Monday, December 21, 2015

The spirit of Elijah touches hearts –

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday Kenny & Happy 11th Birthday Melvin!   Hope you each have a very special day!
     We’ve had a wonderful week, The spirit of Elijah touches hearts – we have been blessed to witness that several times this week.  One experience shared with us by phone sums up our excitement for this work & out “Find – Take – Teach” blesses the lives of so many!
High Council man trains HP Grp Lder in Pickup Truck out on the range
Dec 2015
    In early December we trained a high councilman, 200 miles away, using Skype in 2 - 2hr sessions one week when he was off from his work in the coal mines. He was excited to learn his duties and to have help in learning Family Search so he could lead by example. We could tell he really felt the Spirit of Elijah those two days. He was able to find several new people and add them to his tree, all needing their temple ordinances done. We have had email contact with him several times since to assist him with questions and inform him of new updates to family search. Each time he has learned the new process so he is “walking the talk”. This morning by phone he shared the following experience with us. . .
(A week ago today Family Search Tree app had a major enhancement for Android mobile devices which we sent out along with screen captures to inform leaders of this new exciting update.) He received this info just before going to visit one of his HP Group leaders to do family history training. Even though he owns an Apple smart phone that has not yet been updated he knew this brother had an Android smart phone so while they were checking cows on the ranch, this HC man taught this HP Group leader how to download, use the app and its new features. This HP Group leader is from a long heritage of family being members of the Church and names have been very hard for him to find. He guided him thru the process, within 30 minutes this man had found several new names, added them to his tree (with their sources) and reserved them for temple ordinances. He plans to do these names soon in the Billings Temple. Remember this is in a pickup truck on the range checking cows by a man who didn't even know such an app was available an hour before. This HP Group leader can't wait to teach his family, his Bishop and HP brethren how to do the same!
We call this new process a family history miracle and it can work miracles for those who are taught how to use it! The new feature is called “Descendants with Tasks”. The Lord really wants His children to be able to Find an ancestor, Take that person to the temple and Teach someone else to do the same, beginning with our own family!

     For our 49th anniversary we served others and then cooked our own steak dinner that evening! It was a wonderful day and evening for us!!!  What a joyous & wonderful time of the year this is when our hearts are turned to the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ! Thursday evening we attended our ward Christmas dinner and program centered on the Savior. Being with family, holding our little granddaughters and visiting made it a nice time! It has been a wonderful day with many special things – partaking of the sacrament – the spoken word about Him & our Stake Christmas Choir Concert with beautiful music worshiping Him. We attended the Basin and Greybull wards today, seeing lots of folks we have known over the years. Sharing the new FS Tree app with many was exciting for them and us! On our way home we stopped to visit the Twins in Greybull having a nice time and eating some soup and goodies with them! They are both doing good for their age and challenges!
We have indeed feasted today!  And now the goal for me is to remember Him each day – most especially to pattern my life after His in service & love for others.
We especially like this quote from Ezra Taft Benson,
 “I know the Lord lives. I know that He loves us. I know that apart from Him no one can succeed, but as a partner with Him no one can fail. I know that God can make a lot more out of our lives than we can.    May we all have the moral courage from this moment forward to more fully strive each day to think on Christ, learn of Him, walk in His steps, and do what He would have us do.”

We love you all & have a wonderful Christmas Day!   We are looking forward to having the Fike’s arrive on Sunday Dec 27, for a few days!   
Love you  all, & CTR   Mom & Dad

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