Tuesday, July 7, 2015

We hope each of you had a wonderful 4th of July!

Dearest Family   
    Happy Birthday to Marlene on Monday & Happy Birthday to Amber on Wednesday!
Hope you each have a wonderful day! We hope each of you had a wonderful 4th of July!  We do live in a wonderful country! We spent part of the day at home, staying out of the heat – 100 degrees several different days!  Mid-afternoon we received a call from a family traveling thru the area, returning home to Utah from their vacation.  She had had family who had lived in this area, Great grandparents I think and wanted to take pictures of where it might have been.  We met them at the FHC, learned a few things & made a few phone calls. We did locate where their homestead might have been & were able to take them to that place east of town!  They then went on to Byron, where the great Grandfather & Mother are buried!  We’ll do some calling next week & will probably be able to find out more info which we can email to them.  We enjoy these experiences so much! We enjoyed the Annual Rael Barbeque, it is a fun event in Cowley. It is fun to visit with friends & enjoy great food! did n’t stay for the fireworks tho – I did watch a few on TV!
    This week one of the older Sisters that we help each week decided to learn to scan pictures!  Bro Croft had installed software on her computer some time ago.  We showed her all the steps & wrote instructions for her, then we went thru them step by step!   I called her several days later to see how she was doing & she had scanned 30 more all by herself!  She planned to do more during the rest of the  week.  What an amazing 88 year old! This week we will teach her how to put them in Family Search!
    Our Memories App class on Tuesday evening was great also!  There were a few less people because of the holidays, but one on one is always best & we were a little short on consultants to help! Today in most of our classes worked on recording also!  Had several sisters today who are going to family reunions this next weekend & plan to records the stories which are told!  They will do great!
    At the Public Library, R H had been reading a book in a comfortable chair, it’s a cool in there, it happened to be abt a 100 degrees outside.  Abt 2:45 he brought his bulging brief case over to where I was, I have helped with this briefcase before!  We solved several questions which he had & then were finishing up!  He pulling a small book out of somewhere – titled Authors of 1927  or something like that.  “my grandmother has a poem in here which she wrote!”    The book fell open to the page.  “Brother R H” I replied, “you should read that poem on the Memories App & Bro Croft could help you put it in Family Search”  Bro Croft had just happened to come to where we were, & the two disappeared to a quieter corner of the Library.  Bro R H practiced reading the poem once, them recorded it. He is so excited, he is a great story teller & has had a very interesting life, is a convert to the church.  He is converted to the idea of recording his experiences!  What a special experience it was! We see the Lord’s hand working in so many ways each week!
    We have also had some special times this week with a couple who are thinking about doing an “at home mission”. They are learning the basics of FS & will soon be able to help others.

    We took our first trip to the mountains on Friday – it is the beginning of at least weekly trips to help G’Bob get acclimatized to the higher elevation! I have included a picture of a Blue Grouse which strutted across the highway in front of us & posed for a picture!
    Remember we love you all, CTR & it  is not long until BIG SKY!        Our love Bro & Sis Croft

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