Monday, October 5, 2015

  Dearest Family, 
      Congratulation to Allen, Amber & Family.   Neil Allen Croft arrived Wednesday, September 30, weighing in at 6 lb 13 oz.   Mom & Baby Neil are doing fine!  We are so grateful for his save arrival!
That makes a total of 25 grandchildren for us!

    We have had a wonderful week! It was great to Skype our cousin, Jane on Monday morning.  8 a.m. here is 4 p.m. in Denmark.  It has been a while since we have visited, she was on a trip, then the last month it seemed I was always busy on Monday morning!  It is amazing that we can visit this way with our friends around the world.  We also enjoyed Elder Scott’s funeral that morning.   Our time in the Public Library was busy also.  It ended with a FHE with the 7th of our 8 Bishops in the stake. what a wonderful way to start the week.
Tues was a little slower, one visit helping a sister index, even took a nap in the afternoon, then Family History center in the evening with people to help & a lesson to teach.  Wednesday, normal appointments, and a class with the Family History Consultants in the stake!  There was a wonderful spirit of comradery  and unity there that evening!   Thursday a.m.  in Cowley, several of our patrons I think had left to go to General conference so it was a little slower but we still had one to help!
The highlight of this week has to be General conference!   It is such a  inspiring time & we enjoy the messages so very much! It is such a time of reflecting, pondering, & listening to learn the things we can do to progress & draw nearer to our Heavenly Father.  Saturday we enjoyed it all here at home!  I even attended General Priesthood meeting with my sweetheart!   He had decided to watch it here at home since he is still very sensitive to smells after his Wed evening problem with too many smells at church. We enjoyed it together.  Sunday, Allen & the family came up for the morning session at our house. We enjoyed that.  Amber, I am sure had a very quiet morning at home in Worland with baby Neil.   Had waffles at Darece & Ken’s together for lunch!   The traditional  “Whole Wheat Yeast Waffles”  also ham & scrambled eggs!

There are many thoughts and quotes to think about but just to share one from Elder Bednar’s talk. This is from Elder Robert Hales as told to Elder Bednar by him. “When you cannot do what you have always done then you only do what matters most!”  We have experienced this in recent years . . . . .good council even for younger folks!  We’re anxious to re-listen to and study  all of Gen Conf in the coming months so we know the Lord’s will for us  now.  We know we can count on His council to bless our lives!
Love you all!

Bro & Sister Croft

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