Monday, October 19, 2015

Great – Great – Great!

Dearest Family,
        Great – Great – Great!  Brother Croft & I had a FHEve with a couple this week,  He reviewed indexing with the Brother & the Sister has had some health issues & wasn’t up to much heavy concentrating, so we just visited – We both agreed, it was so great to just visit!
    Wednesday evening, a group of 6 Priests, their leader & Bishop!   They caught the vision of Descendency Research & Hints.   Then to top it off we showed them the newest feature in the Family Tree App! It has a list of hints for the first 6 generations in your tree. You can link them to people or add new people to the tree where ever you are with Wifi or data plan!  So fun!  How to find the new feature: Apple ck the 3 lines menu in the upper left corner - Android ck the 3 dots menu in the upper right hand side and ck on the Hints list item. You will get a list that you then ck on a name to see all the hints for that person. Remember that hints are being added everyday so they just keep showing up! ! !     
    And speaking of Hints – one evening I was helping a lady & we had looked & looked for a certain Census for this family – it was no where to be found.  I had tried searching for it so many different ways. I went to one of the family members person page & in her hints it was listed.    The last name for the family was Davis & was indexed as “Da*s” because they couldn’t read it when they were indexing.  But the hints found it by matching all the other info about the family!  Very Cool.
    The plague of this week, at least twice, was the internet, especially today – so slow in all the buildings! So Dad will be working hard tomorrow to solve the problem with the Church and the Wifi company? ?
    And by the way, we have a trick light here in the family room!  Sometimes is works & sometimes it doesn’t! The last couple of days it has been working, but tomorrow, who knows?   We do have a new ballast to replace in it so that should help! Deer season began this week and we checked out Snell’s bean field but none came out that night. They are threshing the beans now so we’ll have to wait a few days for that to finish and the deer to move back into the area! Dad and I enjoyed another Friday morning boat fishing at HS Bend, didn’t get any fish big enough to keep but had a great time together! Dad put in a new threshold in our front south door too. Our green house is doing great all the plants growing nicely! Still no killing frost in our area yet as of Oct 18.
Held a wonderful Youth FH Consultant meeting this evening to show and train them in the latest in Family Search, They get so excited about all the new stuff for mobile devises! Bro Crosby came to invite them to serve in the FH Center on Sunday nights when their schedules allow.
We love you all & appreciate all your prayers, & good works!    Our Love,   Bro & Sis Croft

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