daughter she stopped back by & was repentant - expressed an interest!  Maybe this week she will be back! When she finds her first name for the temple I’m sure she will be filled with the spirit of Elijah! Another, already loves FH, hasn’t seen all the new things – boy was she amazed.  An our age Sister – retired now & a convert of many years wants to get back to it & learn about all the new things. Then my regular non-member who comes to the Public Library then also works in the FHC. Can you see why we enjoy the Public Library so very much!
    Tuesday Visited in Greybull at their FHC, with the Director, several consultants & Dad talked to the High Councilor over FH.  They too had serious internet access issues preventing them from doing FH easily. Dad talked to the FM Grp and they are going to add more access points and up the internet to handle the use. FH Centers have to have the needed resources before any work can be done.  Also had a fun evening in the FHC, taught a class on using the Family Tree App, hints, submitting names & now even printing them.
    Wednesday – to Powell – teaching a FHC, we had already visited with her last week!  Bro Croft visited with Bro Checketts at the Institute.  He taught him and a young lady college student how to do Hints-Descendancy process on the computer and mobile devise. They both were finding new names easily and sourceing their trees at the same time! This will be the starting point in getting the young singles there doing more FH and Temple work!
    Thursday morning in Cowley, then the Living Center in the afternoon.   Our 98 yr old indexer there has indexed over 33,000 names.  He does it at least 2 hours a day.  It was also our first WebEx Training Meeting from FS in SLC, a quarterly meeting, with other Area Family History Advisors!  We are learning every day.  A couple we knew well in Laramie are also Area Advisors so that was awesome!! We don’t know where they live yet however?
    Friday A.M.  we cut up our first deer.  It was a cold blustery day out side!   Had ladies over to quilt in the afternoon – we are making progress!
We also try to do some prep every day- have been invited to do several presentations in the coming weeks, which is exactly what we want so we can teach the leaders how this great work can help everyone!

    We were blessed to get another deer Saturday a.m.  & I helped a lady in the afternoon for several hours! Dad did more winter time prep to be ready as it gets colder outside.
    Then today, left home at 7am and arrived in Tensleep at 9:00 a.m. to visit that ward, then met with the HP group leader & FHC director.  Traveled to Worland for lunch then went to the Worland 3rd Ward & again visited the HP group leader, a consultant, & Asst FHC Director.  We all shared testimonies of this work, both of them are converts & shared some amazing things. Had a wonderful time and supper with Al & Ambers family before coming home tonight!
   We would ask all of you to view the video by Elder D Todd Christopherson! He is an Apostle of the Lord, Jesus Christ & gives powerful testimony to recent changes.  Ctrl-click to open.
    We loved each day – and are grateful we can be a part of this great work! 
   Love to all of you

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

It is hard to believe it is November already

Dearest Family,
    My how time does fly!!   It is hard to believe it is November already – another year has quickly passed!  Have thought of Chalin so very much today – he is on his way to his “field of labor” We know he was so excited to go!  We had a wonderful day in Worland today.  Neil Allen Croft was blessed by his father  and we were so privileged to enjoy it with them.   We had a wonderful afternoon with them also – it is always great to visit with Amber’s family! On our way home we stopped to visit with Leona & LaVon in Greybull.  They are staying together, LaVon’s home.  While there, their family Doctor stopped by, just to check on them! We didn’t know there were still Doctors who did that! With the help of VT’s, HomeT’s, great neighbors, many extra miler’s they are able to stay together, in their home, this winter!
    While in Worland we were able to visit with the Stake President, Carl Cottrell & also the director of the FHC in that building. Dad worked with her & had a great visit. There was also a new FH Consultant in the center being trained by another Sister. The three of us worked together & it was great also.  We’ll go back there again next week! 
    Each day was a busy one, with new experiences!  We visited the Cody & Powell FHCenters  one day!  Also kept busy studying new training material & reviewing info we have used the past 3 years. 
    Our Area Manager, Bob Smith, visited with us via phone, then again via Webnx (like Skype) for 1 1/2 hrs another day.  Technology is great!  We feel so blessed to live in this time when there is so much good available at our fingertips to use.

    Wednesday afternoon we were doing a final review for a FHC training meeting that evening. It was about attaching the hints using handheld devices & smart phones. Much to our surprise, we discovered that one could now request temple ordinances on the devices!  You only need a PC to print our the FOR form now – more than likely soon the app will do print outs too.
    Friday turned out to be an ‘at home day’  so I decided to call a friend to help quilt!  By about 10:00 a.m.  our needle were flying!  And by 3:30 we were rolling both sides!   It is so wonderful to have that much done!   It was also so a great day to visit with this special lady. Now there is room to invite more ladies next week!  While we were busy quilting, Dad was busy outside & inside with lots of things.  About 5 p.m. he was eating an early supper, when I looked out the window, standing right there in the field behind the house was a deer!  He slipped out, went into the orchard, & shot our first deer of the season!   How blessed we are to get this great meat!  One day, we were able to have our first visit with lil’ Lucy Grant! She slept thru the whole visit – we enjoyed visiting her & Rosie!
    Saturday was another home day, laundry, etc. It’s the day we get ready for Sunday!  Enjoyed having Rob here for awhile! Dad appreciate Rob’s help on some outside chores too! Dad is going out in the morning and afternoon to get another deer, usually out about 11/2 hrs. He is seeing some bucks but not many does yet.
    We were talking the other day on how the Lord knew our up coming need to travel when our white Rav died. We’re grateful to have our new RAV to drive!
We love you all   & CTR 
Mom and Dad    

Monday, October 26, 2015

a call from Elder James Evanson of the Seventy . . . . .

