Monday, October 12, 2015

This has been a fun & exciting week!

Dearest Family!  
       This has been a fun & exciting week!    I think I’ll just mention several of the highlights. 
         Wednesday after helping a couple, we returned home to prepare for an evening with a HP group Presidency & I to help one of their wives.  Bro Croft went into to review some videos which he was going to use.  Much to his surprise, everything on the site was in Spanish!  There is a place to change the language & it would change to any language listed, but each time we selected English, it would return to Spanish!  We checked both of our tablet, both computers – all the same.  We tried using other browers – still just Spanish!  We had Darece check her’s – Spanish. The next option was to call a help line, but who do we call?  We didn’t have a help number for – so.o.  FS it is!     The missionary on the other end of the line (in Utah)  just didn’t know what to do.  We asked her to go to, which she did. Guess What?   Her’s was in Spanish also!   Next step, she contacted her supervisor (in California).  She checked her’s also.  It was in English.  Very interesting!    We were given a number for more technical support & he couldn’t replicate the problem. While on hold with this gentleman, the first song we heard was “I Need Thee Every Hour” them “Put your Shoulder to the Wheel”. He said he could do nothing.   (His was in English, in Utah)    We persisted, and finally he sent the problem to his supervisor.   About a half hour later it returned to English!     Thank goodness the video’s we needed for that evening Bro Croft had downloaded prior to the Spanish!
        Friday Afternoon,  we helped the Elders.   Elder Hunter has a line, non-member, which he was stuck on!   I had worked on it prior to our appointment & just felt very uneasy about some parents we were going to add.  I felt inspired to go to, look in the public trees to see if anyone else was working on this family and they were!   It was wonderful to share with him & help him do it, to discover several more generations of his tree.  The first parents were not the right ones & there were several marriages, etc with the correct ones.   There were three Elders together & two had an appointment to give a discussion to a Sister who is becoming active now.  We helped the third Elder while they were away.   At the end of their discussion, they were holding it across the hall from the FHC, the Sister pointed to the FHC door & said, “Can I go in there?”  They were excited to bring her in, & now we have an appointment to help her this week!
        About a month ago a HP group leader in Cowley talked to us about giving a presentation in their Priesthood mtg sometime. Of Course, we were willing, just let us know when. Today we decided to attend Priesthood & Relief Society in Cowley in between the two Sunday School classes that we help in.  Bro Croft went to the Bishop before Priesthood meeting to see if he could just say a few things about FH at the beginning of the meeting?  He discovered that they were expecting the FH presentation today!  The Lord does have a way of putting people in the right place at the right time!    We were there to fulfill this assignment – when we needed to be, even if we didn’t know it!
        Other activities, in addition to FH appointments – Fishing on a calm & beautiful lake Friday a.m – Friday night Lovell Football, Dance team & Swing Choir.  Saturday Afternoon we went to Allen & Amber’s to visit all of them! We had a great time making some treats & loving our newest Grandson, Neil Allen Croft – what a precious little guy he is!
    It’s been an awesome week with lots of spiritual moments and the goodness of the people we help is wonderful! They pray for us, thank us and give us food items all the time! We’re so grateful to be able to serve the Lord thru all the people in our area. We did service work at the Park Visitor center this week too! Had some special time there informing folks of this area and what is available for them to enjoy. 
 We love you all and may God Bless,
 Bro & Sister Croft


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