Monday, December 7, 2015

This morning we visited the Byron Ward!

Dearest Family,
    Well, it has been a wonderful day & week!  This morning we visited the Byron Ward!  We were also able to attend their FH class, visit with the HP group leader, & help a little in the class! Seemed a little slower this a.m. because we left home at 8:45 rather than 7 a.m. Had both lunch & supper at home today, a first for quite a while.  Even had a little rest time prior to going to the Lovell 3rd ward at 3:00 p.m.  Kenny & Rosie blessed Lucy Elisabeth today!  It was super to be there!!!!
    We left immediately after the blessing & went to Greybull to a FH Consultant meeting! The Basin & Greybull wards are just trying to get going with the new things! That was great, but with the First Presidency Broadcast tonight, we were unable to stay longer & actually help them one on one!  That will come later! We really felt that it went well.  Also had one HP group leader there & the High Councilor over FH there also (17 people total we knew several of them too)!

    In the evening we Skyped with Bryan, Vicki, Mica & Isaac!  Was super!  They are learning to find names using the new mobile app Family Search Tree doing the descendancy/hints process!  Bryan found his first name & printed it!
    This has been a great week for Skyping!    We did training four different times with 1 High councilmen in Gillette (2x). a HpGrp lder in Otto & a FH Center director and youth FH consultant daughter!  It is working great!  Technology is great!  One of Grandma Croft’s cousin’s passed away, Helen White, & we attended her viewing on Monday!   On Saturday we attended the funeral for Dean Wolvington who died of some rare disease.

    We did have Wednesday free from all appointments, several canceled, but it was a great prep day.  We were able to get in some study time & get some indexing done!  Then on Friday, the afternoon ended up free, so I invited several sisters to quilt!  It is progressing, & will be done before to long.  The unquilted part is about 2 feet wide, but the temple is always slow for me to do!  It is fun to do that part!
    Saturday, Allen, Melvin, & Kona (bird dog)came to do some pheasant hunting!  No birds, but we sure enjoyed the time we were able to spend with them!  While Dad & Allen were doing things on a tablet like FH, how to Skype and using Roku box to watch BYU TV,   Melvin & I played several games!  A great family time!

    We love you all! Love Mom and Dad

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