Dearest Family!   
    Congratulations to Kenny & Rosie & Lucy Elisabeth born October 23, 2015 weighing in at 6 lb 13 ozs!   We feel so blessed that Mother & Baby are doing great!
    We have a wonderful, mostly normal week!   Our usual visits to Sisters, helping in Cowley, at the public library,  our morning at the FHC. It is just so very special to serve & help one another & the saints!!! Monday was a trip to the dentist for me & Bro Croft spent time checking out the computers in the church, things are just not going right.  Later in the afternoon the H Councilor over computers came in so they worked for awhile together & also with Technical people in SLC.   Problem still wasn’t corrected today.  Hope to get it fixed this week.
    Brother Bob Pratt passed away & we were able to attend his funeral on Monday, so many talented & beautiful voices in his family. It was great to end the day with a FHE in a Bishop’s home.  Wednesday evening we taught the YW of the Cowley 2nd ward about using Advanced Descendancy to find names for the temple.  The Laurels have scheduled another time in December so we will be able to work one on one!  That will be great!  On Thursday, it was great to help a Sister from Moorcroft, who was visiting her daughter.  We had a wonderful time in the Temple on Friday!   It was a beautiful day to travel, the temple was busy.  What a blessing it is to have it this close!   We were also able to visit a Family History Center there. Saturday I attended the Super Saturday in our ward & Bro Croft Went biking with Rob!  We both had a very special day.  It has been great to visit with some of you during the past several days!
    Well we came home on Wed for supper and received a call from Elder James Evanson of the Seventy in Lethbridge, Canada. He wanted to know if we could Skype with him that evening. We said we would be happy to, but were doing FH training with the C2 YW  until 8:30 pm. Since we were busy, the time went by fast and soon it was 9pm. (A little about Elder Evanson, he is a dentist  46 yrs old, he was released as Stake Pres in April 2015 and called as an Area Seventy. That area in Canada and a stake in Nauvoo leads the church in FH and people taking their own names to the temple. So he knows the import of FH in the lives of the people) Well after the usual hello’s he extended a call to us to be Area FH Advisors in the Montana Billings Wyoming Area. He said the brethern want you to do what you have been doing in your stake with the other 6 stake in your area. These stakes are Bozeman, Billings, Billings East, Gillette, Lovell, Cody and Worland. We’re aware of your service the past 3 years and the results in the Lovell Wyo Stake. Your Stake President gives you his highest recommendations. Go out and offer your services to these stake presidents, don’t wait for them to come to you! You can start tonight. We told him we wanted to do this full time and he said that is great and wonderful. He invited us to an Area Coordinating Council meeting in Billings on Nov 14 to bear testimony and to be set apart by him. He told us we can contact him at anytime by phone or email.
Here is a summary of our responsibilities:
Consult and inform Area Seventies and Stake Presidencies on Family History
Provide training in temple and family history to stake leaders and others within the stakes and wards
Keep local leaders informed on changes in temple and family history
Inform Family History Dept of local needs
Encourage Family History mission opportunities
Help with public affairs dealing with temple and family history
He reviewed the call process for us.  After gathering names and prayerful  pondering he submitted our names to the 7 Pres of Seventy. On the Sat of Gen Conf Elder Dale Renlund then a newly sustained member of the Twelve approved our names and authorized Elder Evanson to extend a call to us to serve. There was no time period given for the length of our service. We’re grateful to continue to serve full time at this time of the Hastening of the Lord’s work. We have really seen every week this hastening get faster in FH!  This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we know it’s true and love to serve and live it!  
May you all live it too is our daily prayer for each one of you!
Love Mom and Dad

Monday, October 19, 2015

Great – Great – Great!

Dearest Family,
        Great – Great – Great!  Brother Croft & I had a FHEve with a couple this week,  He reviewed indexing with the Brother & the Sister has had some health issues & wasn’t up to much heavy concentrating, so we just visited – We both agreed, it was so great to just visit!
    Wednesday evening, a group of 6 Priests, their leader & Bishop!   They caught the vision of Descendency Research & Hints.   Then to top it off we showed them the newest feature in the Family Tree App! It has a list of hints for the first 6 generations in your tree. You can link them to people or add new people to the tree where ever you are with Wifi or data plan!  So fun!  How to find the new feature: Apple ck the 3 lines menu in the upper left corner - Android ck the 3 dots menu in the upper right hand side and ck on the Hints list item. You will get a list that you then ck on a name to see all the hints for that person. Remember that hints are being added everyday so they just keep showing up! ! !     
    And speaking of Hints – one evening I was helping a lady & we had looked & looked for a certain Census for this family – it was no where to be found.  I had tried searching for it so many different ways. I went to one of the family members person page & in her hints it was listed.    The last name for the family was Davis & was indexed as “Da*s” because they couldn’t read it when they were indexing.  But the hints found it by matching all the other info about the family!  Very Cool.
    The plague of this week, at least twice, was the internet, especially today – so slow in all the buildings! So Dad will be working hard tomorrow to solve the problem with the Church and the Wifi company? ?
    And by the way, we have a trick light here in the family room!  Sometimes is works & sometimes it doesn’t! The last couple of days it has been working, but tomorrow, who knows?   We do have a new ballast to replace in it so that should help! Deer season began this week and we checked out Snell’s bean field but none came out that night. They are threshing the beans now so we’ll have to wait a few days for that to finish and the deer to move back into the area! Dad and I enjoyed another Friday morning boat fishing at HS Bend, didn’t get any fish big enough to keep but had a great time together! Dad put in a new threshold in our front south door too. Our green house is doing great all the plants growing nicely! Still no killing frost in our area yet as of Oct 18.
Held a wonderful Youth FH Consultant meeting this evening to show and train them in the latest in Family Search, They get so excited about all the new stuff for mobile devises! Bro Crosby came to invite them to serve in the FH Center on Sunday nights when their schedules allow.
We love you all & appreciate all your prayers, & good works!    Our Love,   Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, October 12, 2015

This has been a fun & exciting week!

