Tuesday, September 8, 2015

It’s Fall! There is a little crispness to the air!

Dearest Family!
        Happy 3rd Anniversary to Micah & Kirena! Have a great day!
        It’s Fall!  There is a little crispness to the air!  There are veggies from the garden, and beet trucks going by! Last evening when I went to town there was a fall & winter smell in the air – Sugar Beets cooking at the factory – By February we will be a little tired of it!
        The week has been busy & wonderful!  Last Sunday’s meeting with the Stake High council was so special President came up to the TV and started teaching the HC as I moved thru the slides – and during the week we were able to visit  the home of one of the Stake Prescy , the one whose tree we climbed around in.  We had found new people to add resulting in Temple ordinances needed!  At his home he was able to add the new people & print out the Temple Ordinance Request! He now has names from his own family to do in the temple! On Wed evening we met with the Bishops to teach them the Adv Desc process too, again President helped teach them how to do it. He is so excited and enjoys doing FH with this new process! !

        Another evening, we went to another one of our Bishops homes & helped he & his wife find new names to add to the tree, source them and print some out for them to do temple work on!   
        We have enjoyed visiting with Allen Sessions and wife, he is a first cousin to Grandma Croft!  He grew up here in Lovell just a 1/2 block from, his Grandparents, Scott Aytch & Agnes Ada Sessions. He was around 10 when they passed away!   He has some fun memories of them. His mother was a convert to the church, & during her lifetime did enjoy doing Genealogy. It was a popular thing to make a pedigree chart with little 1”x 1 1/2” pictures of each set of parents glued on it.  Picture this – they found among her things a white plastic ice cube tray – in each of the compartments  with multiple copies of the people on her pedigree chart! How I wish I had taken a picture of it!     Maybe next time we visit I’ll remember to take one!

        On Friday, we had a wonderful visit with Chalin!  He had been in Powell for another Eye appointment & stopped by & had lunch with us on his way back to Laramie! Thanks Chalin, we enjoyed it so very much!
        Today was a nice day – it is always special to hear & share testimonies.   Classes were mostly work shops – this time of year gets long & drawn out with holidays & stake & general conference!  We will be glad to get back to a normal schedule next month!  We did teach the Elders, High priest & Relief Society in the Lovell 2nd ward about the Advanced Descendancy Research!  Our prayers are that many of them will have a desire to  do it so they can experience finding their own names for the temple.
Our love to all of you!  Bro & Sis Croft

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