Monday, July 20, 2015

We have taught classes today about using the apps to record our audio stories!

Dearest Family!
        Happy Anniversary to Ethan & Bekah!   Happy Birthday, Vicki on Tuesday   &   14th Happy Birthday to Talon on Wednesday! 
   Sunday I am always so very thankful for the opportunity to renew covenants with my Heavenly Father each week! I am grateful for His tender mercies & forgiveness for my short comings! We have had a great day!    We have taught classes today about using the apps to record our audio stories!   We have also taught classes about Descendency Research.   It makes it so easy to find new people to add to Family Search then we can do temple ordinances for them.  It is getting easier & easier each day!

  It was also so great to meet with our Youth Family History consultants!  They are a great group of young men & women!  We reviewed with them the techniques of adding photos,  also pointing out how they can help the people to correct problems which can occur!  Several stayed to asked specific questions & learn more!
    Yesterday a Sister shared with me how much fun she had had learning about her family in FamilySearch.   She was preparing for a talk on Sunday on pioneers!  It is so easy to find this now!  Later that same day she helped her granddaughter, age 9, add an audio story to FamilySearch.  What a treasure that will be to the granddaughters family in the coming years!

    Bro Croft had a special moment this week helping an older brother add his first audio story!   After giving him some basic instruction he decided to do his first story!  After speaking the first several sentences about his grandfather, the tears began to flow!  The spirit witnessed to him that this was a great work, one that is important to do! 
    Our Tuesday evening class on the Apps was great!  I had one of the Youth consultants helping in my class!  It was so great to have her youthful spirit & expertise with the handheld devices. We have been in several homes this week helping with this same thing!  As you can see, it has been a busy week with 3-4 appointments every day!

    Saturday was the “Big Horn Lake Day” at Horseshoe Bend.  We enjoy helping with that!  It is so great to see the people returning from the free boat rides so amazed at the beauty of this amazing world we live in! The weather was a little cooler this year – so was a very enjoyable day!  Also had an uneventful trip to the Mountain preparing Bro Croft for Big Sky!   Hope to get food plans from all of you this week!
    We send our Love to all of you!   CTR    Bro & Sis Croft

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