Dearest Family!  
       This has been a fun & exciting week!    I think I’ll just mention several of the highlights. 
         Wednesday after helping a couple, we returned home to prepare for an evening with a HP group Presidency & I to help one of their wives.  Bro Croft went into to review some videos which he was going to use.  Much to his surprise, everything on the site was in Spanish!  There is a place to change the language & it would change to any language listed, but each time we selected English, it would return to Spanish!  We checked both of our tablet, both computers – all the same.  We tried using other browers – still just Spanish!  We had Darece check her’s – Spanish. The next option was to call a help line, but who do we call?  We didn’t have a help number for – so.o.  FS it is!     The missionary on the other end of the line (in Utah)  just didn’t know what to do.  We asked her to go to, which she did. Guess What?   Her’s was in Spanish also!   Next step, she contacted her supervisor (in California).  She checked her’s also.  It was in English.  Very interesting!    We were given a number for more technical support & he couldn’t replicate the problem. While on hold with this gentleman, the first song we heard was “I Need Thee Every Hour” them “Put your Shoulder to the Wheel”. He said he could do nothing.   (His was in English, in Utah)    We persisted, and finally he sent the problem to his supervisor.   About a half hour later it returned to English!     Thank goodness the video’s we needed for that evening Bro Croft had downloaded prior to the Spanish!
        Friday Afternoon,  we helped the Elders.   Elder Hunter has a line, non-member, which he was stuck on!   I had worked on it prior to our appointment & just felt very uneasy about some parents we were going to add.  I felt inspired to go to, look in the public trees to see if anyone else was working on this family and they were!   It was wonderful to share with him & help him do it, to discover several more generations of his tree.  The first parents were not the right ones & there were several marriages, etc with the correct ones.   There were three Elders together & two had an appointment to give a discussion to a Sister who is becoming active now.  We helped the third Elder while they were away.   At the end of their discussion, they were holding it across the hall from the FHC, the Sister pointed to the FHC door & said, “Can I go in there?”  They were excited to bring her in, & now we have an appointment to help her this week!
        About a month ago a HP group leader in Cowley talked to us about giving a presentation in their Priesthood mtg sometime. Of Course, we were willing, just let us know when. Today we decided to attend Priesthood & Relief Society in Cowley in between the two Sunday School classes that we help in.  Bro Croft went to the Bishop before Priesthood meeting to see if he could just say a few things about FH at the beginning of the meeting?  He discovered that they were expecting the FH presentation today!  The Lord does have a way of putting people in the right place at the right time!    We were there to fulfill this assignment – when we needed to be, even if we didn’t know it!
        Other activities, in addition to FH appointments – Fishing on a calm & beautiful lake Friday a.m – Friday night Lovell Football, Dance team & Swing Choir.  Saturday Afternoon we went to Allen & Amber’s to visit all of them! We had a great time making some treats & loving our newest Grandson, Neil Allen Croft – what a precious little guy he is!
    It’s been an awesome week with lots of spiritual moments and the goodness of the people we help is wonderful! They pray for us, thank us and give us food items all the time! We’re so grateful to be able to serve the Lord thru all the people in our area. We did service work at the Park Visitor center this week too! Had some special time there informing folks of this area and what is available for them to enjoy. 
 We love you all and may God Bless,
 Bro & Sister Croft


Monday, October 5, 2015

  Dearest Family, 
      Congratulation to Allen, Amber & Family.   Neil Allen Croft arrived Wednesday, September 30, weighing in at 6 lb 13 oz.   Mom & Baby Neil are doing fine!  We are so grateful for his save arrival!
That makes a total of 25 grandchildren for us!

    We have had a wonderful week! It was great to Skype our cousin, Jane on Monday morning.  8 a.m. here is 4 p.m. in Denmark.  It has been a while since we have visited, she was on a trip, then the last month it seemed I was always busy on Monday morning!  It is amazing that we can visit this way with our friends around the world.  We also enjoyed Elder Scott’s funeral that morning.   Our time in the Public Library was busy also.  It ended with a FHE with the 7th of our 8 Bishops in the stake. what a wonderful way to start the week.
Tues was a little slower, one visit helping a sister index, even took a nap in the afternoon, then Family History center in the evening with people to help & a lesson to teach.  Wednesday, normal appointments, and a class with the Family History Consultants in the stake!  There was a wonderful spirit of comradery  and unity there that evening!   Thursday a.m.  in Cowley, several of our patrons I think had left to go to General conference so it was a little slower but we still had one to help!
The highlight of this week has to be General conference!   It is such a  inspiring time & we enjoy the messages so very much! It is such a time of reflecting, pondering, & listening to learn the things we can do to progress & draw nearer to our Heavenly Father.  Saturday we enjoyed it all here at home!  I even attended General Priesthood meeting with my sweetheart!   He had decided to watch it here at home since he is still very sensitive to smells after his Wed evening problem with too many smells at church. We enjoyed it together.  Sunday, Allen & the family came up for the morning session at our house. We enjoyed that.  Amber, I am sure had a very quiet morning at home in Worland with baby Neil.   Had waffles at Darece & Ken’s together for lunch!   The traditional  “Whole Wheat Yeast Waffles”  also ham & scrambled eggs!

There are many thoughts and quotes to think about but just to share one from Elder Bednar’s talk. This is from Elder Robert Hales as told to Elder Bednar by him. “When you cannot do what you have always done then you only do what matters most!”  We have experienced this in recent years . . . . .good council even for younger folks!  We’re anxious to re-listen to and study  all of Gen Conf in the coming months so we know the Lord’s will for us  now.  We know we can count on His council to bless our lives!
Love you all!

