Monday, December 28, 2015

Lots of different activities!

Dearest Family,
    Happy 1st Anniversay to Lindsay & Connor!   next Sunday January 3!   Have a great day!
    It has been an interesting & fun week!   Lots of different activities!   On Monday, we were able to take Elders Hatch & Hunter, out to Big Horn National Recreation Area.  It was a little cold & windy, but there wasn’t a lot of time to hike anyway!   We were able to see wild horses & deer. 10 or so in one group.  Grandpa also called them back when they started leaving.   We looked & looked for sheep but were unable to find any – that was disappointing! We also enjoyed going to a musical play at the High School which Mila was in!  

    Tuesday Darece & I went to Billings – it was her day to work in the laundry at the Temple – so I helped her there. They had had a very busy day on Saturday with many young people there & also 4 families being sealed together for eternity.   They had had 12 children total being sealed to their parents.  It is something which most of us don’t think about, but when the Temple is busy, there is more beautiful white clothing to fold!  We folded & folded, for 2 hours!  No matter what one is doing in the Temple, it is special. We also  finished up some Christmas shopping! It was great to be together & visit!   While I was gone, Dad did Skype Training with a High Councilman in the Gillette Stake.  He said he also had lots of phone calls about FH related questions! He did some Christmas shopping too.  That evening we were in the Family History Center for our weekly FS app class!  A sister from Greybull FHC came up for that.

    ug-g-g-   Think I am getting a head cold!    This is not the time for one of these – or is it.   We do not have lots of planned training sessions coming up!    So on Wednesday we spent the day at home.   I quilted, baked bread and enjoyed a nice day! Rob stopped by in the evening & we enjoyed visiting with him, Michelle, we missed you!  They went on a trip for the holidays since all their family were other places!  Thursday was another at home day!  We spent Christmas Eve with the Grants!  Enjoyed a wonderful dinner, family home evening & Christmas carols!  Did any of you notice the beautiful full moon on Christmas Eve?  It only happens once every so years, next one happens in 2034 & the last one was in 1977.   Just a little trivia!

    Christmas Day was special also!  I actually slept in, we opened our gifts, then went to the Grants for a while, then home for the afternoon! Thanks to all of you for your thoughtful gifts!  We also enjoyed visiting with many of you!  On Saturday, we went to Worland and had a wonderful day with Allen, Amber & their family! It was great!  Then today was quiet also, Dad went to meetings – I didn’t want to pollute everyone so I stayed home. At 4:30 pm we did a FH training over Skype to a HCman and his family in Billings Stake. He has 7 children 11 yrs to 6 mo who were present. We shared all the new ways for families to do FH and they loved it. The 2 older boys and parents then practiced the FS hints/Descendancy process under our tutoring. The 1 1/2 hr session went by fast and they want to do more another time. It’s so important that leaders do this work first and have their hearts turned! !  Then they can teach others with testimony and words. This young HC man oversees 15 units and their HP Grp leaders. Today we added up how many wards and branches we can help in the seven stakes and it is 80, WOW.  We are so excited to see the Fike’s! They arrived this evening & will be here for several days!  We love it! 
    So love and appreciate all you good works and kind ways!  Our Love to all & CTR    Mother & Dad

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