Bro & Sister Croft

Monday, September 28, 2015

We have had FHE with two Bishops,

Dearest Family!   
        What an amazing week this has been!  We have had FHE with two Bishops, one has 5 children at home & two away from home. One of the Youth Consultants also helped with this family!    The other was a husband & wife, family all out of high school – the missionaries just moved in with them.  One Bishop, while Bro Croft was helping his daughter, was exploring some more in the descendency view. He found all the siblings in his Yugoslavian  side of the family who had immigrated to the US!   It was so exciting for him!  Both bishops are catching the vision of this great work & how it can help their ward members!   We were also in the the home of a High Priest Group Leader.  He met us at the door with “I just have this problem with this family, none of them are married.”  He & Brother Croft worked on it thru the Descendancy View using the hints & before long they were finding spouses & families. It has been an exciting time for everyone who learns to do it correctly.   Indexing is where it is.   It indeed does  “Fuel the find!”  And everyday the hints increase in number, helping us find more people!
    We have had some other special appointments this week.  We have indexed, added photos, & consulted with a Sister who wants to add a history she wrote about her husband & his family. Each week we also help several non-members.  One of them also visits the FHC several times a week. Today in Worland we shared the Memories App with several!  Dad was ask about the new Descendency process and had a chance to explain it to the HP Group! It was great to be with Allen, Amber & their family today.  Melvin, Ira & Leanne were all in the Primary Program & did great! We enjoyed lunch with them & the afternoon.   It was Homecoming in Lovell & we went to part of the Pep Rally & the first half of the Football game.  Also received pictures from Vicki of Mica’s Homecoming Dance!   Thanks you!!!!!
    Friday was Temple Day, had a great time in Billings,   Saturday morning we found time to go out to the Lake & do a little fishing!   Weather was beautiful, caught a few Catfish, & enjoyed watching deer along the shore.  The Women’s Broadcast was so very special, so hope you were all able to attend!   Several Scriptures stand out in my mind!    Philippians 4:13  “I can do all things through Christ which Strengtheneth me.”  Each talk was so wonderful & I so want to read & listen to them all again.   At the end of Pres Uchtdorf’s talked mentioned two scriptures which I want to find. Dad and I always re-listen to these talks several times in the coming months. Now it is exciting to anticipate General Conference this weekend.  It will also be a special blessing in our lives to watch Elder Scott’s funeral tomorrow! He was such a special Apostle!  We use his FH quotes every week!
    It was great to talk to Vicki last night too! Also got a note from Chalin in the MTC and he is doing wonderfully! Enjoyed seeing the eclipse last night also! We love you all and appreciate your desires to CTR!
Bro & Sister Croft

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Started out as a very normal week

Dearest Family
        Happy Birthday to Krysta on Sunday, September 20  Hope you had a very special day!!!!
        Started out as a very normal week – Monday it was so good to be at the Public Library again, even tho it was a little slow.   A new librarian there had received a phone call wondering if they had microfilms of old Lovell newpapers.    No,   but she & I did do a lot of looking & research  trying to see what we could find.   Wednesday she came to the FHC to look at micro films which we have there of the Big Horn Basin wards.   She was able to find  a record of a marriage which the man was looking for.
        Monday evening was another one of our FHE with  Bishop Mike Jones & family.   It was great, also had Ed & Sheraldean there, was a cousins night with the Jones.  What was the most special was his daughters were able to find names to take to the temple!  What a great night!  But after we came home Bro Croft’s cold turned into a real bugger!   Lots of coughing & not any sleep for several nights. All the forest fire smoke and local crop residue burning had set him up for a wreck.
    Our week changed, Several cancelations, & most of the other appointments in homes I was able to do!  Tuesday evening I still taught our decendency class. It was our day in the FHC on Wednesday, I missed my companion being at both events.  There were other FH Consultants who helped me cover it.  Thursday a.m. in Cowley worked out OK,  we have a sister consultant who helped that day!  Enjoyed a Relief Society Soup Luncheon which they have there, but again missed my companion.  (I missed all the serving too, a lot more exciting than watery eyes, sore throat and nasal drip.)    Just don’t like it when he is sick!  He slept in the recliner until Sat night.
    I did enjoy  a little more time at home tho.   Stayed busy sewing on several projects  which was so nice!  Whitney’s quilt is finished & started a quilt for Allen & Ambers baby boy!  Now I am looking forward to starting Lindsay & Conner’s Wedding quilt!  We got some tomato cuttings started for our green house now that cold nights and soon to be frost will take care of our plants outside. Planted some greenhouse cucumber too.
     Wednesday evening Bro Croft did do a 11 yr old Scout nature hike on our place with 10 boys and leaders. Everyone enjoyed feeding all the ant lions the best. We have dozens of pits around this fall and lots of big 2 to 3 inch ones.  Then on Friday afternoon we helped a couple with family History in rural Lovell!   I am so glad he is feeling better.   This week end was great – Stake conference with Elder Deshler of the Seventy!  Also had the new mission president  and temple president speak in our meetings. We met the new mission president and wife, the Wadsworth’s from Nevada who came in July.  We were able to share with he & his wife a few things about FH in our Stake & how the stake FHC and consultants are prepared  to help the missionaries as they use it as a proselyting tool!  We feel they have a testimony of FH work as a vital part of reactivation of members and as a finding tool for new converts.
    Then tonight was our monthly meeting with the Youth Family History consultants!   How great they are! They always have so much insight on what other youth can benefit from. We appreciate our HC men being there and encouraging them each meeting.
Love you all CTR always!
Bro & Sister Croft

Monday, September 14, 2015

Today was wonderful with our classes and patrons to help!

Dearest Family! 
           Happy Birthday to Rhonda on Wednesday, September 17!   Hope your day is special!       
    This week has been different – with a holiday to start it off – Labor Day – no public library this week!  Seemed strange so we are anxious to be there tomorrow!  We both found plenty to do here at home, Bro Croft outside & I am just getting around to getting Whitney’s graduation quilt done, finished the blocks, got them sewed together, & it is tied.  Just need to finish the edges & they are all pinned in place!  Won’t be long now, when I have a few minutes.    We did spend the evening at Gaye & Frank’s  helping Gaye on her new computer!

    We have had regular appointments this week – when someone canceled we used that afternoon helping Carvel & Patty Despain, our Stake Family History Consultants who will do similar things like we do.  Bro Croft helped Sister J, an older sister who just bought herself a tablet while I was in the home of another Sister!  Indexing with some, uplifting others, just helping in whatever way we can – so wonderful & we enjoy it!!!!

    Seems like this week has been busy with prep time, climbing around in the trees of one of our Bishops trees – we have a FHE there tomorrow night & want to be sure we can help everyone in his family find several names for the temple, using the Descendancy Research.        
    We went to HS Bend to fish from our boat on Friday morning very calm and nice temps – caught some cat fish too! Also spend Friday afternoon & evening in Powell – Marlene & Valynn were here visiting.   Was nice to just visit.  They will be returning home on Monday.

    On Sat Bro Croft worked under the house putting support wires to hold the insulation up over our crawl space. After nearly 40 yrs it is falling down from the floor above. He also replaced an outside faucet while I helped JQ here at the house.  Rob and Michelle came by to show us their new fat tire bikes and Dad rode Rob’s in the driveway . . . those 4” tires on a bike are crazy?!  Allen. Amber and children stopped by for supper after being to the temple in Billings. The Grants watched the kids today too.

    Today was wonderful with our classes and patrons to help! Had a sacrament meeting that reminded us of the Savior and the importance of the sacrament each week! There is a church wide emphasis on improving our Sunday worship service and the blessing of partaking the sacrament each week.   
    We love you all and CTR    Bro & Sis Croft

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

It’s Fall! There is a little crispness to the air!

Dearest Family!
        Happy 3rd Anniversary to Micah & Kirena! Have a great day!
        It’s Fall!  There is a little crispness to the air!  There are veggies from the garden, and beet trucks going by! Last evening when I went to town there was a fall & winter smell in the air – Sugar Beets cooking at the factory – By February we will be a little tired of it!
        The week has been busy & wonderful!  Last Sunday’s meeting with the Stake High council was so special President came up to the TV and started teaching the HC as I moved thru the slides – and during the week we were able to visit  the home of one of the Stake Prescy , the one whose tree we climbed around in.  We had found new people to add resulting in Temple ordinances needed!  At his home he was able to add the new people & print out the Temple Ordinance Request! He now has names from his own family to do in the temple! On Wed evening we met with the Bishops to teach them the Adv Desc process too, again President helped teach them how to do it. He is so excited and enjoys doing FH with this new process! !

        Another evening, we went to another one of our Bishops homes & helped he & his wife find new names to add to the tree, source them and print some out for them to do temple work on!   
        We have enjoyed visiting with Allen Sessions and wife, he is a first cousin to Grandma Croft!  He grew up here in Lovell just a 1/2 block from, his Grandparents, Scott Aytch & Agnes Ada Sessions. He was around 10 when they passed away!   He has some fun memories of them. His mother was a convert to the church, & during her lifetime did enjoy doing Genealogy. It was a popular thing to make a pedigree chart with little 1”x 1 1/2” pictures of each set of parents glued on it.  Picture this – they found among her things a white plastic ice cube tray – in each of the compartments  with multiple copies of the people on her pedigree chart! How I wish I had taken a picture of it!     Maybe next time we visit I’ll remember to take one!

        On Friday, we had a wonderful visit with Chalin!  He had been in Powell for another Eye appointment & stopped by & had lunch with us on his way back to Laramie! Thanks Chalin, we enjoyed it so very much!
        Today was a nice day – it is always special to hear & share testimonies.   Classes were mostly work shops – this time of year gets long & drawn out with holidays & stake & general conference!  We will be glad to get back to a normal schedule next month!  We did teach the Elders, High priest & Relief Society in the Lovell 2nd ward about the Advanced Descendancy Research!  Our prayers are that many of them will have a desire to  do it so they can experience finding their own names for the temple.
Our love to all of you!  Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, August 31, 2015

We have been busy with all kinds of training!

Dearest Family,   
        Happy Birthday to Aunt Gaye on August 31, Monday, & Darece on Friday, September 4th!   We hope you both have wonderful days!   
        What an amazing week!   We have been busy with all kinds of training – especially Advanced Decendancy!  Ward Consultants on Wed evening, FHE with two bishops, the High council today.  Each time we do one of these we try to climb around in their trees to  find examples of this process.   We are so grateful for the guidance we receive in this process!  Wow!!!! There have been so many very sacred moments this week – ones in which it could have happened only with His help!  Daily, miracles happen!  We only need to take the time to  recognize them!  This week was one where there were so many!
        On Thursday evening we visited Frank and Gaye to help them with FH and setup a new laptop/external hard drive combo. It was a wonderful evening with family visiting and being together! Seems we don’t get that done often enough. . .

        We had a wonderful day in the temple on Friday doing initiatory work for the dead for a couple that we work with at the assisted living center, who can no longer attend the temple.  While there we visited with Bret Morrison, a Lovell native, who is the Temple Recorder.  It was wonderful to learn more of his responsibilities & also learn more about the process of submitting, doing ordinances, etc  Then in the parking lot when we were getting in the car, a member of the Cody Stake Presidency stopped Bro Croft with questions on how to excite their stake about FH. We will go to his home to teach him since the handbook says that leaders must be trained first to have their hearts changed. On the way home we stopped at the Rocky Mtn HS gym to watch the girls volleyball preseason tournament. We like to support all the youth that we work with in FH! We were able to see parts of matches from both Lovell and Rocky. Sure makes a difference on how the kids relate to us when we spend time with them!

        Today, after our meeting at 9:00 am training the High council about Advanced Decendancy, the excitement spread so quickly across the stake!  People were asking us about it or telling about it!  The most wonderful part of this training was to have President assist us in explaining the process at the TV to the HC. He is so excited about the names he and his family are finding in his their tree!
        Our little garden is producing lots of tomatoes and Dad’s deer food plot is growing good too. With no apples this year this plot will help keep the deer moving thru our place during the hunting season.
    It is late, I have been preparing for a FHE tomorrow night!  You know, climbing around in someone’s tree, so it looks like this letter is going to be short!
        We love you all!       Bro & Sis Croft   

Monday, August 24, 2015

Another Wonderful Sunday has come & gone!

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday to Micah Vehrs, his special day is Wednesday!  On Friday, we wish Uncle Bill or Brother Bill a Happy 70th Birthday!  Hope you both have a wonderful day!
    Another Wonderful Sunday has come & gone!  It was a busy one!   We enjoyed so very much the classes we were in today – they were mostly open workshops – most of the wards are just waiting until after Labor Day to start new classes!  It was great to help people with Descendancy research – they are actually finding new cousins to add to the tree!  They get so excited! And so do we, even when it is not our cousin!  During a free moment I was preparing for a FHE which we have tomorrow night, I had paused & said a prayer, then went into the tree of the Sister where we are going.  I felt I should go back farther than 1800 so that I could look at the sisters of her gg? grandmother.   And there-----That is where I found some people that I can show her tomorrow night – to help her learn how to do it!  That inspiration is wonderful!    Tonight was our Youth Family History Consultant Meeting!  We had 9 there & taught them to do the Descendancy searches also!  It is so fun & most of the time successful!

    Monday – that yearly mammo – yes daughters, I had mine done, be sure you get yours done!  And then on Tuesday a bone density test. I am healthy & strong!  The Rav even had it’s 5000 mile checkup on Tuesday!  Public Library was busy with several people. We had a great FHE at our Stake President’s home – teaching them how to find cousins to add to the tree!   Names to do temple ordinances for!
    Tuesday – In home visit in Cowley before heading to Powell then back to Lovell for mobile app class at the FHC in the evening! Dad planted the deer food plot today too. This year with no apples anywhere the deer will need other goodies to keep them coming by during hunting season.

    Wednesday was planning meeting with the Crosby’s & our morning to work in the FHC.  Two public patrons & several others!   One of these two patrons is seriously investigating the church & was asking many questions of the consultant who was helping him. That was great, the spirit of Elijah inspires all to find their families! Each day was full to the brim, with 2-3 appointments! 
    Thursday evening we did go to the YCC program at Big Horn Canyon Rec Area.  Whitney had worked there this summer & it was special to hear about what they had done this summer!  And Friday a morning of fishing at the lake with one catfish and wonderful weather (some smoke that day too).  In the afternoon, I helped a lady with FH here at the house while Dad & Ken went to Horseshoe Bend.  They polished up the dome lens on the webcam with headlite cleaner to remove the oxidation from the sun that had clouded it up. A nice service project for us!

    Saturday it was wonderful to have Allen, Amber & Family stop by for dinner on their way home from the temple!  It was also a catch up day here at home, laundry, etc!  I helped Dad put a new tarp on the big quail pen since the wind tore the old one off a few weeks ago. We will replace the other two in the coming weeks as well! We hope with cooler weather the next batch of quail eggs will hatch. We saw a herd of white tail deer this evening with several bucks having velvet hanging from their antlers in Ray Snell field by the canal.
Love you all, Bro & Sister Croft 

Monday, August 17, 2015

We have had some amazing experiences with Mary Lou Roser this week

Dearest Family!
    Happy Birthday, last Thursday to Camille!   She was three!  It is also Ken & Darece’s 26th Anniversary on Tuesday! 
    We have had some amazing experiences with Mary Lou Roser this week – received a 3 ring notebook with pictures of the Sinclair side of the family & of Mary Lou & her family!  Go to Family Search to see the pictures of Warren Hart Sinclair & his wife Martha Magdalene Grater!   This is the first picture we have seen of Warren Hart Sinclair. These are Grandpa Croft’s grandparents on his Mother’s side of the family!  Bro Croft is adding a few each day when he has time. To see the ones of Mary Lou, since she is still living, you will need to sign as a helper to Bro Croft.  We also had a nice visit with her Monday evening! 
    Today was so very nice!   Dino Collins & Nathan talked in the 4th ward where we attend Sac Mtg each Sunday!  They both did great!  Each of our SS classes was great, mostly workshops, but those are my favorites!  I am able to work one on one with people who are wanting to figure out something!  I like that the very best!  Bro Croft had a wonderful experience with a couple today,  They wanted to find names to do temple work for & the brother didn’t know his LDS account. We recovered it. He had never used FS before either. Bro Croft got between them and coached them thru the advanced descendancy process. The very first name the brother checked hints on was a 1920 US Census that had a wife and 6 children (all new people to add to the Tree and that needed temple ordinances) They now have their first own names to do in the Temple this week!  At the same time I had the opportunity to help a brother share names with the temple & with his family! All of these hints showing up in FS are a result of our indexing – Fuel the Find 
    Over the past several months, I have been helping an elderly sister 88, add pictures to the tree.   She has learned the each step, a week at a time, scanning, putting in familysearch, labeling, & last of all tagging them in the tree, actually attaching them to the person in the tree! We were down to the last step on Wednesday & she seemed a little bit frustrated when I left!  Friday night about 9:30 pm she called me, very excited, to report that she had completed tagging them, all 80!   Most of them included several people. She was so happy & was looking for more pictures to add to the tree!
    Each day has been filled with helping – we feel so blessed to have this opportunity!  There was also time for relaxation!  I have even sewed a little on a quilt. On Friday we were able to take the boat to the lake for the first time to get all systems working good!  It was a beautiful, clear morning, no wind . . . nice fishing, but no catching!  Just as we were preparing to leave, we saw a man with his two small grandsons whom Bro Croft had known in Powell, he worked for us at the Lab for several years.   He asked what we were doing now, during retirement?  And when Bro Croft told him, he said, “Can you help me, even tho I’m not a Mormon?”  Another exciting contact . . . we will call them to setup a time!
    We attended the final fireside of Youth Conference last night “What Think Thee?” was the theme. It was a wonderful spiritual time for the youth the last few days. To hear their testimonies was awesome!
    We have also had nice visits with many of you,  Joy & Symphony tonight.  Al called and Rob stopped by Saturday for a while. Was great!
Love to all of you
Bro & Sister Croft

Monday, August 10, 2015

We had a wonderful week ! ! !

Dearest Family! 
   Happy Birthday to all of you;  Uncle Frank, last Wednesday & Joy, last Saturday!   This week we wish Kenny & Rosie, Happy 1st Anniversary! 
    We had a wonderful week,,, beginning July 26th with Family History appointments, recording stories, helping find temple names, recording stories, it is the greatest!

     Then Saturday, August 1, we were off to Big Sky Montana (since 1998 now) for our annual Croft Reunion week! Rob’s family, Vicki’s family, most of the Grants came that day!  Sunday is always a special day!  The Big Sky Branch has eleven active members, but total attendance that day was 72, mostly visitors!  Allen’s family arrived from Worland in time for church at 10am! Wow they got up early to do that!  We always enjoy the pot luck  which they have after church on Fast Sunday!
     Each day was filled to the brim – eating, swimming, fishing, playing on the lake & climbing wall – picnic in the meadow & ball – biking, late night games with various age groups, bleached t-shirts, coloring quilt blocks, warm cookies & 100’s of otter pops!   Cooler weather, low 70’s all week!   Rain every so often for a few minutes then sunny!  Lots of pictures!  Some have already made their way to face book! And we missed so very much those 9 members of our family who were unable to attend, but we do understand that sometimes it is not possible to be everywhere & do everything that happens!

    Family Home Evening & Talent night was great!   We enjoyed hearing from our returned missionaries, Chris about Mozambique, Africa. Tchae about Mexico City, Nathan about Tonga, & Conner (Lindsay’s husband) about Taiwan.  Thank you, everyone, for skits, music & sharing.  What an amazing, talented group you are!      
    Then Friday afternoon, it was back to Lovell for us!   Nice trip home & getting prepared and rested up for a busy Sunday!  Saturday we attended a funeral of a friend at 10am then home and off to Byron park for the annual Scott Aytch Sessions reunion where over 50 cousins attended. This reunion will be held every 3 years in the future in hopes of getting more of the younger ones to attend!

Our classes were small today, but we were able to help with special questions of the brothers & sisters who were there.   We also listened to three missionaries returning home & one preparing to leave the various ward in the stake.  I’m sure you are asking how we did that!  Well we attended one ward Sacrament meeting at 8am  where two spoke!  then during the day, in between our FH Sunday School classes we were able to listen in on the other two in two other wards!  What a great spirit they have.   It has been great today, ending with an Eagle Court of honor tonight for one of our young men FH consultants in Cowley!
    Indexing challenge - - - 100,000 indexers doing on batch during one week!!!!   Pretty amazing!   Be a part of it!  Index & submit a batch this week, ending on August 14! Be a part of this great work!
    Love to all of you! 
  Bro & Sis Croft!
Bob and Rena Croft Family August 2015 Big Sky, MT


Monday, July 27, 2015

It is always great to write & ponder the activities of the week . . . .

Dearest Family!   
        It is always great to write & ponder the activities of the week and think about the upcoming birthdays & anniversaries!  It is Happy Birthday to Aunt Betty on Friday, July 31,  Happy Anniversary to Vicki & Bryan on July 31st!   It is Happy Birthday to Ethan on Saturday August 1st & Bekah on August 3, Monday!  We wish you all the best!
   It has been a fun week as we have worked with people!  We have helped several index, looked for ancestors, & lots of helping with the Apps!  It is so special to see people enjoying this  part of Family history.  Our App classes on Tuesday evenings are going great – it has been fun to have some of the Youth consultants help with those!

    On Friday we went to Billings to the temple!  What a great day it was!  Sometimes the messages there just seem to really hit home & it was that kind of a day!  A cousin of Grandma Croft’s (Evelyn), Carol Bolan, was there from Casper in our session.  She also stayed in the temple for a sealing session & was happy to do some sealings which we had.  We so appreciated her help! She had caught a ride to Billings with some friends, then stayed with other cousins in Billings. They brought her to the Cowley Reunion on Saturday in Byron! A very small group at the reunion this year as more of the older cousins are passing away and the younger ones don’t come. Dad had the opportunity to teach the Area FH Advisors how to use the new Mobile Apps so they will be able to share them with the 14 area Stake Presidents!

    This week we also received a letter from Mary Lou Roser!  She is a cousin of Grandpa Croft’s.    We first learned about her & received her address in May.  I had requested thru Findagrave some photos of headstones of the Sinclair family in Ohio, the family of Jane Labelle Sinclair Croft.(that is Grandpa Croft’s mother)   A volunteer went to the cemetery on Memorial Day to take the photos of the headstones.  Mary Lou Sinclair Roser, age 88, was there decorating the graves while the volunteer was taking pictures of them. He talked to her & told her what he was doing.  He shared her address with us & we have been in contact.  She remembers coming to Wyoming to visit Grandpa & Grandma Croft & remembers the family.   Bro Croft remembers her visit, he was about 10, & he also remembers her occasionally calling.   We have talked to her on the phone, it has been lots of fun & she is so excited to have some other family to talk to.   She & her husband, Dick Roser have 2 children, one is deceased, & their daughter has three children, ages early twenties!  We have shared pictures of our family, & she is sending pictures of her family!   She also has some older pictures of the Sinclair family that we don’t have! We are excited to see them.   We have also found pictures of her among photos which Grandpa Croft had.  There are also unidentified pictures  which we hope she can help us identify! We will keep all of you posted & share the pictures & info which we receive!

    The week has been a busy one with a few extra’s along the way, several trips to the Big Horns,  & I got a perm one day!  Dad has several new audio stories in FS since his snake experience on the mountain . . . ck them out!  There has also been a few preparations for Big Sky!  It will be here before we know it!  So excited to see all of you!    Love you all so very much!   Bro & Sis  Croft
Young Rattle snake at 6000' base of Big Horn Mtns

Monday, July 20, 2015

We have taught classes today about using the apps to record our audio stories!

Dearest Family!
        Happy Anniversary to Ethan & Bekah!   Happy Birthday, Vicki on Tuesday   &   14th Happy Birthday to Talon on Wednesday! 
   Sunday I am always so very thankful for the opportunity to renew covenants with my Heavenly Father each week! I am grateful for His tender mercies & forgiveness for my short comings! We have had a great day!    We have taught classes today about using the apps to record our audio stories!   We have also taught classes about Descendency Research.   It makes it so easy to find new people to add to Family Search then we can do temple ordinances for them.  It is getting easier & easier each day!

  It was also so great to meet with our Youth Family History consultants!  They are a great group of young men & women!  We reviewed with them the techniques of adding photos,  also pointing out how they can help the people to correct problems which can occur!  Several stayed to asked specific questions & learn more!
    Yesterday a Sister shared with me how much fun she had had learning about her family in FamilySearch.   She was preparing for a talk on Sunday on pioneers!  It is so easy to find this now!  Later that same day she helped her granddaughter, age 9, add an audio story to FamilySearch.  What a treasure that will be to the granddaughters family in the coming years!

    Bro Croft had a special moment this week helping an older brother add his first audio story!   After giving him some basic instruction he decided to do his first story!  After speaking the first several sentences about his grandfather, the tears began to flow!  The spirit witnessed to him that this was a great work, one that is important to do! 
    Our Tuesday evening class on the Apps was great!  I had one of the Youth consultants helping in my class!  It was so great to have her youthful spirit & expertise with the handheld devices. We have been in several homes this week helping with this same thing!  As you can see, it has been a busy week with 3-4 appointments every day!

    Saturday was the “Big Horn Lake Day” at Horseshoe Bend.  We enjoy helping with that!  It is so great to see the people returning from the free boat rides so amazed at the beauty of this amazing world we live in! The weather was a little cooler this year – so was a very enjoyable day!  Also had an uneventful trip to the Mountain preparing Bro Croft for Big Sky!   Hope to get food plans from all of you this week!
    We send our Love to all of you!   CTR    Bro & Sis Croft

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

All morning we were excited to see Nathan!

Dearest Family,        Happy Birthday, Ky!  This is a big one, he is now 16!
    What a wonderful day it has been!!!! All morning we were excited to see Nathan!  He had arrived home in Lovell very early this morning, 4:00 a.m. ish.   While we were in Cowley today, abt 11:30, we decided to listen to Jake Jones, a grandson of Ed Jones, who was reporting his mission!   He is also a very good friend of Nat’s.  We moved chairs into to the back of the overflow area to listen & someone reached back to shake Bro Croft’s hand!  It was Nathan. He, Whitney & Talon, had come to listen, too.  I jumped up to give him a hug! After another FH class, we returned to Lovell 2nd ward to hear him speak!    He did a great job!  Had a couple more classes & then it was off to the Grant home for dinner!  What a great evening with family!  Rob, Michelle, Krysta & Josh, Allen, Amber & family, and the extended Grant family, in all over 60 people.

    This has been an exciting week!  Library Day was especially busy,  during the 3 hrs we were there we helped seven people!  One sister was helping two others learn to index & I was just the support system!  It was great, but very busy!  We have met several times this week with a couple our age who are being sustained as Stake FH Consultants.  They just got new tablets & we have helped them get them all set up! It was fun to have her share about an experience she had this morning, trying to solve a problem with an ancestor – she just happened or was inspired to read a story posted in FS – and there was the answer!
        Our Memories App classes have been so exciting!  This week there were nine, including us.  This group was amazing, some were consultants, learning about the Apps, but all were helping each other! They were all so excited, had fun & caught the vision of recording their audio stories!  When the spirit testifies of these things it is so great!  We also had a FH Consultant class this week & helped with it!  My elderly Sister is adding pictures & is amazed! While at the Living Center, we happened to mention how our Rave had died & Bro. S  told stories for an hour & a half about his Father’s mechanic shop & his experiences with fixing cars & tractors!   He had said he was just about out of stories!

    It was so nice to  work with others this week – even tho we visit some every week, they are always amazed at all the things they can do!  Bro Packer’s funeral was great on Friday!  So much doctrine about the here after is taught at the funerals of the Apostles!
    We did have several afternoons free & I completed Rosie & Kenny’s Quilt!   We have also went to the mountain several times this week, had a nice visit with Joy & Tchae tonight!  Bro Croft was able to talk to Aunt Betty. She has had two Cochlear implants recently. She was able to talk a little better. We are so grateful for that!
    I’ll try later this week to sent out info on numbers for Big Sky & the schedule!   We love you all,   CTR  See you all soon!
    Love you all – Bro & Sis Croft

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

We hope each of you had a wonderful 4th of July!

Dearest Family   
    Happy Birthday to Marlene on Monday & Happy Birthday to Amber on Wednesday!
Hope you each have a wonderful day! We hope each of you had a wonderful 4th of July!  We do live in a wonderful country! We spent part of the day at home, staying out of the heat – 100 degrees several different days!  Mid-afternoon we received a call from a family traveling thru the area, returning home to Utah from their vacation.  She had had family who had lived in this area, Great grandparents I think and wanted to take pictures of where it might have been.  We met them at the FHC, learned a few things & made a few phone calls. We did locate where their homestead might have been & were able to take them to that place east of town!  They then went on to Byron, where the great Grandfather & Mother are buried!  We’ll do some calling next week & will probably be able to find out more info which we can email to them.  We enjoy these experiences so much! We enjoyed the Annual Rael Barbeque, it is a fun event in Cowley. It is fun to visit with friends & enjoy great food! did n’t stay for the fireworks tho – I did watch a few on TV!
    This week one of the older Sisters that we help each week decided to learn to scan pictures!  Bro Croft had installed software on her computer some time ago.  We showed her all the steps & wrote instructions for her, then we went thru them step by step!   I called her several days later to see how she was doing & she had scanned 30 more all by herself!  She planned to do more during the rest of the  week.  What an amazing 88 year old! This week we will teach her how to put them in Family Search!
    Our Memories App class on Tuesday evening was great also!  There were a few less people because of the holidays, but one on one is always best & we were a little short on consultants to help! Today in most of our classes worked on recording also!  Had several sisters today who are going to family reunions this next weekend & plan to records the stories which are told!  They will do great!
    At the Public Library, R H had been reading a book in a comfortable chair, it’s a cool in there, it happened to be abt a 100 degrees outside.  Abt 2:45 he brought his bulging brief case over to where I was, I have helped with this briefcase before!  We solved several questions which he had & then were finishing up!  He pulling a small book out of somewhere – titled Authors of 1927  or something like that.  “my grandmother has a poem in here which she wrote!”    The book fell open to the page.  “Brother R H” I replied, “you should read that poem on the Memories App & Bro Croft could help you put it in Family Search”  Bro Croft had just happened to come to where we were, & the two disappeared to a quieter corner of the Library.  Bro R H practiced reading the poem once, them recorded it. He is so excited, he is a great story teller & has had a very interesting life, is a convert to the church.  He is converted to the idea of recording his experiences!  What a special experience it was! We see the Lord’s hand working in so many ways each week!
    We have also had some special times this week with a couple who are thinking about doing an “at home mission”. They are learning the basics of FS & will soon be able to help others.

    We took our first trip to the mountains on Friday – it is the beginning of at least weekly trips to help G’Bob get acclimatized to the higher elevation! I have included a picture of a Blue Grouse which strutted across the highway in front of us & posed for a picture!
    Remember we love you all, CTR & it  is not long until BIG SKY!        Our love Bro & Sis Croft